Final Exam Review Flashcards
What is Phase?
A time delay between two or more waveforms.
What does S/PDIF stand for?
Sony Phillips Digital Interface Format
Are Cue sends sent as pre or post-fader?
Pre Fader
What are the 6 common sample rates?
44.1 kHz
48 kHz
88.2 kHz
96 kHz
176.4 kHz
192 kHz
What is an RMS meter?
Root Means Square, used to give the precise mathmatical average of a sound
Lossy or Lossless:
In a patchbay:
Signal is routed automatically without having to patch. If a patch is made the signal no longer passes automatically.
What Normalling Scheme?
Fully Normalled
In a patchbay:
Signal is routed automatically without having to patch. If a patch is made the signal still continues to pass automatically.
What Normalling Scheme?
Half Normalled
What are partials?
Any frequencies that exist in addition to the fundamental pitch being played
How many channels and max sample rate?:
8 channels max sample rate of 48 kHz
What is the standard sample rate and bit-depth of an audio CD?
44.1 kHz and 16 bit
What is Quantization Noise?
The difference between the actual analog value and the quantized digital value of a sample.
What points in the signal flow chart can the āTalk Back Micā signal be sent to?
Cue Buss and SLS level
Which point in the signal flow can an effect be placed that would only affect what the artist is hearing but would not be heard in the control room?
Cue insert send and Cue insert return
What are overtones?
Any partials that are above the fundamental pitch being played
What are harmonics?
Any overtone frequencies that happen to be whole-number multiples of the fundamental frequency being played
In binary code, what is a thousand bytes?
What does MADI stand for?
Multi-channel Audio Digital Interface
Lossy or Lossless:
Which dynamics processor would be best for removing ābleedā between played notes?
When using a time-based processor set up on an auxillary, what should the āMixā parameter be set at on the processor?
What is jitter?
Variations in the timing of samples.
What does AES/EBU stand for?
Audio Engineering Society/European Broadcasting Union
In a patchbay:
Signal is not routed automatically. A patch cable needs to be inserted to route signal.
What Normalling Scheme?
Non Normalled
What does the Feedback parameter on a delay do?
Causes the delay signal to be sent back into the delay processor to be delayed again.
Lossy or Lossless:
What does a parametric equalizer allow the user to affect?
Center frequency
How many channels and max sample rate?:
2 channels max sample rate of 48 kHz
On a dynamics processor what is Release?
How fast the dynamics processor will react to a signal crossing the threshold going down
Are Aux sends sent as pre or post-fader?
Post Fader
How many channels and max sample rate?:
64 channels max sample rate of 96 kHz
What is Word Clock?
The signal that keeps the timing of when samples should be taken.
Where are the SLS typically located?
In the studio live room
Which dynamics processor would be best for evening out the volume of an instrument or sound?
In binary code, what is a million bytes?
(Mega byte)
What are the Group Trims used for?
The final gain stage before tape
What type of data compression will remove some non-redundant information form the original file?
In binary code what is a million bits?
(Mega bit)
What does the Nyquist Theorem state?
In order to produce an accurate representation of a given frequency of sound, each cycle must be sampled a minimum of two times.
What is professional line level?
+4 dBu
How many channels and max sample rate?:
2 channels max sample rate of 96 kHz
On a dynamics processor what is Threshold?
Determine at what point the dynamics processor will start to work
On a dynamics processor what is Ratio?
Determines how much the signals that are being compressed or expanded will be turned down
On a dynamics processor what is Attack?
How fast the dynamics processor will react to a signal crossing the threshold going up
Which engineer would most likely add dither?
Mastering Engineer
What is the Theory of Electromagnetic Induction?
Whenever an electrically conductive metal cuts accross the flux lines of a magnetic field, a current of a specific magnitude and direction will be generated within that metal.
What is Impedance?
An eelectronics term that measures the amount of opposition a device has to an alternating current.
What does ADAT stand for?
Alesis Digital Audio Tape
On a dynamics processor what is Makeup Gain?
A level control at the output of a compressor that allows a compressed signal to be turned up
Doubling the intensity of sound-pressure creates a gain of what?
3 Decibels
The range of values represented by the binary word length is equal to what?
2nth where ānā is the number of bits in the binary word.
(the range of values represented are also known as the discrete amplitude levels.)
What are some examples of time-based processors?
Reverb and Delay
(Others include: chorus, flanger, phaser, termolo etc.)
In binary code, what is a thousand bits?
What is a Transducer?
A device that converts one type of energy or physical attribute to another for various purposes including measurement or information transfer.
How does Dither reduce quantization errors?
By randomizing the rounding of the bit depth up or down as opposed to truncating the bit depth off at a specified digit.
When should dither be applied?
When going from a higher bit depth to a lower bit depth
Lossy or Lossless:
What Does TDIF stand for?
Tascam Digital Interface Format
What are the 4 signal levels of an audio signal from lowest to highest?
- Mic Level
- Instrument Level
- Line Level
- Speaker Level
What are octaves?
Any harmonics that are also whole-doubled multiples of a fundamental frequency being played.
(Doubling of a frequency)
What is a VU meter?
Meter for measuring sound that is an intentionally slow measurement to reflect the percieved loudness of the signal
What is the dynamic range of 24-bit audio?
144 dB
What does the Channel Fader do?
Controls the level of a channel to the next stage which could be a group output or a subgroup.
What does the Master Fader do?
Controls the over-all level of the stereo bus
Which dynamics processor would be best for preventing distortion?
What is a dBFS meter?
Decibel Full Scale, the highest possible level in digital gear is 0 dBFS; used for measuring the peaks of a signal
What is the dynamic range of 16-bit audio?
96 dB
What does a DI or direct box do?
Converts a high impedance un-balanced signal to a low impedance balanced signal suitable for input on a microphone preamp.
What is the formula to calculate wavelength?
WL = V/F
(Wavelength equals the velocity divided by the frequency)
What does SLS stand for?
Studio Loud Speakers
What is consumer line level?
-10 dBv
In reference to A/D conversion; what are Discrete Amplitude Levels?
The ammount of quantization points available within a useful dynamic range.
(The discrete amplitude levels were calculated by 2nth)
What is PCM?
Pulse Code Modulation - The method used to digitally represent analog signals and is the standard form for digital audio in computers and various compact disc and dvd formats.