Final Exam Review Flashcards
Harm Reduction Approach
minimize potential health risks
treating everyone the same
providing the resources and opportunities that each person needs to be successful
impact on achieving goal
considers costs relative to benefits
how cost & benefits are distributed
Unintended consequences
unforeseen outcomes that emerge from an action
intended consequences
an outcome that is expected (viewed as a positive to a stakeholder)
Government intervention
do nothing & just monitor the situation (lower level of intervention)
Government intervention
eliminate choice entirely (greater level of intervention)
Precautionary Principle
stakeholders take action when there is a potential for harm to the environment or human health
incentives to encourage people to undertake healthier beneficial activities
Choice architecture
affects decisions on how they are presented which can lead to different outcomes
Liberal Paternalism
encourage people to make better decisions for themselves without restricting their freedom of choice (nudge ethic)
Ethics of surveillance
using surveillance technologies to protect public safety
Truth Decay
disagreement about facts and analytical
interpretations of data
labeling & discrimination
Logical Fallacies
flaw in reasoning
Cognitive Biases
inclination in human thinking and reasoning
Principled negotiation
produce wise outcomes/ invent options for mutual gain