Final Exam Review Flashcards
consent & authorization
allows info to be shared with entity on form. specifies to whom the info can be shared and what can be shared
distort perceptions of cns
boundary issues
client to patient is clinical relationship and not a prelude to friendship
collaborative relationship
shared partnership with shared goods/priorities where each party is invested in the process
clinician sharing demographic info or personal experience with the client
ex) therapist trying to relate to me
goals of child welfare system
safety from abuse/neglect
permanency in stable loving home with biological parents
well-being of kids
personality disorders
pervasive, persistent, patterns of how one perceives and related to self, others, and the world that are rather rigid, inflexible, cross multiple areas of life and impair functioning
carl rogers
early pioneer in counseling theory and practice
evidence-based practice
clinical practice that is informed by evidence about interventions, clinical expertise, and patient needs and preferences and their integration into decision making
service plan
what services need to be provided to ensure safety for psychological, physical, etc.
psychoactive drug
any drug that directly alters normal functioning of cns
knowing what to do or not to do in certain situations
mandated reporters
helping professionals that can’t legally maintain confidentiality for the safety of the person involved
rigidly held belief about a group that assumes all members of group have certain characteristics
mary ellen richmond
american social work pioneer along with jane addams. founded social case work
belief that 1 group is superior to another
strengths perspective
focuses on people’s strengths, skills and things that are going right and not just stuff that is broken
professional & moral commitment that creates a safe place for individuals to acknowledge pains and fears. legal requirement that levies sanctions if not followed
settlement house movement
members often went and lived in communities and offered support within
contemporary pics of homelessness
fastest growing group of homeless is families especially single parents
sedate or depress cns
social class
ppl’s place in economic system that impacts availability of resources/privileges
types of maltreatment
neglect, physical, sexual abuse, emotional
informed consent
disclosing to clients nature and risks of the helping realtionship and services/interventions prior to their engaging in them
dual relationships
engaging in a relationship w/ client outside of the professional one
ex)friend, romantic, business
small groups, families, neighborhoods, school, church
charity organization societies
english model, go to poor areas and offer help instead of giving $
long-term patterns of behavior w/ some historic significance, might include shared language, religious, and ancestral heritage, traditions
excite and speed up CNS
transtheoretical model
looks at process of change across therapy model. looks at series of stages that people often pass through.
1. precontemplation
anxiety disorders
difficult, persistent anxiety related to some type of threat, changing behavior to avoid danger, and impaired functioning related to symptoms and avoidance
Person In Environment
look at nature of systems in someone’s life and their interactions with them
jane addams
hull house in chicago, nobel peace prize in 1931. woman of the dam century
biopsychosocial model
biological influences, psychological, and social influences all affect each other and are all equally important
dysfunctional system
system that contains enabler, family hero, scapegoat, mascot, lost child and other characteristics of dysfunction
behavior that negatively impacts individuals within that group
causes of homelessness
Shortages in afforadable housing, financial crisis, lack of family support, oppression/discrimination, etc.
common genetic heritage of a species that identifies and differentiates it from another
chronic, relapsing brain disease characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use despite harmful consequences
family systems theory
shift in focus from individual dynamics to interactions within the system
positive/neg. bias about a group
beliefs that holds ones own ethnic/racial group is superior to another
culture that form within a larger culture
social darwinism
theory of evolution but people evolve socially and psychologically as a means of successfully adapting to environment.
runaway youth
results of poor family systems of abuse/neglect, who have gotten kicked out, aged out of foster care system
culture, society, policies, laws, government
generalist vs specialized
specialists hones skills related to their domain, a generalist seeks to sharpen a wide range of related skills that will prove useful in multiple domains
disease model of addiction
addiction is primary, progressive illness which means it has identifiable symptoms, predictable course, and likely outcomes if treated or not.
medical model on mental illness
mental illnesses are conditions with distinct etiology, pathogenesis and symptom profile
process of helping clients to identify problems
process of ranking, organizing issues in order of importance and/or intervention
psychotic disorders
experiences delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking, impairments in functioning
set of learned behaviors and ideas that are characteristic to a society
harm reduction
assumes abstinence is good but unrealistic, especially if ppl dont seek treatment. focus on reducing, limiting use and its negative consequences on person and society.
social learning model
addiction is result of previous learning. including the over learning of particular behaviors resulting in reinforcement through operant, classical conditioning, and social modeling and prescence of behavior deficits in effective coping skills
ecological systems theory
examines persons interactions with relationships in 4 main spheres of life