Final exam review Flashcards
In a fiduciary fund
Resources being held by the reporting entity (as agent or trustee) are not for the benefit of the government.
With fiduciary funds
- A government either has custody of certain assets or has the ability to direct the use of the assets for the benefit of others outside the government.
- The assets are not derived from the government’s own-source revenue, such as charges for services or taxes.
Fiduciary funds are reported by fund type in the fund-level financial statements only
o Statement of Fiduciary Net Position, and
o Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position
Fiduciary assets are excluded from the government-wide statements because
governments merely have custody, not ownership, of fiduciary resources
As a general rule ___ and ___ are used
accrual basis and economic resources measurement focus
Residual equity of fiduciary funds is
restricted net position
The account titles additions and deductions are used in place of
Revenues and expenses
Private-purpose trust funds are used when the government
is in a fiduciary relationship governed by a formal trust agreement other than those reported in a pension or investment trust fund
Endowments are created
when individuals or organizations contribute resources with the agreement that principal and/ or income will be used to benefit individuals, organizations, or other governments.
- When the principal is held intact, these are called endowments or nonexpendable funds
- in other cases, both the principal and income can be spent (expended) for specific purposes
Special revenue fund
When a Trust is to be used to benefit the government or its citizenry and it is Expendable: Trust does not distinguish between earnings and principal. Both may be expended for the purpose provided.
Permanent fund
When a Trust is to be used to benefit the government or its citizenry and it is Nonexpendable: Trust stipulates that earnings only (not principal) may be expended for the purpose provided.
Private-purpose trust fund
When Trust is to benefit individuals, private organizations, or other governments and the trust is nonexpendable (but doesn’t have to be)
Defined benefit plans
o The employer must pay a guaranteed level of benefit, computed using a formula. The benefit is paid out regardless of the amount available in the plan. It is possible for the fund to have unfunded liabilities.
o The risk of additional future liability is on the employer.
Defined contribution plans
o The employer has no obligation for pension benefits beyond what has been accumulated in investment earnings, e.g., a 401(k) plan.
o No promise on the future benefits paid out to the employees
o The risk of insufficient retirement pay lies with the employee, not the employer.
An investment trust fund exists when
the government is the sponsor of a multi-government investment pool and accounts for the external portion of the trust assets.
It is important to note that
* Investments are carried at fair value.
* Holding gains and losses (changes in the fair value) are reported as “Net increase (decrease) in fair value of investments.”
o Changes in value from completed exchanges (realized gains or losses), and
o Changes from year-end adjustments to fair value for investment balance (unrealized gains or losses).
Custodial fund
A government temporarily acting as agent for one or more other governments units or for individuals or private organizations
Entity-wide statements are prepared at year end by
A. Converting government funds to the economic resources measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting, including, long-term assets and long-term liabilities
B. Adding in the asset and liability balances from internal service funds along with any income earned through transactions with external parties.
C. Consolidating fund statements (other than fiduciary funds).
Journal entry for recording capital assets
Capital assets (net) DR
Net position beginning of year CR
JE for removing expenditures for capital outlays
Capital Assets (net) Dr.
Capital Expenditures CR
JE for recording depreciation
Depreciation expense DR
Capital assets (net) CR
JE for converting sales of capital assets to the accrual basis
Proceeds from sale of capital assets DR
Capital assets (net) CR
Gain on sale of capital assets CR
Recording long term liabilities
Net Position beginning of year Dr.
Bonds Payable Cr.
Changing “proceeds of bonds” to increases in debt “bond liability” (and premium if applicable) JE for it
Proceeds from sale of bonds DR
Proceeds from bond premium DR
Bonds payable CR
Bond premium CR
Changing expenditures for debt service principle to reduction of liabilities JE
Bonds payable DR
Expenditure - principle on bonds CR