Final Exam Review Flashcards
What contributed most significantly to the change in lifestyle that defined the Archaic Era?
The cultivation of maize
What was the role of women in most pre-Columbian North American societies?
Women held political, social, and economic power in their clans.
What is the main reason for cultural variations in North American Native cultures?
Which statement describes the pre-Columbian relationship to private property?
The concept of private property was largely unfamiliar.
Which statement correctly explains why Islam was slow to arrive in North America from Africa?
Africans enslaved and brought to America came from areas relatively untouched by the spread of Islam.
What is true about slavery in African societies in the fifteenth century?
Slavery was not a lifelong condition.
How did European cultures at the start of the twelfth century relate to those of Northern Africa and China?
In terms of trade and travel, Europeans significantly lagged behind both Chinese and North African cultures.
Who had the least power in the feudal system?
What group benefited the most immediately from the invention of the printing press?
The leaders of the Reformation
What was the most powerful country in Europe in 1492?
Which statement about the primary reasons for European exploration abroad is true?
Christians wanted to spread their faith to as many people as possible.
What country was the first to find an eastern sea route from Europe to India?
What two Catholic countries appealed to the Pope to settle an early colonial dispute in the New World?
Spain and Portugal
What country established the first permanent European colonies in the Americas?
What is true of the Cortés expedition of 1519?
The destruction of the Aztec people was in large part a result of smallpox.
Which statement is true of the Columbian Exchange?
The Columbian Exchange transformed the diet of Europe.
Which colonial power focused on finding a Northwest Passage from Canada to the Pacific?
Which statement about the English colony at Jamestown is true?
Jamestown’s economy was solidified through indentured servitude and tobacco.
Which English colony represented the most direct compromise between Protestants and Catholics in the early 1600s?
Which statement about the Separatists is true?
Separatists landed by accident at a site they called Plymouth, where they quickly signed an agreement to prevent them from being evicted while they awaited their patent from the British Crown.
What were the Navigation Acts designed to encourage?
English economic dominance in North America
Who ruled the proprietary colonies?
Individuals and corporations
Which proprietary colony was created in part as a haven for debtors?
What factor provided the most common framework for positive interactions between Europeans and Indigenous peoples before 1660?
Which statement is true of Metacom’s War?
Metacom led attacks on English settlements that were the first battles of the war
Which statement is an accurate description of the result of Bacon’s Rebellion?
Expansion of colonial democracy in Virginia would come to be associated with the subjugation of Indigenous peoples
What statement about the expansion of African slavery in the Chesapeake is true?
Because indentured servants could escape and merge comparatively unnoticed into the free population, demand for enslaved Africans rose
What were laws like Maryland’s “anti-amalgamation” law and Virginia’s restrictive marriage policies designed to establish?
Racial Seperation
What European country aligned with the Iroquois to battle England in New York?
The Netherlands
What statement is true of the Salem witchcraft trials?
Cultural anxieties following a war led to the execution of twenty people
What was the primary source of New England’s burgeoning industrial wealth?
Its proximity to the coast and the fertile soil
What was the primary cause of rapid western expansion in New England in the eighteenth century?
High birthrates
How did New England society’s relationship with Puritanism develop in the 1700s?
The Puritan religious hold over New England began to slip
What was the primary export of the Chesapeake region in the first half of the eighteenth century?
Which statement is true of the Southern Colonies?
There was a very small middle class, and most of the working class were unpaid for their labor
To what colonies were most enslaved Africans forcibly transported during the slave trade?
The West Indies
Which statement is true of the Middle Passage?
Slave traders could expect to lose a quarter of their human cargo on the journey
What was the result of the Glorious Revolution in the colonies?
Increased legitimacy of colonial assemblies
What was the cause of the French and Indian (or Seven Years’) War?
British territorial claims in the Ohio Valley
Which statement is true of Pontiac’s Rebellion?
Both sides used biological warfare against each other
What is true of the Sugar Act?
It was designed to end the policy of salutary neglect
What did the Quartering Act and the Stamp Act both serve to support?
The British military stationed in North America
What was the most effective form of protest to the Stamp Act?
Which statement is true about the Declaratory Act?
It declared that British Parliament had ultimate authority over the colonies
What did the Restraining Act indicate about Charles Townshend’s attitude toward the colonies?
Colonial rebellion against British law would not be tolerated
What type of taxes did the Townshend Acts primarily raise?
Taxes on imported items from Britain
Which statement is true of the Boston Massacre?
The conflict was a manifestation of colonial opposition to the Townshend Acts
What was the primary purpose of the committees of correspondence?
Conveying information within the colonies
What was the Tea Act meant to guarantee?
A monopoly for a British company
What were the Coercive Acts?
Laws designed to punish Massachusetts
Which statement about the underlying causes of the American Revolution is correct?
War only became inevitable when British crackdowns on local conflicts changed the tide of public opinion
What effect did Lord Dunmore’s proclamation regarding slavery have on the colonies?
Colonial anger was inflamed by Dunmore’s presumption that he could appropriate their human property
What political ideology did the Radical Whigs embrace as the cornerstone of their writings?
Which statement about Common Sense is correct?
It asserted that the king was interested in nothing so much as his own power
Which statement is true of the drafting of the Declaration of Independence?
A section blaming Britain for the institution of slavery was removed from it
Which statement is true of the course of the Revolutionary War?
Fighting gradually moved from North to South
What is the significance of the Battle of Saratoga?
It was the first major conflict that indicated the Continental Army could beat a large British force
The support of which European nation was most crucial to American efforts in the Revolutionary War?
Which statement accurately describes the events immediately following Yorktown?
A conspiracy within the Continental Army threatened political stability in America
Which is true of the Treaty of Paris?
It was a triumph for American diplomacy
Which statement is true about the Articles of Confederation?
They were slow to fully ratify and not particularly innovative
What made the Articles of Confederation a threat to national stability?
Its insistence on unanimous state approval to impose federal taxes
Which statement is true of the Northwest Ordinance?
It banned slavery from the territories in the Great Lakes region
What group suffered the most economic damage due to inflation following the Revolutionary War?
Which statement is true of Shays’ Rebellion?
The military conflict was largely a battle between rich and poor
What did the Great Compromise establish?
The membership of the Senate and the House of Representatives
Which statement is true of the three-fifths clause?
It established that people who enslaved others would benefit from a larger representation in Congress
What is a reason the Electoral College was created?
To ensure that only qualified candidates were elected
Which statement is true of the Federalist Papers?
The Federalist Papers argued that the states and the nation should share responsibility of government in a balance of power
What broke the deadlock between Federalists and Anti-Federalists that ultimately led to the ratification of the Constitution?
The promise of a Bill of Rights
What group benefited from the Naturalization Act of 1790?
White Immigrants
What early proposal of James Madison helped stabilize the early economy of the United States?
A tax on imported goods
Which statement accurately reflects Alexander Hamilton’s views?
The federal government of United States should take an active role in the economy of the nation
Which statement accurately reflects an argument that Hamilton used to defend his economic plans?
The constitution is flexible and subject to interpretation
Which statement is true of the Whiskey Rebellion?
Alexander Hamilton’s economic policies were a direct cause of the rebellion
Which statement accurately reflects American political conflicts regarding the French Revolution?
Federalists wanted to preserve their relationship with anti-revolutionary Britain, while Democratic-Republicans argued for the support of revolutionary France
Which statement is true of Jay’s Treaty?
It led to the removal of British military outposts in the Northwest Territory
Which statement is true of the American reaction to the Haitian Revolution?
Thomas Jefferson’s passion of the republican spirit of the French Revolution did not apply to the freedom of enslaved people
What is true of the Alien and Sedition Acts?
The Sedition Act was used to jail a member of Congress and several newspaper editors
What were the states of Virginia and Kentucky’s response to the Alien and Sedition Acts?
Legislation denying their validity
What concept is consistent with Jeffersonian Democracy?
Small farmers are the heart of American democracy
Which statement about Marbury v. Madison is correct?
John Marshall’s decision established the Supreme Court as the final arbiter of a law’s constitutionality
Which statement about the Louisiana Purchase is correct?
Economic pressures on Napoleon led to an extremely low price for an enormous amount of territory
Which statement about Lewis and Clark is correct?
They were sent by President Jefferson to explore far beyond the territory acquired by the Louisiana Purchase
What was the primary approach that Tecumseh and the Prophet took toward the western expansion of the United States?
They sought to resist European and American cultural influences
Which statement accurately describes the impact of Jefferson’s policy decisions with France and Britain?
Jefferson’s dismantling of the U.S. military allowed for unpunished attacks on American vessels
Which of the following is a cause of the War of 1812?
British support of pan-Indigenous peoples’ movements in Indiana Territory
Which statement is true of the military operations in the Great Lakes region during the War of 1812?
The British crushed an early attempt to invade Canada by American forces
Which of the following was a political consequence of the War of 1812?
The temporary end of the two-party system in the United States
How did American culture change as a result of the War of 1812?
American culture became more patriotic
Which statement about Henry Clay’s and John C. Calhoun’s American system is correct?
The American System depended on infrastructure improvements to facilitate travel within the United States
What is an accurate description of the American banking industry in the years immediately following the War of 1812?
A large number of unrelated banks issued a wide variety of unstable currencies
Which statement regarding the Monroe Doctrine is accurate?
The Monroe Doctrine took a firm stand against new European colonization in the Americas
What effect did the building of the Erie Canal have on the United States?
The emergence of New York City as an economic powerhouse
What effect did the invention of the cotton gin have on the Southern economy?
The Southern economy became dependent on a single crop
What state was at the heart of the political conflict that encompassed both the Tallmadge Amendment and Henry Clay’s proposed resolution?
Which statement about the Lowell System is correct?
Lowell built his system in part by exploiting wage disparities between women and men
Who made up the bulk of the active participants in the Second Great Awakening?
The new middle class
What was the focus of the largest antislavery movement of the first two decades of the nineteenth century?
The complete removal of Black people from America
Which statement is true of the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848?
It sought an active alignment with the founding documents of the nation
Which statement is true of the Panic of 1819?
It led Americans to expect financial support from their government
Which statement accurately describes the election of 1824?
It was marred by accusations of corruption and bribery and decided in the House of Representatives
What was a primary distinction between Jacksonian Democrats and the Whigs in the 1820s?
Emphasis on a strong executive branch
Which statement is true of the Election of 1828?
The winning presidential candidate held rallies, insulted his opponent, and courted the support of anti-elitist working classes
Which statement about the rights of African Americans in the Jackson Era is correct?
Segregation began to ease in the North as opposition to chattel slavery increased
What issue prompted the Nullification Crisis?
A tariff proposed by Andrew Jackson before his election
Which statement accurately reflects Andrew Jackson’s view of banks?
Paper money exists to aid the wealthy and hurt the poor and should be strictly regulated, if not outright banned
Which statement about Native American relations with the United States in the Jackson years is correct?
The United States repeatedly and consistently ignored treaties it had signed with Native American tribes
Which statement about the Cherokee Nation’s relationship with the United States legal system is correct?
The President of the United States ignored a decision by the Supreme Court in order to forcibly remove Cherokee people from Georgia
What effect did the Specie Circular have on the American economy?
It led to the Panic of 1837
Where did most immigrants come from in the years 1830–1860?
Ireland and Germany
Where did class consciousness develop for laborers in the North?
In places of leisure
What would signify that a family was middle (rather than lower) class?
The mother of the family did not work outside of the home
Which statement is true of the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church?
It became a national organization with thousands of congregants as early as 1824
What is true of discussions related to slavery in Congress in the late 1830s and early 1840s?
There was no debate on slavery at all in the House of Representatives at the time
What statement about White Southerners’ attitude toward slavery is accurate?
Even the poorest people in Southern society felt they benefitted from slavery
Which statement about the life of Nat Turner is accurate?
Nat Turner’s rebellion and the brutal retaliation that followed each took innocent lives
Which statement about the legal rights of enslaved people in the United States is accurate?
The laws established to set minimum standards of food, shelter, and clothing for enslaved people were unenforceable
Which statement about the culture that Black Americans developed under slavery is correct?
The Second Great Awakening had a profound influence on enslaved people and shaped their culture
How did most enslaved people resist slavery?
Through subtle subterfuge and deception
Which statement accurately reflects the concept known as “manifest destiny”?
God intended for white Americans to conquer the continent of North America
What event of the 1820s led to the mass migration of U.S. citizens to Texas?
Mexican Independence
What was a primary cause of conflict that led to hostilities between Mexicans and Americans in Texas?
The right to own enslaved people
What was the United States’ reaction to the violence between Texan settlers and Santa Anna’s Mexican forces?
What western region did Americans primarily migrate to for reasons other than economic prosperity?
What was a key element of James K. Polk’s successful presidential campaign in 1844?
American expansion should proceed without limits
What issue created a rift in the Whig party in 1844?
The annexation of Texas as a slave state
What did the expression “Fifty-four Forty or Fight!” refer to?
The American claim to land deep into Canada
Which statement accurately describes Polk’s position on Mexico in 1845, the year Texas joined the U.S.?
Polk repeatedly attempted to provoke Mexico into attacking America so that he could start a war
How did the course of the Mexican-American war proceed?
The United States won virtually every major conflict, eventually marched on Mexico City itself, and gained everything it had wanted before the start of the war
Which statement is correct about the Wilmot Proviso?
Its supporters and detractors in Congress could be predicted based on geographical rather than party lines
What is true of the election of 1848?
A third party broke off from the Democratic Party and proposed its own candidate
Which of the following statements is correct about the expansion of slavery under the Compromise of 1850?
Slavery would be allowed in Washington, D.C
What was the general reaction in the North to the passage of the Fugitive Slave Law?
The passage of state laws undercutting its powers
What did the Kansas-Nebraska Act state?
Kansas and Nebraska could each choose to be free or slave states
How did the Know-Nothing Party get its name?
Their denial of a secret ultra-nationalist society they belonged to but “knew nothing” about
What is true of Charles Sumner’s senatorial career?
He was violently beaten on the floor of the Senate after a speech he made
Which statement is true of the Dred Scott decision?
It ruled that California could not prohibit slavery
Which statement is true of the Lincoln-Douglas debates?
They left Southern Democrats disappointed that Douglas would not take a stronger stand for popular sovereignty
Which statement is correct about the Crittenden Compromise?
It attempted to revive the Missouri Compromise as a basis for the expansion and limitation of slavery
What was a strength of the South at the onset of the Civil War?
Greater willingness to enter into battle
What core belief lay behind the United States military strategy in 1861–1862?
Most Southerners valued their identity in the Union more than they did the expansion of slavery in the West
Which statement about the Eastern theater of the Civil War in the years 1861–1862 is correct?
Robert E. Lee’s successes in Virginia forced Lincoln to repeatedly change who was in command of Union forces in the East
Which statement about Abraham Lincoln’s domestic policies during the Civil War is correct?
Lincoln exercised his power as commander-in-chief to suspend parts of the U.S. Constitution
Who were the Copperheads?
Northern “Peace Democrats” opposed to the Civil War
Which factor was decisive for Lincoln’s attitude toward emancipation in the years 1861–1862?
Congressional pressure applied via the passage of the Second Confiscation Act
Which of the following statements about the Emancipation Proclamation is true?
Lincoln needed to frame the Emancipation Proclamation as a military rather than a moral strategy to gain the support of white Northerners
What did Sherman’s “March to the Sea” reflect about the Union military strategy in the Civil War?
Sherman’s strategy was a policy of utter destruction
What permanently abolished slavery in United States?
The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution
Which of the following statements is correct about the impact of the Civil War?
The conception of what was possible for professional women radically changed