Final Exam Review Flashcards
Concept of social moratorium as it relates to emerging adulthood
What is the overall challenge in emerging adulthood stage
What are the outcomes that result from emerging adulthood
What are precipitating social factors that lead to the envisioning of this new kind of stage and changes in society
Distantiation in Erikson’s model
Agent actor author scheme (Mcadams)
Mcadams talk on actor agent author
Changing social environment due to digital communication technology
Match adult stages with stage crisis (Erikson’s Model)
Alignment of Mcadam’s narrative development model with Erikson’s stage development model, personal myth creation
Definition of mutuality in Erikson’s adult theory
Emago formation and relation to agency and communion
4 types of generativity that Mcadam’s generalizes which is the psychosocial model and how a person relates to society
7 features of generativity: the sequence and the 2 that are motivational sources
Revisit the principles of major theorists, basic defining features and names of their models in article by agronin : levinson, beylon, giligan, cohn