Final Exam Review Flashcards
What are the five family maintenance strategies?
- Positivity
- Openness
- Assurances
- Social Networks
- Sharing Tasks
What are the functions of family stories?
- to remember
- to create belonging and reaffirm family identity
- to educate current members and socialize new ones
- to aid changes
- to provide stability by connecting generations
- to entertain
Define couple rituals
- expressions of affection, code words for secrets, and repetitive daily/weekly expereinces.
- these rituals function to develop relational culture and may include:
- enjoyable activities (e.g. playing golf together)
- togetherness (e.g. after dinner walks)
- escape episodes (e.g. “date night)
What are negative rituals?
- obsessively engaging in work rituals to gain distance and avoid relational contact.
- partner abuse.
- routinely picking fights and then engaging in destructive behavior (e.g. sexual binging) in self-righteous anger.
Define deception.
involves communicating or withholding information knowingly and intentionally for the purpose of creating a false belief.
What are the three couple storytelling styles?
- tell stories “as if they are jointly owned by both partners.”
Functional Separate:
- couples demonstrate respect, validation, and support while engaging in individual storytelling of unshared experiences.
Dysfunctional Separate:
- couples exhibit contradiction, disagreement, and poor listening as each tells their stories.
Define and identify relational currencies.
- communication behaviors that carry meaning about the affection or caring dimension of human relationships.
- as partners share currencies, they will form arguments about their meanings and either strengthen or limit their relationship worldview.
- certain currencies make a direct statement (e.g. flowers = “I’m sorry”).
- Positive verbal statements
- Sex
- Gifts
- Money
- Food
- Favors
- Listening
- Facial expressions
- Touch
Define confirming and disconfirming communication.
- implies acknowledgment and may be used to gain power when one tries to get another to identify with him/her, or when one tries to give rewards in order to gain power.
- the “silent treatment” represents this type of communication.
Define self-disclosure.
serves as a major means of gaining intimacy within a relationship, but it can also be used as a power strategy when one attempts to control the other through the “information power” gained through self-disclosure.
Define rejecting.
messages tie directly to punishment messages and are often used as control in family power plays.
Define dominance.
relates to dyadic, relational behavior. Domineeringness comes from an individual’s behavior.
What are Fitzpatrick’s three couple typles?
- accept uncertainty and change. They represent the most autonomous of the types, but do share and negotiate autonomy.
- differ from independent in greater conflict avoidance, more differentiated space needs, fairly regular schedules. They experience little sense of togetherness or autonomy.
- uphold a fairly conventional belief system and resist change or uncertainty. Leads to a strong degree of interdependence.
What are the five family role functions?
- Providing for:
- basic resources
- nurturance and emotional support
- adult sexual needs and gender socialization
- kinship maintenance and family management
- individual development
What are Hochschild’s three types of working couples?
- Traditional:
- women work but see themselves primarily as mother, homemaker, and community members. Husbands expect them to take care of the home too.
- Transitional:
- see husband’s identity as the provider. Husbands don’t mind that their wives work, but want them to take care of most home responsibilities too.
- Egalitarian:
- both partners jointly share home responsibilities as well as take advantage of career opportunities. Power is to be shared.
What are Fitzpatrick and Ritchie’s four communication patterns?
- high in both conversation and conformity strategies. Communication is characterized by a pressure for agreement, though children are encouraged to speak freely.
- high in conversation orientation and low in conformity. Open communication and emotional supportiveness.
- low in conversation and high on conformity dimensions. Stress upholding family ruels and avoiding conflict.
- low on both conversation and conformity.