Final exam quizzes Flashcards
- practice quiz
Alfred Wegener proposed continental drift after he observed evidence from fossils, glacial deposits, and the fit of the continents that suggested all of the continents were once ____
- combined to form a supercontinent (he termed Pangaea) in the late Paleozoic through the Mesozoic
The idea that the continents have maintained fixed positions throughout time ____
- (A & B correct) - was accepted by scientists until the late 1960s, was replaced by the theory of plate tectonics
Most of the PUSHING force driving plate motion is produced ___
- at mid-ocean ridges
If a continental rift successfully breaks a single continent into two discrete pieces, the former rift valley becomes a ___
- mid-ocean ridge
at a convergent plate boundary, two opposed plates ____
- move toward one another
Unlike the lithosphere, the asthenosphere ____
- is able to flow over long periods of time
- -is relatively weak and flows readily
- practice quiz
- -the sedimentary rock layers in this circular structure have been deformed to make a (look at picture)
- dome
dip and strike measurements are used to describe the orientation of
- -bedding planes
- -joints
- -faults
- -planar surfaces in metamorphic rocks
Mt. Everest, the highest mountain in the world, is located on the continent of
- Asia
An episode of mountain building is termed an
- orogeny
a body of rock affected by tensile stress will likely undergo
- stretching
- Real quiz
- -reverse faults are those in which the footwall
- moves down relative to the hanging wall
strike is measured
- as the orientation of a horizontal line on a bedding plane
displacement along a strike-slip fault is best describes as
- horizontal displacement of rocks on either side of the fault
the photo of a road cut in layered sedimentary rocks shows a ____ fault. The arrows show the direction of movement
(Ch. 7 #4 - picture)
- normal fault
in the illustration, the red line represents what part of a fold?
(ch. 7 #5 - picture)
- the hinge
the distinction btwn joints and faults is that
- faults are fractures along which displacement has ocurred; displacement does not occur along joints
right-lateral and left-lateral are both examples of ___ faults
- strike-slip
a fold-shaped like an elongate trough is a ____
- syncline
continental collision is commonly marked by
- a and c
- -the formation of large fold belts
- -thrust sheets
extension of the lithosphere causes
- stretching, thinning, and lengthening of rock layers
Ch. 18 - practice quiz
–how many seismic stations are necessary to find the epicenter of an earthquake
- 3
if, during an earthquake, a hanging wall slides upward relative to a footwall, the fault is termed ___ if the fault is steep (Closer to vertical than horizontal)
- reverse
seismic gaps are important in earthquake prediction because they mark zones
- along plate margins where stress is building to the level necessary for an earthquake
the earth;s mantle is believed to be solid, not liquid, because
- S waves travel through the mantle but do not travel through a liquid
the epicenter of an earthquake is
- a point directly above the focus
which characteristics best describe S waves?
- second to arrive, move through the Earth’s mantle, will not move through a liquid
which of the following statements is true of earthquakes?
- all of the above!!!
(-shallow earthquakes coincide with the crest of oceanic ridges
-shallow earthquakes occur along transform faults btwn midocean ridge crests
-earthquakes at convergent plate margins occur in a zone inclined downward beneath the adjacent continent or island arc
-earthquakes along transform faults originate from lateral movement)
- practice quiz
oil drilling not only provides gasoline and electric power but also material incorporated in
- plastics
which of the following is a renewable resource?
- hydro-electric (not coal, oil, natural gas)
Petroleum forms
- by the decomposition of organic material in sedimentary rock
the conditions necessary for the accumulation of oil in an economic deposit include all of the following EXCEPT
- high-grade metamorphism
(DOES INCLUDE: reservoir beds, sufficient heat and pressure to convert organic matter to hydrocarbons, a trap barrier to migration, source beds)
the most important energy source currently in use is
- fossil fuel
In this drawing of a possible petroleum reservoir in an anticline, oil and gas would most likely be trapped where?
- A - Sandstone
- -look at the four pictures on pg. 746 of the book
- real quiz
which mineral resources are considered renewable?
- no mineral resources are renewable
which coal contains the most carbon per volume
- anthracite
the high electrical conductivity associated with metallic bonds results from ___
- the ability of outer electrons to move freely from atom to atom
most of the hydrocarbons within oil and natural gas are derived from the breakdown of organic matter from once-living
- plankton
petroleum is commonly trapped in
- all of the above
- stratigraphic traps
- fault traps
- anticlines
- unconformity traps
(pictures on pg. 746)
An example of harnessing geothermal energy is
- using geothermally heated groundwater
NOT: direct heat flow from the earth, direcly tapping the lava from volcanoes, or directly tapping a magma
there are major problems associated with the use of coal as a source of energy. They include
- acid rain and open-pit mines
problems with the use of nuclear fuels as an energy source include
- the disposal of spent but still radioactive fuel
U-235, the isotope of uranium commonly utilized in nuclear power plants is
- rare even in uranium oxoide deposits, and thus usable reactor fuel must be enriched with respect to this isotope
according to recent studies the major factor in limiting population and industrial growth will be
- consumption of resources
- real quiz
Wegener’s idea of continental drift was rejected by American geologists because
- he could not conceive a mechanism that would cause continents to shift positions
the theory of plate tectonics
- incorporates and explains both sea-floor spreading and continental drift
Hawaii is an example of a
- hot-spot volcano
The magnetic field of Earth in the geologic past
- is known to have experienced numerous polarity reversals, and is recorded in remnant magnetization of iron-rich minerals in rocks
within the sea floor, the rate of geothermal heat flow is greatest
- along mid-ocean ridges
under the theory of plate tectonics, the plates themselves are
- discrete pieces of lithosphere at the surface of the solid earth that move with respect to one another
the youngest sea floor occurs
-along mid-ocean ridges
most of the pulling force driving plate motion is produced
- at subduction zones
every plate boundary can be recognized by
- the presence of an earthquake belt
18 real quiz!
Which of the following are important hazards posed by earthquakes?
all of the above
- ground shaking
- surface faulting
- liquefaction of unconsolidated materials
- tsunamis in the ocean
a sold inner core is indicated by the behavior of
- P-waves
S waves with NOT travel through
- a liquid
Earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault in California are related to?
- a strike-slip fault at a transform plate margin
the distribution of earthquakes on Earth
- delineates plate boundaries
the focus of an earthquake is
- the point of initial movement
a surface along which rock on opposed sides is offset by sliding during an earthquake is called a
- fault
if during an earthquake, a footwall slides upward relative to a hanging wall, the fault is termed
- normal
aftershocks following a major earthquake
all of the above are correct
- may continue for days after the initial earthquake
- are mostly much smaller than the original earthquake
- may occur on the same fault as the original earthquake, or a diff. fault
earthquakes are caused by
- ruptures that occur where rocks are strained beyond their elastic limits
Ch. 25 - other planets - practice quiz
–the geological differences btwn the Galilean satellites of Jupiter are largely caused by differences
- in the amt. of tidal energy they receive
the most important heat source for the differentiation of earth was probably
- heat released by accretion
which of the following features have been found on Venus?
all of the above
- lava flows
- lava domes
- folding of the surface
- fractures
which of the following planetary bodies has a thick atmosphere?
- Titan
which of the following planetary bodies is believed to be the most volcanically active body int he solar system?
- lo
The great canyon (Valley Marineris) on Mars is considered to be primarily the resut of
- rifting
which of the following planetary bodies has the oldest surface?
- the moon
of the following, which was most important in establishing the sequence of events in lunar history?
- the principle of superposition
the major physiographic provinces of the Moon are
- maria and highlands
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9* disappeared when
- it went into orbit around Jupiter and then collided with it