Final Exam Questions Flashcards
Abiding, ni-gii-anokii iwedi giiwedinong
Once, I worked way up North
Boozhoo! N’dizhinikaazo
Hello! My name is
Ni-nitaa gichi-wiisin
I eat a lot
Bichinaago, ni-gii-waabamaa makwa
Yesterday, I saw a bear
Giishin ikido-yin boozhoo, ni-da-bizindaa-win.
If you say hello, I will listen
Dibikong, gi-gii-waabamaa gi-maamaam iwedi aakoziwigamig
Last night, he/she saw his/her mother at the hospital
Aan ezhiwebak agwaajing noongom?
What is the weather like today?
Noongom gichi-gisinaa, miinawaa wii-zoogipen
Today it was very cold, and later it will snow
Gi-biindige-min imaa waakaa’igan-ish
We are going in the horrible house
Gaawiin n’dayaawaasii bezhig animosh
I do not have 1 dog
Ni-gii-bimi-ayaa iwedi giiwedinong
I travelled way up North
Ni-wiijiwaganag gii-bimose-wag
My friends went for a walk
Ni-mino-ayaa noongom
I am feeling good today
Ando-gwaashkwebijigan iwedi ziibiing
Go fishing at the river
Ni-gikino’amagoz, zhigo wiinge ni-bookoshkaa
I am being taught, also I am broke
Miinishin ozhiibi’iganak
Give me a pencil
Noongom gi-ga-noondaa-min bangii anishinaabemowin
Today, we will speak some Ojibwe
Ni-gookum idash ni-mishomis namadabiwag
My grandma and grandpa are sitting
Noode skaadeway bizhishik boozhensag
The cats are always hungry
Wiikaa na gi-noondawaa gaag?
Do you ever hear a porcupine?
Ogimaa miinawaa ogimaakwe wii-gii-washkwebiiwag
The King and Queen will be drunk
Gi-gii-ganoona na go-baa bichinaago?
Did you call your dad yesterday?
Ni-ga-bimibizo-min imaa miikana, zhigo ni-ga-waabamaanan mitig
We will drive on the road and we will see a tree
Aginjigewag mazina’iganens oshkeaadiziig
The young people are reading a small book
Gaawiin n’dayaawaasiig shiimenzhag zhigo sayenzhag
I don’t have any younger or older siblings
Minapogozi gookosh-wiiyaas
The pig meat tastes good
Gaawiin mashi noonde-giiwesiiwag maa’inganag
The wolves don’t want to go home yet
Aan ezhinikaazod a’a inini?
What is that man’s name?
Aaan endaso bibooned gi-badinoojiinzh-im?
How old is your child?
Aajidaamo imma izhidaa mitig-oong
The squirrel lives over there in his tree
Yoohoo! Ozaam gii-gichi-nibaa!
Holy moly! He slept forever!
Bangii eta n’dayaawaa-min zhooniyaa
We only have a little bit of money
Waabanong onji-wag ni-wiijiwaganog
My friends are from the east
Gii-gagwe-biindige imaa wiisiniwigamig
He/she tried to enter the restaurant over there
He/she took care of him/her
Nika gii-bimose agwaajiing
The goose was walking outside
Aan ezhised iwedi waabanong?
What time is it over there?
Nitaa-giigido a’awedi ikwe
That woman over there is able to speak
Ishkaawaach gi-gii-waabamaa aakoziwigamig mashkikini
Lastly, you saw the doctor at the hospital
Gaawiin ni-nitaa-aginjigesii noongom
I can’t count today
Mario nitaa-gichi-minikwe niibi
Mario is able to drink a lot of water
Nitam gii-giizhaate noongom
Firstly, it was sunny today
Bizhishig niibawi omaa
He/she stands here all the time
Gi-gii-minwendaan na omaa eyaayin?
Did you have fun here today?
Freddy-ban gii-izhidaa-ban Elm Street-ing
Freddy did live on Elm Street
Aabiding, ni-gii-anokii-ban wiisiniwigamig
At one time, I worked at a restaurant
Weweni giiweg
Go home carefully
Awenen gidoodem?
Who is your clan?
A’jina gi-niibawi-min agwaajiing
We stood outside for a short while
Ni-gii-noondawaag animikiiwag inwewidamog
I did hear the thunderstorm coming
Daga minikwedaa iwedi
Please let us go have a drink
Gi-dayaawaa na asemaa?
Do you have a cigarette?
Midaso-shi-niswe biboone a’a animosh
The dog is thirteen years old
A’a inini gii-zhaaboobiise megwaa bimosed
That man accidently go soaked while walking
Ajina eta omaa gi-ga-ayaa-min
We will only be here for a short while
Anishnaa ikido a’a ogimaawish
The horrible King speaks non-sense
Aan ekidoyin “pizza” anishinaabemong?
How do you say “pizza” in Ojibwe?
Miigwech gaa-bi-izhaa-yeg omaa noongom
Thank you for being here today
Aan minik geyaabi?
How much more?