Final Exam Questions Flashcards
In All Quiet on the Western Front, who disappoints the soldiers when they meet?
In World War II, which nations comprised the Axis Powers?
Japan, Germany, Italy
What was the line of fortifications on the German western border called?
The Siegfried Line
In One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, what prized possession does Shukhov keep in his boot?
A spoon
What legend served as the framework for T.S. Eliot’s master work, The Waste Land?
The Holy Grail
What event is the author of Lamentations mourning?
The destruction of Jerusalem
What type of poem is the book of Lamentations?
What was the significance of the angelic chariots in Ezekiel going out from the temple?
God going to His people in exile
What did God prohibit Ezekiel from doing after He told the prophet he would lose “the delight of [his] eyes”?
Mourning his wife’s death
In All Quiet on the Western Front, what object of Kemmerich’s is passed among the group?
A pair of boots
In All Quiet on the Western Front, who does Paul carry away from the front, only to discover him dead at the medical tent?
In World War II, which nations comprised the Allied Powers?
Russia, France, United Kingdom, United States
In One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, why is Shukhov in prison, according to the government?
He was a spy
What object nearly sends Shukhov to solitary confinement, but is not discovered?
A rusty blade
What did Eliot do in 1927 that shocked his Avant Garde friends?
He was baptized
What is unexpected about the tone of Lamentations’ ending?
It doubts God’s restoration
What proverb did God command Israel not to sing, as they downplayed their own wickedness?
“The parents ate sour grapes and the children’s teeth are set on edge”
In All Quiet on the Western Front, how did the young men “square accounts” with Corporal Himmelstoss for the ways he had treated them during training?
They assaulted him
What region factored heavily in both the German blitzkrieg in 1939 and the Battle of the Bulge in the winter of 1944?
Ardennes Forest
What does Ambrose refer to as the oldest tactical and engineering problem in warfare?
Overcoming a fortified position
In One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, what object does Shukhov routinely hide for future use?
A trowel
In One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, what does the gang steal from a neighboring site during their workday?
Tar paper
What was the motto of the modernist movement?
“Make it new”
What gives Jeremiah hope in Lamentations 3, when he is at his lowest point?
God’s faithfulness
What will be the name of the new city described in Ezekiel 40-48?
The Lord is There
Who are the dry bones God shows Ezekiel in chapter 37?
The house of Israel
According to The American and French Revolutions Compared, why was it not rebellion when America defied Parliament?
Parliament had no jurisdiction
In Brave New World, what does Bernared suggest he and Lenina are missing, being “infants where feeling and desire are concerned?”
What keeps citizens of the World state from aging in Brave New World?
Young blood
The central structure of Deuteronomy is built around expository application of what document?
The ten commandments
When Israelite crops came in, what were they commanded to do with a tenth of their produce?
Celebratory sacrifice
According to Tocqueville, what was the name for the first public education laws in New England?
‘That Old Deluder Satan’
What does Tocqueville mean when he says that America has “no government?”
So many participate that government is not ‘other’
According to Tocqueville, how do men trick themselves into believing they are free once government has become their shepherd?
They still vote
What becomes of Mr. Hyde after the Carew murder?
He disappears for a time
In Ecclesiastes, what does Solomon say that “much wisdom” and increased “knowledge” produces and increases?
Why does Solomon say that he hates all his labor under the sun?
he doesn’t know what the result will be
In Emma, why is Emma so annoyed when Mrs. Elton refers to Mr. Knightley as Knightley?
It’s too informal
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
Who in the US Government interprets the Constitution?
The Supreme Court
Where is the “separation of church and state” in the Constitution?
It’s not there
In Hamlet, how long after King Hamlet’s death did Claudius wait before marrying his “Sometime sister, now our queen?”
2 months
How does Huckleberry Finn resolve the issue of his guilt over tricking Jim?
He humbles himself
In Leviathan, Hobbes lists the three types of commonwealth. What are they?
Monarchy, Democracy, and Aristocracy
In the Gospel of Matthew, when Herod is killing Israelite baby boys, he reminds us of what Old Testament person?
What adorns the walls on either side of the pulpit in the Whaleman’s Chapel in Moby-Dick?
Memorial tablets to dead sailors
After two days’ chase, Starbuck pleads with Ahab to let Moby Dick go. Ahab replies, “I act under orders.” Whose orders does Ahab claim?
The fates
In Out of the Silent Planet, Ransom see what he takes for the moon outside the window of the spaceship. What is the object actually?
The earth
What is it about Dorian Gray that fascinates and obsesses the artist Basil Hallward?
His beauty
How are the pastoral epistles different from Paul’s other letters?
they are more personal
How are the pastoral epistles similar to Paul’s other letters?
their doctrine
In book IX of Paradise Lost, Satan tells us his ultimate motivation. What is it?
Desire for destruction
In Paradise Lost, what circumstances lead to Eve being found alone by Satan?
She wanted to test her strength
In The Red Badge of Courage, what allows Henry to overcome his sense of shame?
He realizes that others fear death
As a young man, what does Robinson Crusoe want to do with his life?
To go to sea
What is the first thing Crusoe does after arriving on his island?
Praises God
What does Robinson Crusoe build on the island?
a fortress
What River is Sleepy Hollow near?
Hudson River
In That Hideous Strength, according to Mark, “the real thing” that makes the N.I.C.E. so important is getting “science applied to social problems and backed…” by what?
the full force of the state
What is the “Invisible hand” that Adam Smith makes reference to?
free exchange of goods and services