Final Exam Pass Flashcards
FHA loans are_______________________ and VA loans are_________________________.
A. Insured by the Federal Housing Administration —– guaranteed by the Department of Veteran Affairs.
B. Backed by conventional banks —– backed by commercial banks
C. Only for people with children —– only for people without children
D. Farm loans —– lake loans
Rationale: The correct answer is A. The Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) is commonly known as Fannie Mae. FNMA buys FHA and VA loans.
The expenses, which a lender incurs while processing a mortgage loan application, are recovered from the borrower as: A. Discount points B. An origination fee C. A mortgage insurance premium D. Private mortgage insurance
Rationale: The correct answer is B. The origination fee is charged by the lender for processing the loan. It is the money the lender uses to pay the expenses of the company.
Zoning is enforced by:
A. Building permits
B. Building codes
C. Building inspectors
D. All of the above
The correct answer is D. All of the above. Zoning is enforced by building permits, building codes, and inspectors. These systematic safeguards are in place to protect, the health, safety, and welfare of the public.
Removing the original borrower’s name from the contract and substituting the new buyers name is called:
A. Novation
B. Substitute
C. Covenants
D. Subdividing
Rationale: The correct answer is A. Novation of parties substitutes a new name for the name that was on the contract. A novation of contracts substitutes a new contract for original contract.
The right to redeem the property before a mortgage foreclosure sale is called: A. Equitable redemption B. Buyer redemption C. Statutory redemption D. This is never used in Texas.
Rationale: The correct answer is A. Equitable redemption is used with a foreclosure for mortgage. Statutory redemption is used with a property tax sale. The owner of the property sold at a tax sale can redeem the property from the buyer after the sale.
The Texas Bootstrap Loan Program:
A. Is a self-help housing construction program for very low-income families
B. Is only for persons over 65
C. Must be built completely by the family
D. Is only for homes costing more than $300,000
Rationale: The correct answer is A. The owner-builder must provide at least 65% of the labor necessary to build the home.
The Federal Reserve Bank:
A. Is the most common bank seen in most cities
B. Was created to provide the nation with a more stable monetary and financial system
C. Provides loans to most residential home buyers.
D. Was created in 2013
Rationale: The correct answer is B. The Federal Reserve Bank does not provide banking services to individuals. It provides banking services for banks and credit unions.
A mortgage that includes real estate and personal property is a: A. Reverse mortgage B. Package mortgage C. Blanket mortgage D. Equity mortgage
Rationale: The correct answer is B. An example of this is a buyer finances the house, refrigerator, washer, and dryer on the same loan. It is a package mortgage.
The Federal National Mortgage Association was organized by the federal government in 1938 to buy FHA mortgage loans from lenders. What else is true about FNMA?
A. FNMA is no longer in business.
B. FNMA began purchasing VA loans in 1948.
C. FNMA became FHLMC in 1952.
D FNMA is part of the primary market.
Rationale: The correct answer is B. FNMA was created during the depression of the 1930’s to buy the mortgages that were insured by FHA. FHA was also created in the 1930’s. FNMA began buying VA loans after World War II.
The borrower is:
A. Not required to be notified when the note is sold and the servicing rights are not sold
B. Not required to be notified when the note is sold and the servicing rights are sold
C. Required to arrange for the sale of the servicing rights
D. Not required to allow servicing rights
Rationale: The correct answer is A. The lender is not required to notify the borrower when the note is sold, and the servicing rights are not sold. The borrower is only required to be notified if the servicing rights are sold because the borrower will now be making the payment to a different agency.
The Act passed in 1968 to protect the consumer from land scams is the:
A. Buyers Land Protection Act
B. Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act (ILSFDA or ILSA)
C. Federal Land and Housing Act
D. Texas Public Ownership
Rationale: The correct answer is B. The Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act was passed in 1968. It is administered by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).
Zoning is enforced by: A. Lenders and appraisers B. Streets and roads C. Building permits and building codes D. Neighbors
Rationale: The correct answer is C. Zoning is one of the government’s rights to privately owned land. Example: The city sets the use of the property by zoning the property as either residential or commercial. Anyone wishing to build in the zoned area must buy a permit and build the building to the city code. The city sends an inspector to inspect the building and make sure the building is built to code and is the building the builder received the permit to build. Zoning is enforced with this pr
The investor may try to keep the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ high by keeping the expenses on the property low. A. Cash flow B. Rent C. Debit D. HOA
Rationale: The correct answer is A. Cash flow is the movement of money into or out of a business. It also refers to the amount of money left each month after all money has been collected and all expenses have been paid.
Historically, the investor has been allowed deductions on their income tax. Something that could be deducted is: A. Property tax B. Management fees C. Interest on the loan D. All of the above
Rationale: The correct answer is D. The homeowner is allowed to deduct interest on the loan and property tax from their income tax.
In a sublet the original tenant, called the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, sublets the property to the new tenant, called the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. A. Mortgagee-----mortgagor B. Sublessor---- sublessee C. Sublessee ------sublessor D. Buyer--------seller
Rationale: The correct answer is B. The original (sublessor) is still responsible to the landlord for the lease.
The term that BEST describes a tenant’s interest in the property under a lease is a: A. Life estate B. Reversionary interest C. Remainder interest D. Leasehold estate
Rationale: The correct answer is D. A leasehold estate is a temporary right to property granted by the owner to a tenant thru a lease.
When a property has become uninhabitable and the landlord has refused to repair the property the tenant may file a:
A. Constructive eviction
B. Foreclosure against the owner
C. Judicial eviction
D. The tenant must stay in the property until the lease is up.
Rationale: The correct answer is A. The tenant will appear before a Justice of the Peace and ask to be let out of the lease because the property has become uninhabitable and the landlord has refused to repair the property.
Property managers have a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ relationship with the property owner. A. Partnership B. Subagency C. Binding D. Fiduciary
Rationale: The correct answer is D. The owner is the property manager’s client and the tenant is the property manager’s customer.
A person appointed by a court to settle the estate of a deceased person when the executor cannot perform or refuses to perform is: A. Another executor B. A legatee C. An administrator D. A devisee
Rationale: The correct answer is C. Administrators are not named in the will and are court appointed and executors are named in the will and are court approved.
What is an abstract of title? A. Title insurance B. A history of all recorded activity affecting a parcel of real estate C. A judgment on real property D. A patent
Rationale: The correct answer is B. An abstractor searches the public records for all documents pertaining to the property and an attorney often writes an opinion of the abstract.
A chain of title shows the linkage of property ownership that connects the present owner to the original source of title. In most cases it starts with:
A. Ownership from 1955
B. Chattel
C. A suit in a federal court
D. The original grant of the land from the government to a private citizen
Rationale: The correct answer is D. A chain of title is a list of who owned the property, who they sold it to, the date the sale occurred, and the number of the book and page it was recorded in at the county clerk’s office.
A handwritten will signed by the testator but not witnessed is known as a(n): A. Nuncupative will B. Holographic will C. Oral will D. Formal will
Rationale: The correct answer is B. A holographic will is handwritten, dated, and signed by the person making the will. It is not witnessed and is not recorded. A holographic will is legal in 19 states.
The seller and buyer have signed a contract and the buyer has put up earnest money. They are closing at ABC Title. Who holds the earnest money until closing? A. ABC Title in a trust account B. Seller in their bank account C. Buyer in a savings account D. An attorney for the seller and buyer
Rationale: The correct answer is A. Any money held by the title company for the buyer or seller must be in a trust account. The title company often holds the earnest money.
Prorations of items in a real estate closing are made usually as of the date of: A. Recording the deed B. The mortgage payment C. Buyers' walkthrough D. Closing
Rationale: The correct answer is D. In Texas, the seller is responsible for the day of closing unless stated otherwise.
A statutory year has \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ days and each month has \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ days. A. 365 ----- 31 B. 365 ----- 28 C. 360 ----- 28 D. 360 ----- 30
Rationale: The correct answer is D. A calendar year has 365 days. A statutory or banker’s year has 360 days.
The result of combining two parcels of land to make a larger more valuable property is called: A. Rental value B. Plottage value C. Deed D. Lease
Rationale: The correct answer is B. The process of combining the two parcels of land is called assemblage.
The process of joining two or more properties is called: A. Deed B. Plottage C. Assemblage D. Lease
Rationale: The correct answer is C. The result of combining the two parcels of land to make the land more valuable is called plottage.
A mortgage broker:
A. Arranges loans between borrowers and lenders
B. Is a lender
C. Buys mortgages in the secondary mortgage market
D. Buys mortgages and resells them at a profit
Rationale: The correct answer is A. A mortgage broker represents many different lenders and brokers the loan between the lender and the borrower.
The Deed of Trust has several advantages for the lender including:
A. The time between default and foreclosure is short.
B. The non-judicial foreclosure is inexpensive.
C. There is always a statutory redemption period.
D. Both A and B
Rationale: The correct answer is D. A statutory redemption period applies only to a property that has been sold in a tax sale.
A construction loan is also called a(n): A. Mark-up loan B. Interim loan C. Equity loan D. Kit loan
Rationale: The correct answer is B. A construction loan, also called an interim loan, is used to build a building. When the building is finished the loan will be converted to a regular mortgage.
A mortgage that is only for persons 62 years old or older is a: A. Reverse mortgage B. Package mortgage C. Blanket mortgage D. Equity mortgage
Rationale: The correct answer is A. A package mortgage includes personal property and real estate. A blanket mortgage covers more than one property.
In analyzing a mortgage loan application, it is illegal for a lender to consider: A. Job stability B. Marital status C. Income adequacy D. Credit rating
Rationale: The correct answer is B. The Equal Credit Opportunity Act prohibits discrimination based on marital status. The law was passed in 1974.
The loan that requires regular equal payments of sufficient size and number to pay all interest and principal by the end of the loan is a(n): A. Term loan B. Balloon loan C. One time payment loan D. Amortized loan
Rationale: The correct answer is D. With an amortized loan, the borrower pays part of the principal and part of the interest every month. By the end of the loan all of the principal and interest has been paid. A term loan would have a balloon payment due at the end of the loan.
The principle of Highest and Best Use refers to the use of the property to result in the: A. Highest sales price B. Lowest property tax C. Highest value for the property D. Lowest insurance rate on the property
Rationale: The correct answer is C. The principle of Highest and Best Use is one of the Principles of Value used in appraisal.
The trustee in a deed of trust: A. Writes the contract for the buyer B. Shows the property to the buyer C. Forecloses on the property in the event of default D. Collects the monthly payments
Rationale: The correct answer is C. The trustee in a deed of trust forecloses on the property if the borrower gets behind on the payments. The trustee also releases the lien when the borrower has completely paid for the property.
The original lender has sold the note to another lender but has retained the serving rights. Is the original lender required to notify the borrower of the sale?
A. No, the lender is not required to notify the borrower if the servicing rights are not sold.
B. Yes, the borrower must always be told when the loan is sold.
C. No, the original lender never has to notify the borrower about anything.
D. Yes, if the borrower asks.
Rationale: The correct answer is A. The borrower must only be notified if the servicing rights are sold.
The original lender has sold the note to another lender but has retained the serving rights. Is the original lender required to notify the borrower of the sale?
A. No, the lender is not required to notify the borrower if the servicing rights are not sold.
B. Yes, the borrower must always be told when the loan is sold.
C. No, the original lender never has to notify the borrower about anything.
D. Yes, if the borrower asks.
Rationale: The correct answer is A. The borrower must only be notified if the servicing rights are sold.
Rationale: The correct answer is A. The borrower must only be notified if the servicing rights are sold.
he trustee in a deed of trust uses the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to speed up the loan and foreclose if the borrower is in default. A. Acceleration clause B. Due-on-sale clause C. Mortgage clause D. Default clause
Rationale: The correct answer is A. The acceleration clause is used to make the entire amount of principal and interest due immediately if the borrower defaults on payments.
Lenders in Texas prefer to use the:
A. Deed of Trust because it has non-judicial foreclosure
B. Deed of Trust because it has judicial foreclosure
C. Regular mortgage
D. Bill of Sale
Rationale: The correct answer is A. Non-judicial foreclosure means the lender does not have to go to court to get permission to foreclose on the property.
Sue is going to buy a house from Bob and is going to assume Bob’s loan. The act of removing Bob’s name from the loan and placing Sue’s name on the loan is called: A. Subject to B. Alienation C. Novation D. Due-on-sale
Rationale: The correct answer is C. A novation is the substitution of a new obligation for an old obligation (or the substitution of a party for a party).
The Home Owner’s Loan Corporation (HOLC) created: A. PITI B. Short sales C. Escrow D. Amortized loans
Rationale: The correct answer is D. The Home Owner’s Loan Corporation was created in 1933. An amortized loan is completely paid by the maturity date.
ABC Lending has charged the borrower an origination fee. This fee:
A. Is not interest
B. Is charges for processing the loan application
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Rationale: The correct answer is C. Traditionally the origination fee has been 1% of the loan amount but may be any amount. The lender sets the amount of the origination fee.
Real estate agents are not allowed to do appraisals unless they have an appraiser’s license, but they often do a(n): A. IOU B. CMA C. ADD D. FFA
The correct answer is B. A CMA is a Competitive Market Analysis and is used by a real estate agent to find the value of a property. It is not an appraisal.
The Truth-in-Lending Act provides all the following EXCEPT:
A. A uniform system for disclosures
B. Prevention of inaccurate and unfair credit billing
C. Telling financial institutions what interest rate they can charge
D. Prevention of inaccurate credit card practices
Rationale: The correct answer is C. TILA requires lender to use the same credit terminology and expressions of rates, so borrowers can compare one lender to another.
The right of rescission gives the consumer \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ in which to rescind a credit transaction by notifying the lender. A. 3 weeks B. 1 month C. 3 days D. 1 day
Rationale: The correct answer is C. The three-day right of rescission does not apply to all loans. It does not apply to the first mortgage on the property.
Which of the following is NOT a clause in a mortgage?
A. Alienation clause
B. Due-to-sale clause
C. Zoning clause
D. Defeasance clause
The correct answer is C. Zoning clause. Zoning, while it affects property, is not a part of the mortgage.
The Equal Credit Opportunity Act prohibits discrimination based on:
A. Race, color, religion
B. National origin, age, sex
C. Marital status, income from a public assistance program
D. All of the above
Rationale: The correct answer is D. The ECOA makes it unlawful for any creditor to discriminate against any applicant on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, or age; income derived from a public assistance program; or to the fact that the applicant has in good faith exercised any right under the Consumer Credit Protection Act. The ECOA does not allow discrimination based on age. This does not apply to someone under 18, rather it means a lender cannot discriminate because they believe someone is too old to borrow money.