Final Exam History Flashcards
Final Exam for History II
Fifties Presidents
Harry Truman (1945-1952) Dwight Eisenhower (1952-1960)
Harry Truman
President from 1945-1952
Good President, not great one
President after FDR died
President for 7(1/2) years
from state of Missouri
“Haberdasher President”
called haberdasher if you owned a men’s clothing store
Went to law school and became a county judge
became u.s. senator
picked him to be Vice President by FDR in his last term
Lived in a very common house, and was a very common man
he would give good answers to news reporters on current affairs
had a sign on his desk that said “the buck stops here” to mean that he wont allow anything to pass him by, he will take the final decisions, and when he makes one decision he stick to it and wont think about it anymore.
Dwight Eisenhower
Successful President
Good president, not great
WWII hero from D-Day
father moved along with the RR and he moved througout all of the states, thus no state association
common home, nothing exceptional about him
he was a war hero, so both parties wanted him to run for both of them
finally decided to run for a republican
parties weren’t that far apart
frequently ill as president since he was very old and he had a very bad heart and had several heart attacks while in office
Doctors would ask him to relax
vicepresient ran the coountry most of time since Eisenhower was ill
Nixon was the vice president and was very good president after getting elected for president himself, since he knew very well what it asked for
Unchallenged leader politically and economically during the 50s
Never before or since has America been so powerful to the rest of the world as we were at that time
Monopoly of Nuclear Weapons
Things that helped keep the U.S. at height of its power
Only major power that is not devastated by WWII
Things that helped keep the U.S. at height of its power
Locate the U.N. at New York City
Things that helped keep the U.S. at height of its power
Economic Powers
Steel, Coal, Concrete, Automobiles, Airplanes, Electricity, Leading creditor nation
Economic Boom
Housing boom
Auto boom
G.I. Bill
Housing Innovations
Housing Boom
led to economic boom
houses were in huge demand after the was since itwas forbidden for poeple to build homes during the war to conserve supply
autos were in huge demand since cars too were prohibited from being built during the war
G.I. Bill
Government guaranteed home loans to vets.
every veteran could get a guaranteed loan to start a business or a farm
gave every veteran money to go to college
smart to pay college since about 4-6 million went to college and they didnt get emidete benefits and gave more in income tax after they graduated as their jobs were a post inductiral job and earned more. also, it was to help rise the jobs to a post industrial society
Housing Innovations
Movbile home solution to build millions of homes
sububs became popular in america
style of home in the U.S. changed to the ranch style home
First Subub
levittown, new york and becomes the model for most of all the suburbs and was built outside New York City by developed Levit
Ranch Style home
no contact with neighbor
leads to a real change in lifestyle in the U.S.
The Baby Boom
led to booming economy
Low birthrates in the United States
Causes of baby boom
due to the depression of the 30’s because families didnt want to have children while in poverty and with war in the early 40’s
How did the baby boom help the economy?
helps to provide jobs for teachers, nurses, hospitals, and large consumer market
Effects of baby boom today
strain on the government welfare for the elderly as large number of people from the baby boom are now retiring.
Invented in the 1930’s by a large team of British scientist
first public display in 1939 in the world fair, and amazed everyone, but WWII starts at the time and so the TV wasn’t useful for the war so the scientists were redirected to radar
TV first introduced in america
By 1960, ______% of the U.S. had a TV. The ______ was really small at first and in _______ only, but in 1960 _____ was introduced as well.
Black and White
Signal for TV was _______
from a tower directed to your T.V.’s antenna, and the quality of the image was very bad. If you were in the city you would have rabbit ears in you TV. if you were out of town it would be a large antenna on the roof of the house
National Broadcasting Corporation
Columbia Broadcasting System
American Broadcasting Corporation
First three channels and TV corp. in the United States
TV influence in the U.S.
Huge impact in american society
family situation comedy offered during the prime time in the united states
Prime Time for the T.V.
7 P.M.-10 P.M.
Leave it to Beaver
Family comedy show during prime time
Ozzy & Harriet
Family comedy show during prime time
Father Knows Best
Family comedy show during prime time
WASP values
White Anglo-Saxon Protestant values portrayed in the first TV shows to show supreme model for american families
Model Wife
ready for kids
takes care of the kids
Model Husband
white collar father
makes good money
post industrial society goal
Model # of Children
only two children
Federal Communication Commission
Strict rules and reviewed program to have them obeyed
couldn’t show people drinking alcohol
late night show was shown drinking coffee, but it was really beer, but couldn’t show beer
no nudity nor sexual act shown on T.V.
love scene prohibited showing both people together in the bed
list of words that couldn’t be said, such as damn and hell
Violation of the FCC
Jack Carr
used word damn
headlines in the newspaper
FCC warned him to not use that word again or he would be fired and prohibited from coming out from TV
but he still did it
thus, he was fired and removed completely
and taken off from the middle of the show and replaced
TV intelligence
Set below average to have everyone understand, while in the UK it was set above average
Fifties Famous Names
Jonas Salk
J.D. Salinger
Jonas Salk
Found Vaccination for polio and made him national hero
J.D. Salinger
The Catcher in the Rye
most loved book of the last decades
Jacky Robinson
First Black baseball player in the major leagues in 1947
Humphrey Bogart
Greatest Actor of the 1950s and was most famous for the movie Casablanca
Ed Sullivan
Ed Sullivan TV Show
most popular T.V. Show on Sunday night and he would introduce new talents to the U.S. Population
he introduced Elvis Presley, the Beatles,
Joseph MaCarthy
u.s. senator from Wisconsin and began a red scare in the United States, 1950-1954
Events that set Red Scare off
1949 Russia exploded an atomic bomb
and McCarthy thinks that some spies must have passed the secret to the russians becuase only that would explain how the Russians found out how to build the Atom
China turns communist in 1949
Red Scare search for Communists–Where?
State Department
Hollywood; actors and directors placed suttle proganda to turn the u.s. communist
House Unamerican Activities Community
Get actors and communists and will grill them to tell who was communist
Richard Nixon became famous out of this and also Ronald Reagan became famous out of this situation with HUAC
Screen Actors Guild
Union that represents actors and actresses in the United States, and was lead by Ronald Reagan
Alger Hiss
State Department advisor to FDR and was the lead advise, was a russian spy
caught after he would steal the plans that the Government would make by typing them up in his personal typewritier and go out to the woods or to the park and he would hide it in the trash can, under the rock, or in the hollow hole in the bark of a tree, and he would pretend to be a bird watcher while doing this to use binoculars to search erea to make it clear, but after planting the secrets the next day a russian spy would go by and pick it up, but one day the FBI found one of the messages, so they traced the typewriters finger prints based on the keys and the unique typing form of the person to Alger Hiss and he was convicted
Julius & Ethel Rosenburg
Husband and wife and were Jewish–Americans that worked on the Manhattan project, but they were spies of russia
they were tried and executed in the electric chair for their treason
Jim Crow Laws
Laws that called for segregation after the passage of the ammendment to the constituition garanteeing liberty to the slaves
Plessy v. Ferguson
Plessy is 1/8 blakc and was asked to go to the jim crow car of the train, but he refused because he was only 1/8 black and was more white than black, but he was arrested nonetheless. he then sues ferguson because he is 7/8 white and he is white and keeping races was illegal. result of court case was that 1/8 of minority you are the minority, seperate, but equal clause in american law
Partial Integration of Armed Forces
During WWII by order of FDR, they mostly worked in the engine rooms and in the kitchen
Full Integration of Armed Forces
1948, ordered by truman
McLaurin v. Oklahoma Regents of Higher Education
Segregation in education
McLaurin got a Bachelor’s, and Masters in Ed., wanted a Doctorate of Ed., but was offered by U. of Oklahoma, but was an all white school. Under the Seperate but equal law they accepted him, but he was kept seperate while at school
Brown v. Topeka Board of Education
Linda Brown sued Topeka Board of Education in 1954 after linda was forced to go to a seperate school farther from her home.
Thurgood Marshall sent to represent Linda Brown
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
all schools integrated
by order of President Eisenhower
Martin Luther King Jr.
Used method of Ghandi
sit-in and boycotts, but all non-violent protests
height at 1963 with “I have a dream” speech
Civil Right Act
Passed by Johnson
Ends Segregation in America
Civil Rights Movements turn Violent–why?
Leaders were assasinated
John & Robert Kennedy assassinated
MLKJR. assassinated
Malcom X assassinated
Black Panthers
Dedicated to fight authority for civil rights
high in detroit, baltimore, DC, Watts saw the worse riotting
Affirmitive Action
Prefer blacks in positions so the blacks could catch up to the whites
Bakke v. Univerisyt of California Regents
Bakke was white vietnam vet. from minnesota and was in minnestoa univeristy and went to standford university and applied for university of california medical school which only take 100 students who have a certain composite score of the GPA, MCAT, and Interview. Bakke didnt get accpeted first year, didnt get in second year, discrimination upon being white and hasn’t ended up until this day
The Cold War
U.S. & Soviet Union (S.U.) totally different
Causes of the Cold War
U.S. democratic; S.U. 1 Party Dictatorship
Differences between the U.S. & Soviet Union
Capitalist U.S.; S.U. Communist
Differences between the U.S. & Soviet Union
Christian U.S.; Atheist S.U.
Differences between the U.S. & Soviet Union
Worlds two leading powers
Causes of the Cold War
U.S. delay in opening a 2nd front in Europe in WWII
Causes of the Cold War
Britain and U.S. refuse to share Atom bomb with S.U.
Causes of the Cold War
S.U. forced Nation of Eastern Europe to become communist
stopped at the elbe river, halfway through Germany. West for U.S. and British, East for S.U.; Government would be choosen by the people, but S.U. would choose communism for them.
Iron Curtain
Speech given by Churchill in 1946 in Fulton, Missouri
“Iron Curtain” has dropped from Baltic to Adriatic Sea. East of curtain is communism, west is democratic world
Containment Policy
Foreign Policy from 1946-1990
Created by George Kennan, when he compared communism to cancer. If cancer is contained it will be defreated, if not it will die. Communism was the same
U.S. Alliance system
surround communism with U.S. allies
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
HQ Russels, Belgium
U.S., Canada, Nations of W. Europe
“An attack against one is an attack against all”
Central Treaty Organization
U.S., Britain, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey
South East Asia Treaty Organization ANZUS Astrailia New Zaeland U.S.
Individual Country Treaties
End of Cold War
Won by the U.S. when the S.U. collapsed from economic turmoil
Korean War
N. Korea invades S. Korea in 1950 and S. Korea and U.N. soldiers sent as far back as Pusan
U.N. Coalition
Gen. McArthur leads colaition army and lands at Inchon and the nU.N. ordered to conquer North Korea and they end up fighting mostly agisnt Chinese and stop fight in 1953 and ended where we started territorialy
Kim Il Sung
Dictator for N. Korea
Space Race
situation at end of WWII
World Leader of Rockets
powerd by Jet Engine
aimed at London all along the norhtern coast of france
rocket engine looks like modern rocket
U.S. development of Rokets
U.S. asks soldiers to look for parts, plans, and scietists of rockets to build one for the U.S.
Werner Von Braun
ended in housten and invets most of U.S. rockets and chief rocket scientis for Nation Aurinatical Space Agency (NASA)
Sputnick I
launched by russia in 1957 rocket that launched sputnick was first Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM)
Explorer I
Launched by U.S. in 1958
dog sent to space and brought back
Yuri GaGarin
First man to go to space and died in car wreck
Sam Chimp
first chimp to go to space by order of President to place a living organism in space
Race to go to the moon by 1969
Benefits of Moon Program
it would make the U.S. world leader in computer science
World Leader in metalergy
world leader in communication and spy sattelites
generally improve the south
Help develop ICBMs
Launching site for NASA
Cape Canaveral (later renamed Cape Kennedy i think)
Testing site for NASA
Huntsville, Albama
Mission Control
Houston Texas
Moon Program
- Project Mercury
- Project Gemini
- Project Apollo
Project Mercury
Single seat capsule for sub-orbital and then orbital flights
Alan Shepard
Pilot from Navy, marines, airforce, and is first to be in space for the U.S.
John Glenn
Orbital Flight
Project Gemini
two seat capsule
practice “Docking”
Goal of Project Gemini
to test effect of long term space travel on human body
Practice “Docking” which means when the twos space crafts combine
Project Apollo
3 seat capsule saturn IV largest rocket
Neil Armstron
lead 3 man team to land on moon
“One small step for man one giant leap for mankind”
Space Shuttle
scietific looks into the reusable space rockets give way to space shuttle
Today space travel
private companies have to take over space travel
Kennedy Presidency
1960-1963 famous kennedy clan lived in hyannis Port, Massachussets bachelor in history from harvard London school of Economics John went into Navy during WWII became caption of PT-109 and served in the Solomon island and was rescued and got navy cross
Wrote Profiles in Courage and won Pulitzer price for history
John Kennedy
congress man from massachusets then senator from massachussets, but wasnt very active and married jackyline during this time
John Kennedy
Ran for President in 1960
John Kennedy
1960 Campaign
John v. Nixon
John Kennedy campaign
Youth–Only 43 and is youngest president at time
Catholic–Never chossen catholic president
Accent–boston accent that U.S. people didnt like him
Paired with Johnson as Johnson is from the south, christian, not accented, and is old to balance ticket, but the two men hated each other, but came to compromise
New very well his stuff
was very well prepared for presidency as he had been running the Office of President while Eisenhower was ill from his heart
T.V. debate
4 debates
Nixon won them for those who heard radio
Kennedy won for those who saw him on T.V.
34.1 million votes for Nixon, 34.2 million votes for Kennedy
“New Frontier” Program
Kennedy’s Presidential Program
Medicare, Medicaid, Space Program, Black Rights, Peace Corps, Interstate Highway System (National Defense Highway System) every town over 50k will be on it only McAllen and Brownsville not on it.
Bad Aspects of Kennedy
had lots of Girlfriends
Assassination of Kennedy
Nov. 22, 1963
Kennedy came to Texas to be seen with V.P. and Connoly
Seceret Service against it because they didnt like the P. and V.P. together and knew Dallas was very conservitive and people hated the P. there, but he declined them because he said he was going there to fix that. and denied using the bubble over the limo because he wanted to stop and talk and shake peoples hands so he would be liked some more
___ Gun Shots
Bullets found
1 that killed both president and Governer
2nd not found
3 shot was shot to head that killed Kennedy
Died within ___ min.
Johnson Becoming President
V.P. called Robert to ask him how he would become president know and on his way to D.C. in the airport at dallass Johnson is sworn in as president
Oswald is assassinated
took Oswalk to city jail, but wasnt safe enought so he is being transported out to country jail and lots of cops and reporters gather around and jack ruby shoots oswald twice and kills oswald, ruby is sent to jain and ruby then dies in jail
Earl Warren Report
Given by chief justice Earl Warren after his investigation
Assassin of Kennedy
24 year old ex marine and had rifle experts badge and could shoot 3 shots and hit accuretly. he was very unpopular in service, and loved studying russian. owald defected to russia and renounced U.S. and hoped for heor welcome out of russia since he defected the U.S., but russia didnt want him that much so they gave him a low simple life, thus he returned to u.s. after a yuear. upon return he worked at the book depository and went to Mexico City once aand was at the Russian and cuban Embassy. One army general had an attmepted assissantion by oswald but failed, but bullet matched to Oswald’s gun
Lyndon Johnson
President 1964-1968 (Actually Elected)
President from Stonewall, Texas
Lyndon Johnson
Went to Southwest Texas State College at San Marcos
Lyndon Johnson
President that was a teacher in Houston
Lyndon Johnson
Taught speech and quit after a year of teacher
President that became an assistant to a congressman
Lyndon Johnson
Administrator of the NYA during the Great Depression
Lyndon Johnson
First Congressman to Resign and joing the Military
Lyndon Johnson
He resigned from a being a US. congressman from Texas to join the military and become a naval officer in the pacific and won a medal for bravery and was elected to the seneate after war. He was a model politician and wasa able to pass many bill that he wanted.
Hed of the democratic party in the Senate
Lyndon Johnson
Great Society Program or “War on Poverty
Lyndon Johnson's Program Meidcare Meidcaid Civil Right act of 1964 headstart program HUD Immigration Refrom
Headstart Porgram
to give the children of poor families a head start by going to school earlier and having a head start in their education
Housing & Urban Development (HUD)
Make sure the housing was decent in the Urban communinities
Immigration Reform
Increase number of immigrants from black and Hispanic cultures and reduce whites from Europe
Warren Court
Backlash of Against Johnson
Banned Prayer in U.S. public school
banned display of ten commandment in public building
banned religious display using tax money
Miranda v. Arizona
Miranda is illegal from Mexico and new almost nothing of U.S. lagal system. he got a job in Pheonix arizona at wearehouse and he loaded and unloaded truchs. He would then, on the day he got paid, would get druck and then abduct a women take her to the middle of the desert, raper and kill her. Only one women remained alive after the attack and was able to make it to the highway, and she identified him in a line up, since miranda was already on the list of possible suspects for a crime like that, the police made sure miranda was in the line up. However, they didnt read MIranda his rights, so he didnt know what his rights were, thus, the Warren court ordered him released and to be given an opology because he was held unlawfully because his rights were compromised. Now the MIranda rights have to be read to everyone when being arrested
Richard Nixon
Born in small farm in California
member of quaker church
attended whittier college in california for quakers
Went to duke law school
wanted to go into the FBI, but he needed a law degree or a Cerified Accountant degree
started law practice in california and also served in pacific
congressman from California
was a prominent member of HUAC
Eisenhower choose Nixon to be V.P. and beause of Eisenhower’s health he ran the country most of the time.
Ran for president in 1960, but lost.
Ran and won in 1968
Henry Kissinger
Secretary of state during Richard Nixon
Excellent Secretary of state
Ended war in Vietnam
strategic arms limitation treaty
Opening to China
nixon policy opened to china to have china not be an enemy to and break up the china russia bond
George Mcgovern
Opposed Nixon in 1972 election
Committee to Re Elect the President
Watergate Scandal
broke into the headquarters of Democratic office to attempt to pin money from Russia or communist party for McGovern. Office is in Watergate region, thus its the Watergate Scandal. CREEP agents got room from Watergate Hotel and then James McCord and his Plumbers moved into the building, picked the lock for the entrance and for the door to the fire staircase, but so they wouldnt get stuck again they taped the doorhinge so the door would lock. However, janitor saw the tape and called cops and they were arrested. President told everyone in CREEP to stay quiet and maybe it would be okay. However, Deepthroat told the news agencies to proceed the investigation.
man who told the news agencies to keep looking into the watergate scandal. he would meet them only in dark places and would change his voice and keep his face hidden, under the shadows
Senate Watergate Hearing
Wanted to impeach president on charges of obstruction of justice, president forced to hand over the secret tape recordings of his office to the senate hearing by order of supreme court and he then resigns to keep from being impeached
Gerald Ford
from michigan, attended University of Michigan, played center (football) went on to yale law school during wwii he bacame a naval office in the pacific
entered politics upon return
Jimmy Carter
first southerner to go into office in 100 years
From georgia, where his father owned a penaut farm and business
Attended Naval Academy and became a nuclear engineer, when his father died he lft the navy and took over the peanut business. later he entered politics and became governer of Georgia.
devout christian and often began meetings with prayer
Carter Loses Popularity
- High Inflation
- High Gas Prices
- Weak foreign policy & National Defense
High Inflation
costs were going up very fast
High Gas Prices
shortage of gasoline
caused by OPEC
prices rise and gasoline is rationed
ration one day 5 gallons only for week.
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Contries
caused shortage of gasoline
punish U.S. by producing less gasoline
Weak Foreing Policy & National Defense
Amnesty to Draft Dodgers
Returned Panama
Russia invades Afghanistan and turns afghanistan communist, he places a Grain Embargo, but only hurts u.s. farmers not Russia
Iran Seized 52 U.S. hostages
Iran turns muslim fundamentalist and seized american embassy, Nixon only tries to reason with them, not attack
Ronald Raegan
1980-1988 Republican not rich, from low middle class family Eureka Collge (small colle in illinois) sports announcer for 5 years good voise went to hollywood to become actor became movie star married jone wyman army officer but never served in combat, made training films returned to hollywood after war got divorce became host of TV spokesperson for Reppublican pary president of the Screen Actors guild worked w/ HUAC to find communists Gov. of California cut takes and spending in California Ran for President in 1980 and won by a landslide
Was nixon reeleced
Reagan Popular in first term–Why?
"Great Communicator" Solved Iran Hostage Crisis on the same day he became president Assasination Attempt Raeganomics ReElected
Reagan Assassination attempt
after giving speech in the hilton hotel and on his way out of the hotel a kid tried to kill him to become famous. he wanted the fame to impress Joey Foster who he had been stalking and harboring a great love for and writing love letter to her too. Thus, an asssassination attempt would make him famous, but he was captured and taken to jail whre he still is. President got shot through one of his lungs, and when he arrived to hospital his wife was there and he told his wife “I forgot to duck, honey” and the U.S. people liked he kept his calm and his cool
Second Term Reagan
lost popularity
National Deficit
sometimes would forget lines in speeches
announced he had terminal alzheimers after he left office
cut takes by $1k per american family very strong on defense $ 1.5T budget for defense did it to out spend Russia and it worked Russi went bankrupt and broke up Russia Huge debt in U.S.
Vietnam War
Fought in 3 phases
French Phase
French attempt to take Vienam back after Japan is defeated, but the Viet Minh attack them and prevent them from doing this. The french fight them, but after a major defeat, they begin peace talks in Geneva, Switzerland
Geneva Accords
Divide vietnam at the 17th parallel
north would be run by Ho Chi Minh and would be communist, South would be Democratic and be left alone by North
American Phase
North broke Geneva accord and they invaded south vietnam through the ho chi minh trail. The viet cong as the north called it self, sank 2 destoyers in the Gulf of Tonkin, and led from military advisors to actual combat troops to be sent to Vietnam trhought the Tonkin Gulf Resolution. The U.S. used an Escalation technique and would send little by little more troops until 1968 when war was at its height 540K u.s. 750K south vietnamese 45K koreans Philippinos, Australians, New Zelanders
Tet Offensive
Viet Cong attacked all major south vietnamese citites. although communists were soon defeated, the media portrayed a communist vicotory, and many americans began to dislike the war
End of American Phase
Stopped Bombing
Asked for peace talk
Lyndon Johnson doesn’t run for Re-Election in 1968
Vietnamization Phase
U.S. would leave the Vietnam Peninsula if North left Sought alone
Leave all military equipment for south to use for defense
Paris Peace Accords followed for two years until North invaded south and this time Congress didn’t allow the U.S. to get involved in Vietnan.
Results of War
Vietnam was reunited as one communit country
laos and cambodia were also quickly taken over by the communist
Saigon was renamed ho chi minh city
100K Vietnamese refugees were resettled in America
American prestige fell worldwide