Final Exam gen chem 2 Flashcards
Substances with a low VP have a little tendency to change what ?
change from liquid to gas
Substance with low VP have what kind of particle interactions and what else?
strong p-p interactions and/or high avg. molecular mass
What kind of substances have hgher heats of vaporization, higher BP, and greater surface tension?
strong p-p interactions and/or high avg. molecular mass substances
Large values of VP indicates what kinds of substances
substances with low avg molecular mass and/or very lil interaction among the particles
Substances with lower heats of vaporization, lower BP, and less surface tension have
Large values of VP
lighter gases will escape
As pure liquids cools undisturbed in a clean contaner, the temp will
dip briefly below the melting point of the solid
When solid crystals form, the temp will
increase to the melting point of the solid where it will remain until all the liquid has finally been converted to a solid
A particular solid is soft, a poor conductor of heat and electricity, and has a low melting point.
Generally, such a solid is classified as
molecular solid
Ionic Solid structure
Covalent Solid structure
amorphous or crystalline
Network covalent structure
amorphous or crystalline
Metallic structure
Ionic solid expected conductivity of solid
Ionic solid expected conductivity of solid fused
Network covalent and Covalent solid expected conductivity of solid
Network covalent and Covalent solid expected conductivity of solid fused
Metallic expected conductivity of solid
Metallic expected conductivity of solid fused
Carbon dioxide, CO2, in the form of dry ice would be classified as a
molecular solid
The melting point of an impure compound is generally
lower than that of the pure solid.
What is the vapor pressure of a solution with a
benzene to octane molar ratio of 2:1?
320 mmHg
What do phase diagrams demonstrate ?
Phase diagrams show the
temperature/pressure relationships among the three states.
What physical properties of solids are looked at?
bonding, crystal shapes, and solubility rules
For liquids, what phys props are looked at?
miscibility and VP
Physical props of gases
Math relationship such as ideal gas laws
Solutions props
units of concentration, preparation and dilution, and properties asso’d w/ # of solute particles dissolved
Normal melting point is
the temp at which the solid and liquid phase are in equilibrium at standard atmo pressure, 760 mmHg
How are diamonds formed chemically speaking?
covalently bonded carbon atoms; network of substances that do not form cubic crystalline patterns, and doesn’t conduct electricity either when solid or fused
Gibbs Free Energy change is what?
The measure of thermodynamic driving force
Gibbs free energy does not tell us what?
the energy terrain in moving from reactants to products, but rxn dynamics/kinetics/ rates of rxn do
Rate of rxn is based on what factors that lead to their products?
Collisions, attractive interactions, repulsive interactions, bond breaking, and bond making