final exam flash cards
language is located in the…
left side of the brain, it is unilateral
paul broca was a french neurologist in the…
language expression is controlled in most people in…
the left hemisphere of the brain
90% of right handed people have their language centers located…
in the left hemisphere
70% of left handed people have their language centers located…
in the left hemisphere
broca’s patient Tam could understand language but couldn’t speak, he had damage…
only in one part of the left hemisphere frontal lobe which is now called broca’s area
broca’s area functions in…
language production/the ability to speak
Karl Wernicke was a german neurologist in the…
Wernicke had a patient that could speak but couldn’t understand any language and had damage…
in the left hemisphere temporal lobe which is now called wernicke’s area
broca’s area controls the production of speech and is located near…
the motor cortex BUT it is not a motor area. instead it converts words into code for muscle movement that is then sent to the motor cortex
wernicke’s area controls the comprehension of language and is located near…
the auditory cortex
the language functions of the right side of the brain include…
intonation (how a word is pronounced) and emotional expression in speech
broca’s aphasia has the symptoms of…
having good language comprehension but production of non-fluent, a-grammatical speech, if speech can even be produced
wernicke’s aphasia has the symptoms of…
poor language comprehension but the production of fluent, grammatical, meaningless language (they cannot even understand what they are saying)
the wernicke-geshwind model outlines…
the path both spoken and written language are interpreted to then produce speech
When a word is spoken to a person and they are asked to repeat it, it is…
interpreted by the auditory cortex (A1), then sent to wernicke’s area where it is comprehended, travels along the arcuate fasciculus (bundle of axons) to go to broca’s area, broca’s area then converts the words into a code for muscle movements and the motor cortex then executes the command and produces speech.
When a word is read and asked to be spoken out loud, the information is first…
processed by the primary visual cortex which then sends the information to the angular gyrus, the angular gyrus then transforms the signal so that it evokes the same response in wernicke’s area as if the word had been spoken, wernicke’s then understands the word and sends the information to broca’s area via the arcuate fasciculus where the necessary motor signals are produced and sent to the motor cortex to be converted into speech
the angular gyrus is located between the visual and auditory cortexes and can be thought of as…
the voice inside out heads when reading, etc.
split brain patients are those that…
had their corpus callosum cut in order to prevent their seizures from expanding over both halves of the brain
in everyday life, split brain individuals can…
function as normal people even though there is no communication between the two halves of the brain because their eyes can move around and obtain a complete picture
When an object is located within only the left visual field, split brain patients…
cannot see anything according the broca’s area since the visual information from the right side of the brain cannot cross to the language centers on the left side, resulting in the individuals saying “i don’t see anything”
when an object is located within only the right visual field, split brain patients…
will respond as a normal individual since the visual information is already in the left side of the brain and can be sent to the language centers
If a split brain patient has a ball placed in their left visual field they will respond by saying that they do not see anything. When asked to use the left hand to pick up the object they saw (simply based on feel/shape) they…
correctly pick the ball because the right brain knows what was seen, proving that the right side of the brain can function and understand things without the left side being connected to it, the right side just cannot speak, it is mute not “dumb”
the right hemisphere can read letters, short words and numbers but this can only be determined by…
asking the split brain patients for a non verbal response for the information they just saw