Final Exam Flash Cards
GAWM note 1
Milam and Bryant kidnapped Emmett Till for flirting with Carolyn Bryant
GAWM note 1
Milam and Bryant kidnapped Emmett Till for flirting with Carolyn Bryant
GAWM note 1
Milam and Bryant kidnapped Emmett Till for flirting with Carolyn Bryant
Mla Format
Font 12, double spaced, 1 inch margins
Dynamic Character
Character that learns from their mistakes
Root words
Soph: wisdom, Derm: skin
Root words
Osteo: bone, Luc: clear
MLA date format ex.
13 March 2023/Coletta 1, no commas
Brown vs. Board
Desegregated schools
Underlying message/central idea
ex. of Theme
Lonliness can make someone cruel
Root words
Migr: wander, Fort: strong
Root word
Ecto: outer
simili without like or as:
GAWM notes 2
Roy Bryant confessed to kidnapping to never about killing him
GAWM notes 3
Emmett Till’s body was found in the Tallahatchi river and recognized by wearing his father’s ring
Mice and Men notes
Curley’s wife didn’t have a name, old man’s name was Candy