Final exam - first tri Flashcards
What does the term ‘somber’ mean?
Serious, grave, or gloomy in mood or tone.
Define ‘benignant’.
Kind, gentle, and benevolent.
What does it mean to ‘infringe’?
To violate or encroach upon someone’s rights or territory.
What is a ‘figurative’ expression?
An expression that uses metaphorical language, not literal.
What does ‘aver’ mean?
To state or assert confidently.
Define ‘affected’.
Influenced or touched by an external factor.
What does ‘subsequent’ refer to?
Occurring after something else; following.
What is meant by ‘orthodox’?
Conforming to established doctrine, especially in religion.
Define ‘incipient’.
In an initial stage; beginning to happen or develop.
What does ‘flail’ mean?
To wave or swing wildly; to struggle in a chaotic manner.
What is an ‘adversary’?
An opponent or enemy.
Define ‘assimilate’.
To absorb and integrate new information or experiences.
What is a ‘symptom’?
A sign or indication of a condition or problem.
What does it mean to ‘ostracize’ someone?
To exclude or banish someone from a group or society.
Fill in the blank: An ‘iota’ refers to a _______.
[small amount or quantity]
What does ‘facetious’ imply?
Intended to be humorous, often inappropriately.
Define ‘bounty’.
A generous gift or reward.
What does it mean to ‘augment’?
To increase or make something larger.
Define ‘longevity’.
Long duration of life or existence.
What is a ‘propensity’?
An inclination or natural tendency to behave in a certain way.
What does ‘indentured’ mean?
Bound by a contract to work for a specific period.
What does ‘guise’ refer to?
An external appearance or semblance.
Define ‘braggart’.
A person who boasts or brags excessively.
What does ‘archaic’ imply?
Old-fashioned or outdated.
What does ‘vigilant’ mean?
Keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
What is a ‘promenade’?
A leisurely walk or public display.
What does ‘juncture’ refer to?
A particular point in events or time.
What is ‘guile’?
Sly or cunning intelligence.
Define ‘cataclysm’.
A large-scale and violent event in the natural world.
What does it mean to ‘ascribe’ something?
To attribute something to a cause or source.
What does ‘vilify’ mean?
To speak or write about in an abusively disparaging manner.
What does it mean to ‘extol’?
To praise enthusiastically.
Define ‘lugubrious’.
Looking or sounding sad and dismal.
What is ‘gargantuan’?
Extremely large or massive.
What does ‘cynic’ mean?
A person who believes that people are motivated purely by self-interest.
What does it mean to ‘affiliate’?
To officially attach or connect to an organization.
Define ‘variegated’.
Exhibiting different colors, especially in patterns.
What does ‘portentous’ imply?
Ominously significant or indicative.
Fill in the blank: A ‘myriad’ refers to a _______.
[countless or extremely great number]
What is a ‘hovel’?
A small, squalid, unpleasant, or simply constructed dwelling.
Define ‘discord’.
Disagreement or conflict.
What does it mean to ‘amortize’?
To gradually pay off a debt over time.
What is ‘vernacular’?
The language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region.
What does ‘pungent’ mean?
Having a strong smell or taste.
Define ‘mercurial’.
Subject to sudden changes of mood or mind.
What does ‘incongruity’ refer to?
The state of being out of place or inappropriate.
What is ‘dingy’?
Gloomy and drab; dirty or shabby.
Define ‘asperity’.
Harshness of tone or manner.
What does ‘propitious’ mean?
Giving or indicating a good chance of success; favorable.
What is ‘supercilious’?
Behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to others.
Fill in the blank: A ‘moiety’ is a _______.
[part or portion]
What does ‘impetus’ refer to?
The force or energy with which a body moves.
What does ‘deride’ mean?
To express contempt for; ridicule.
Define ‘acumen’.
The ability to make good judgments and quick decisions.
What is a ‘sinuous’ path?
A winding or curving path.
What does ‘mitigate’ mean?
To make less severe, serious, or painful.
What is ‘inscrutable’?
Impossible to understand or interpret.
Define ‘equestrian’.
Relating to horse riding.
What does ‘adroit’ mean?
Clever or skillful in using the hands or mind.
What are ‘requisites’?
Things that are necessary for a particular purpose.
What does it mean to ‘sever’?
To cut off or separate.
Define ‘nepotism’.
The practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends.
What does ‘ingenious’ imply?
Clever, original, and inventive.
What does it mean to ‘flaunt’?
To display something ostentatiously.
Define ‘altruism’.
The belief in or practice of selfless concern for the well-being of others.
What does ‘resilient’ mean?
Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.
What is ‘obstinate’?
Stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or chosen course of action.
What does ‘implicit’ mean?
Implied though not plainly expressed.
Define ‘anomalous’.
Deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected.
What are ‘rudiments’?
The basic principles or elements of a subject.
What does ‘precocious’ mean?
Having developed certain abilities or proclivities at an earlier age than usual.
What is ‘volatile’?
Liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse.
What does ‘equilibrium’ refer to?
A state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced.