Final Exam Diseases Flashcards
Diabetes Type 1
Cause: Unknown cause, autoimmune
Symptoms: Increased urination, weight loss, hyperglycemia
Treatment: Insulin administration
Diabetes Type II
Cause: Partially genetic and lifestyle, decreased insulin sensitivity
Symptoms: Increased urination, thirst, blood urination, hyperglycemia
Treatment: Diet and lifestyle changes, insulin administration
Cause: Pituitary tumor
Symptoms: GH release before epiphyseal plate closure in bones, large stature
Treatment: Removal of tumor
Addison’s Disease
Primary adrenal insufficiency
Cause: Genetic defect in zona glomerulosa, fails to produce mineralcorticoids
Symptoms: salt wasting diseases, high frequency of urination, high K+, low BP
Treatment: Administration of missing hormones (cortisol, aldosterone)
Cause: GH insufficiency (caused by head trauma, pituitary tumor)
Symptoms: Short stature, late onset puberty/not at all
Treatment: GH administration
Cause: Pituitary tumor after epiphyseal plate closure
Symptoms: Exaggerated growth of hands, tongue, jaw bone, tongue and organs (leading to organ failure)
Treatment: removal of tumor
Hashimoto’s Disease
Cause: antibodies in thyroid gland attacking the thyroid gland
Symptoms: Decrease of thyroxine, increase in TSH, weight gain, decreased BMR
Treatment: Thyroxine administration
Graves’ Disease
Cause: antibodies attack TSH receptors, increase in thyroxine production
Symptoms: Bulging eyes, goiter, sweating, irritability
Treatment: radioactive iodine therapy
Cushing’s Disease
Cause: Suprarenal tumor producing excess cortisol or pituitary producing ACTH
Symptoms: Central obesity with limb sparing, poor immune hump, “moon face”
Treatment: remove tumor
Cause: Lack of thyroxine during development (lack of iodine in diet)
Symptoms: Short stature, mental development delays
Treatment: Replace of iodine in diet
Cause: TSH secreting pituitary tumor
Symptoms: increased metabolism, weight loss, goiter, sensitive to heat
Treatment: radioactive iodine
Cause: Lack of iodine in the diet in adulthood
Symptoms: Decreased metabolism, weight gain, goiter
Treatment: Replacement of iodine, thyroxine administration
Cause: Decreased tissue sensitivity to androgens
Symptoms: Breast development in males
Treatment: Breast reduction surgery
Androgen Insensitivity
Cause: Mutation of gene encoding androgen receptor
Symptoms: Develops phenotypically as a female (genetically male)
Treatment: None
Androgential syndrome (Congenital adrenal hyperplasia)
Cause: Mutation in genes that make glucocorticoids and mineralcorticoids shunted to androgen production in utero
Symptoms: Adrogenous genitalia in female,
infertility, improper lung development, early masculination in males
Treatments: Replacement therapy for aldosterone and cortisol
Precocious Puberty
Cause: Unknown cause, genetic or a result of Androgenital syndrome
Symptoms: Extremely early onset of puberty
Treatment: lifestyle changes, psychological support, no treatment
Sickle Cell Anemia
Cause: Mutation in gene encoding hemoglobin
Symptom: Sickling of red blood cells, causes extreme pain in periphery, hyperbilirubinemia, shortness of breath
Treatment: Bone marrow transplant
Cause: massive death of RBCs, lack of coenzymes necessary for RBC maturation
Symptoms: SOB, dizziness, weakness
Treatment: Replace vitamin deficiencies (B12)
Cause: Inability to clot uncontrolled bleeding, due to a deficiency of platelets or inability to make them
Symptoms: uncontrolled bleeding, excessive bruising
Treatment: Replacement of platelets
Cause: overproliferation of leukocytes due to cancerous uncontrolled cell cycle
Symptoms: Decreased immune response, increased leukocytes in blood
Treatment: Bone marrow transplant, chemo
Cause: Genetic/lifestyle
Symptoms: Increased lipids in circulation
Treatments: Lifestyle change
Cause: Genetic component (increased uptake of iron from diet) and from RBC lysis
Symptoms: increased iron
Treatment: a phlebotomy to remove excess iron
Cause: Inflammatory response to radical fatty acids in the arteries
Symptoms: More turbulent blood flow through vessels, decreased cross-sectional area of vessels
Treatment: Exercise and proper diet by decreasing LDL and increasing HDL, stenting
Cause: weakening of blood vessels, results in bulging outward from the vessel
Symptoms: generalized pain in region of aneurysm
Treatment: Mesh can be wrapped around to reinforce the vessel
Cause: Aneurysm, embolism blockage to vessels
Symptoms: loss of consciousness, unilateral weakness of one side, loss of cognitive functioning
Treatment: rapid response can greatly improve outcome
Cause: Congential heart valve problems
Symptoms: abnormal heart sounds
Treatment: New valves can be put in through surgery
Atrial Fibrillation
Cause: recreational drugs or ectopic pacemaker
Symptoms: “fluttering” of atria due to improper electrical signals through cardiac tissue
Treatment: aspirin or stent
Method to replace blocked vessels by removing a vessel from the leg and sticked into place of one of the coronary arteries
Measures electrical behavior of the heart (reports rhythm, magnitude and direction of electrical impulses through the heart)
Breakdown of clots and clotting cascade
Used to break down emboli to restore blood flow
Blood in Urine
Cause: UTIs, kidney infections, kidney stone
Symptoms: pink urine
Treatment: treat underlying condition
Cause: body cannot use sugar properly for energy, excess kestones in blood end up in urine
Symptom: High ketone levels in urine, high blood sugar
Treatment: Insulin therapy
Cause: Elevated blood glucose levels caused by diabetes
Symptoms: high levels of glucose in urine
Treatment: No specific treatment, but can be treated with insulin/diabetic medication
Cause: high levels of protein in blood
Symptoms: High levels of protein in urine, dehydration
Treatment: ACE inhibitors
Cause: diabetes, renal failure
Symptom: frequent urination in large volumes
Treatment: Treat with antidiuretics (ADH and aldosterone)
Phenylketonurics (PKU)
Cause: Genetic disorder where body cannot metabolize amino acid phenylalanine
Symptom: mental retardation, stunted growth, small head size
Treatment: strick diet with limited phenylalanine intake
Cause: Hormonal dysfunction
Symptoms: Loss of menses
Treatment: No cure, but address problem (body fat %)
Breast Cancer
Cause: Unchecked cell proliferation of breast cells
Symptoms: mass in the breast
Treatment: cancer treatment (chemotherapy)
Cervical Cancer
Cause: HPV
Symptoms: irregular cell growth of the cervix
Treatment: Cancer treatment
Impotence/Erectile dysfunction
Cause: Psychological stress/damage to parasympathetic nervous system
Symptoms: Inability to achieve an erection
Treatment: Viagra, or testosterone
Prostate Cancer
Cause: Unchecked cell proliferation of prostate cells
Symptom: increased frequency of urination with difficulty draining bladder, mass in prostate
Treatment: prostatectomy
Cause: bacterial/yeast infection
Symptoms: Inflammation of the vagina
Treatment: Treat the infection
Cause: bacterial infection by Neisseria gonnorrhea
Symptoms: Discharge, painful urination
Treatment: Antibiotics
Cause: bacterial infection by Treponema palladum
Symptoms: Ulcers
Treatment: Antibiotics
Cause: bacterial infection by chlamydia trachomatics
Symptoms: Painful urination discharge
Treatment: Antibiotics
Cause: herpes virus 1 or 2
Symptoms: Painful pustules in genital area
Treatment: No cure, anti-virals to prevent outbreaks
Cause: Virus infection
Symptoms: WBC count falls below 200/dL, decreased immunity
Treatment: HAART cocktail that inhibits viral proliferation
Ectopic pregnancy
Cause: fallopian tube malformation that results in insemination outside fallopian tube
Symptoms: severe pain, vaginal bleeding, internal hemorrhaging
Treatment: surgical removal of ectopic fetus
Rh Negative Disease
Cause: Rh negative mother has Rh+ child, mothers antibodies destroying RBCs
Symptoms: Jaundice, anemia
Treatment: Blood transfusions
Group B strep
Cause: Group B streptoccous pyogenes infection of newborn
Symptoms: scalded skin appearance
Treatment: antibiotics
Gestational diabetes
Cause: variations in hormonal regulation in mother results in increasing circulation of levels of glucose/resistance to insulin
Symptoms: Symptomatic during pregnancy
Treatment: Insulin administration with dietary management
Cause: factors secreted by placenta into mother’s systemic circulation
Symptoms: high BP in pregnant women
Treatment: Birth
Breach Baby
Cause: Baby doesn’t proceed through birth canal in head first manner
Symptom: Crown shows first, but anything else
Treatment: Manipulate baby into more appropriate birthing position
Cause: Stress hormones or malnutrition
Symptoms: Can by asymptomatic with abnormally heavy flow, fetus must be passed in more developed pregnancies
Treatment: None
Low amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios)
Cause: Fetal track abnormalities
Symptom: deficiency of amniotic fluid during pregnancy
Treatment: Maternal hydration
Placenta previa
Cause: unknown causes
Symptom: Displaced placenta, lethal for mother and child
Treatment: Immediate surgical intervention
Cleft palate/cleft lip
Cause: Non-fusion of body’s natural structures during gestation
Symptom: failure of fusion of hard palate
Treatment: Surgical intervention to repair malformed facial bones
Tetralogy of fallot
Cause: 4 heart defets that present together (associated with chromosome 22 deletions)
Symptoms: Blue baby disease, low oxygenation of blood
Treatment: surgical repair of malformation, beta blockers
Spina bifida
Cause: Incomplete closure of the vertebrae
Symptoms: Visible spinal sac protruding out
Treatment: Surgical intervention
Cause: Spinal bifida, prevents normal development of brain and skull
Symptom: The bones of the skull are also missing or incompletely formed
Treatment: None, babies die within a couple hours
Down Syndrome
Cause: Trisomy 21
Symptoms: Impaired mental development, small stature, sunny disposition
Treatment: No treatment
Edwards syndrome
Cause: Trisomy 18
Symptoms: Myriad of abnormal developmental defects occur (Heart, thoracic, abdominal cavity abnormalities)
Treatment: No treatment
Cause: Bacterial infection
Symptoms: Painful sores
Treatment: Antibiotics
Protozoal infection by trichomanis vaginalis
Symptoms: fishing smelling, green discharge, painful urination
Treatment: Anti-protozoal medications