final exam comp Flashcards
axial skeleton
verterbral column:
cervical vertebrae (first 7)
thoracic (next 12)
lumbar (next 5 bones)
sacrum (next 5)
coccyx (next 4)
illium- 2 bones elephant ear
ischium- 2 bones holes
pubis- 2 bones
appendicualar skeleton
upper and lower extermeties
2) scapula
3) humerus
4) radius and ulna
5) carpals 8 bones each
6) metacarpals 5 bones each
7) phalanges 14 bone each
tibia and fibula
tarsal 7 each
metatasal 5 each
phalnges 14 each
6 general movements of the body
interal rotation
Bony articualtions - 3 types of joints
diarthrodial joints (synovial joints)
syanthrodial joints (fibrous joints): bones held together by fibrous articulations, allowing for little or no movement ex)skull
amphiarthrodial joint (cartilaginous joints)
hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage holds joints together.
little movement
interverterbral discs
types of diarthrodial joints
plane/gliding: movements are tern non-axial b/c of 2 flat surfaces gliding over
hinge: allows for flex/ext
pivot: allows for rotation (radioulnar)
condylar: mostly flex/ext (knee)
ellipsoid: flex/ext and add/ab (metacarpophalangeal)
saddle: only in thumb allows for flex/ext and ab/add (carpometacarpal)
ball and socket: allows for motion all 3 planes (hip)
simple compound complex
simple: two articulating surfaces -hip
compound: three or more articulating surfaces - wrist
complex: two surfaces with articular disc or fibrocartilage - knee
pelvic girdle
The hip regions consist of the pelvic girdle and hip joint.
the pelvic girdle the articulation of the ilium, ischium pubis and sacrum
movements: anterior/posterior tilt, left and right lateral tilt, left/right transverse rotation
hip joint
composed of the acetabulofemoral articulation, articulation between the femur and the pelvis
movements: flex/ext, ab/add, int/ext rotation, circumduction
knee joint
composed of the tibiofemoral joint, articulation between the femur and tibia
movements: flex/ext int/ext rotation
ankle joints
subtalar, talocrual, talonavicular, and calcaneocubid
joints of foot
metacarpophalangeal joints: composed of metatarsals and phalanx
interphalangeal joints: composed of distal, intermediate, and proximal phalanges
shoulder girdle
scapulothoraic joint- scapula and thorax
acromioclavicular joint: scapula and clavicle
sternoclavicular joint: sternum and clavicle
glenohumeral joint: humerus and scapula
movements: elevation/depression, retraction/protraction, upward/downward rotation, ant/post tilt
elbow joints
two major joints
ulnohumeral: ulna and humerus
proximal radioulnar joint: between the radius and ulna
movements: flex/ext, supination/pronation,
wrist joints
radiocarpal joint: composed of the radius and proximal row of carpal bones
movements: flexion/extension, radial deviation, and ulnar deviation
hand joints
carpometacarpal joints- consists of the metacarpals and carpal
metacarpophalangeal joints: metacarpals and phalanx
interphalangeal joints: distal, intermediate, and proximal phalanges
Which joint action at the shoulder has the largest force output
functional muscle group= joint + joint action + ers
shoulder extensors
trunk extensors
skeletal muscle and its tissue properties
irritability (excitability) allows muscle to respond to stimuli
contractability ability muscle to shorten
extensibility stretches past its normal resting length
elasticity muscle to return to its resting length after stretch removed
functions of the muscle
produce movement
maintain posture and positions
stabilize joints
support and protect organs,
muscle attachment propertieds
muscles can directly attach to the bone by attaching to the periosteum of bone. periosteum is a think convering on the outside of bone
muscles can attach to bone via a tendon
Muscles can also attach to bone via an aponeurosis.
aponeurosis is a fibrous connective sheath
muscle fiber architecture (types)
fusiform/parallel: long and thin, the fiber force is in the same direction as the musculature
provide greater ROM and greater movement velocity
pennate: run diagonally with respect to essential tendon, running the length of the muscel (greater cross sectional area)
short and thick
greater force production in movements
two ways muscle cross joints
uniarticular- cross only one joint, adv is it can contribute to every part of it to the intended joint actions without becoming a opponent
majority of the muscle
multiarticular: muscle that can cross multiple joints
advantages: transfer mechanical energy betweens segments
redistribute loads placed upon joint
disadvantage: passive insufficiency (inability for muscle to lengthen) and active insufficiency (inability for muscle to shorten)
muscle structure
each muscle connects to bone via tendon or aponeurosis.
within the muscle, the fibres are bundled into fasicles
each fibre contains myofibril stands that run the length of the fibre
the actual contractile unit is the sacromere.
mechanical model of muscle (3 components)
contractile component (CC)
this converts the stimulation of the nervous system into a force and refelcts the shortening of the muscle through the actin and myosin
series elastic component (SEC): Represents all elastic elements in series
parallel elastic component (PEC): muscle displays elasticity when the CC is not producing force, hence there is an elastic component parallel to the CC
muscle considerations
attachment sites and the line of pull
joint angle
muscle fibre architecture
fibre type
contractile components
force/velocity reltationships
how to find velocity graph from position
the slope
the local extremum (where the curve changes direction)
at the local extremum the slope is 0
sign of position slope determines + or - velocity
when person changes direction of walking, velocity = 0.
when approaching direction changes, velocity becomes less
graphing acceleration from velocity graph
slope and local extrema
when the velocity graph changes slope , the acceleration changes sign (positive on top negative below )
+slope velocity= poa acceleration
-slope vel= - accel
positive direction:
positive accel= inc velocity
negative accel= dec velocity
negative direction
postive accel= dec velocity
negative accel= inc velocity
absolute vs relative angle
what they are and how to calucate them
absolute: angle of the trunk is calculated with respect to the vertical plane
use tan to calculate
distal segments are subtracted from proximal
relative: angle of the trunk is calculated is called with respect to th eknee, hip, and torso
calculated using cosine
there is a formual for it
before the formula you find the sides of each triangle first ex) a,b,c
planes and their axis
sagittal plane = mediallateral
frontal plane= = anterior-posterior axis
transverse plane= longitudinal axis
right hand rule
positive vector for knee, ankle, and hip
counter clockwise = positive
Clockwise = negative
place the curled fingers of the right hand in the direction of the roation/the angular motion vectors.
hip: positive to the right
knee: positive to the left
ankle: right
angular distance vs angular displacement
angular distance= sumof all angular changes
angular displacement different between the final and initial positions
angular displacement and linear displacement
angular displacemnt is always in rad its the one you usually calculate.
linear displacement: has the formula arc length
use the angular displacement to calculate it and the radius
newtons three laws of motion
1) law of inertia
- The body will remain at rest or conitnue to move with a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force
inertia: used to describe an object’s resistance to motion and is directly related to mass
inc mass= inc inertia
2) law of acceleration
f= ma
unit of force is in newtons (N)
a force applied to a body causes acceleration
is the direction of the net force
and inversely proportional to the bodys mass
3) action/reaction
for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
ex) jumping off the ground
- Individuals exert force on earth/ground
earth/ground exerts force on the individual
momentum: p= m x v
or change in momentum is just the force formula manipulated
impulse: product of a force and the time interval over which a force acts
I= f x t or I=change in momentum
main types of force
ground reaction force
fluid resistance
joint reaction forces
inertial forces
muscle force
elastic force
coefficient of friction
unitless number
indicates the relative ease of sliding
greater coefficient = harder to slide (carpet, concrete)
less coefficient = easy to slide (ice, water)
golfer wants higher well hockey players want less
fluid resistance
air resistance
water resistance
both greatly affected by two components:
acceleration when velocity is constant or not moving
energy two main types
what is total energy o9
kinetic: refers to the energy resulting from motion
potential: refers to the capacity to do work because of position or form.
total energy= KE + PE
COM important for
stability: resistance to linear and/or angular acceleration
balance: ability to control equilibrium. in order to balance, the athlete’s COM must be located within the support base
principles of stability
how to improve it
increase body mass
increase the friction between the body and contact surface
increase the size of the support base in the direction of the line of action of the external force
horizontally position the COM near the edge of the support base on the side of the oncoming external force.
vertically positioning COM as low as possible think football
moment of inertia
describes angular inertia
an object’s resistance to change in angular momentum
represents the resistance to angular acceleration based on both mass and the distance the mass is distributed from the axis of rotation
harder to speed up or slow down an object with more angular inertia
angular momentum
linear momentum is the product of mass and velocity.
angular momentum is the quantity of angular motion possessed by a body
units: kgm2/s
measured as the product of moment inertia and angular velcocity
angular equivalent of accleration net torque
ΣT = Iα
* ΣT = net torque on a system
* I = moment of inertia of a system
* α = angular acceleration
An external torque produces an angular acceleration of a body that
is proportional to and in the direction of the torque and inversely
proportional to the moment of inertia of the body
angular equilvalent for action reaction is torque/reactive torque
when force is applied at the axis of rotation
the object will not rotate (no torque)
torque in the human body
the product of muscle tension and muscle moment arm produces torque at the joint crossed by the muscle
moment arm for a muscle is the perpendicular distance from the muscle line of action to the joint center.
moment arm for a muscle will change as the segment moves through ROM
levers components
axis/fulcrum A
- axis of rotation of the system
- Rotation will occur around the fulcrum.
force applied F
amount of force applied to the lever
used to rotate some resistance around the fulcrum
weight- what you try to move
amount applied to the lever system that opposes force applied
levers in the human boduy
joint- axis rotation (fulcrom)
bones= rigid segement that rotates about an axis of rotation
hold, push, pull on the object
muscles= contract to apply force to the system
cause (concentric), control (eccentric), or prevcent (isometric) movement of the joints
weight/load is the resistance
classes of levers
first class lever
arrangement F/A/R
function-balance 2 forces and changes direction of applied force
ex) cervical spine and cranium, force is applied by the neck extensors, vertebrae is axis, weight of the head is the resitance
second-class lever
arrangement A/R/F
function- fabors force production because the force arm will always be greater than the resistance arm.
ex wheel barrow
in bidy would be talocrual joint
third class arrangemetn R/F/A
function favor speed and range of motion
most common in body
humeroulnar, tiniofemoral, and coxofemoral joints
force is applied by muscle. axis is joint center, resistance is distal segment