Final Exam chp 8 Flashcards
What are social process theories ?
Theory that says criminal behavior is learned through interaction with others and the process of socialization
Predicts that everyone has the power to violate the law and that criminality is not a natural human characteristic
What is differential association ?
Type of social learning theory
Developed by Edwin Sutherland > criminality is learned through differential association with others who communicate criminal values and who advocate the commission of crimes.
what theory is Edwin Sutherland associated with ?
Differential association
what research is associated with differential identification ?
social learning and social structure research
differential association Vs differential identification
Differential Association : learned criminal behavior through process of association with other criminals
Differential Identification : Process of identification with themselves to pursue criminal behavior
What theory is Travis Hirchi associated with ?
Social bond theory
Attachment (a persons shared interest in others)
Commitment ( the amount of energy and effort put into actives with others )
Involvement (the amount of time spent with others in shared activities)
Belief (a shared value and moral system)
Why is social control theory also know as social bond theory ?
social control seeks to identify the features of personality and environments and social bond is similar in identifying the bond between individuals and society
According to Gottfredson and Hirschi, what is the general theory of crime/self control
crime is a natural consequence of unrestrained human tendencies to seek PLEASURE and avoid PAIN
ppl operating under low self control accounts for all crime at all times.
self -control is the key concept in the explanation of crime as well as other behaviors
social control seeks
to identify factors that keep people from committing crimes
focus on the process through which integration with positive institutions and individuals develops
what is labeling theory
perspective that sees continued crimes as a consequence of limited opportunity, followed by a negative response from society. “once a con always a con”
Society’s response to the criminal and the process which a person comes to be defined as a criminal and labeled “criminal”
Developed by HOWARD BECKER
According to Frank Tannenbaum, WHAT IS TAGGING ?
Introduced by Tannenbaum
Under labeling theory
A societal reaction to deviance
process where an individual is negatively defined by his actions
evil acts= evil person who is unredeemable
According to Edwin Lemert, what is PRIMARY DEVIANCE ? SECONDARY DEVIANCE?
PRIMARY > An offenders INITIAL act of deviance
SECONDARY > CONTINUED acts of deviance that results from labeling and from association with other who have been labeled
According to John Braithwaite, what is reintegrative shamming ?
Part of labeling theory
process where an deviant is labeled and sanctioned by criminal justice system
but then is brought back into a community of conformity through words, gestures and rituals.
seeks to strengthen the bond between the offender and community
Restorative justice approach
condemn the crime not the criminal
According to John Braithwaite, what is stigmatic shamming ?
shaming meant to WEAKEN the bond between community and offender
example ( making an offender post they are an offender on front lawn, or bumper sticker saying I am a drunk)
says that the offender is expected to commit more crimes.
According to Howard becker, what is moral enterprise ?
efforts made by an interest group to have a sense of moral or ethical view enacted into law.
banning or drinking, marijuana