Final Exam Chapter 5 - 6 Flashcards
What is an Array
A variable with multiple indexed slots for holding data
What is Linked list
A variable that creates a chain of data where one data item points to another
What Queue
A variable that allows data to enter at one end of a collection and leave at the other end, supporting a first-in, first-out mechanism
What is Hash
A variable that has exactly two columns and (potentially) many rows of data
What is Set
A variable that contains a collection of unique data items
What is hash
a data structure that associates a name with a value
What is s[‘age’]
retrieve the value associated with the ‘age’ name in a hash called ‘s’
What is database system
a technology, like SQLite3, that can store large
quantities of data in a very efficient way
What s[‘wind’] = “off shore”
sets that value associated with “wind” in the “s” hash to the value “off shore”
What is s.items( )
provide a list of keys AND values for the hash called ‘s’
What is line.split(“,”)
split the string contained within the ‘line’ variable at every occurrence of a comma
What is sorted()
a built-in function that can sort most data structures
String formats let you use format
specifiers to format strings.
String specifiers let you define the type,
the length, and the padding used in a format
Breaking code into separate files is called
modular programming.