Final Exam after midterm2 Flashcards
Describe the hydrologic cycle
evaporation --> precipitation --> runoff goes into oceans ultimately --> evaporation Total global water 96.5% oceans 2.5% freshwater (saline lakes and groundwater 1.0%) Of the 2.5% freshwater 30.1% is groundwater 68.6% glacier and ice sheets 1.3% surface water and other freshwater Of the 1.3% surface water and other freshwater snow and ice 73.1% Lakes 20.1% Other Atmosphere 0.22% Biological water 0.22% Rivers 0.46% Swamps 2.53% Soil moisture 3.52%
Identify the different parts of a fluvial system
Not in your notes
Describe the different methods of fluvial erosion and explain why erosion rates are higher closer to the head of the stream and on the outside of meanders
Headward erosion - extends the heads of the valleys upslope
Identify the difference between bedrock and alluvial channels and their different drainage patterns
Bedrock channels - are steep, winding flow. They are incised and typically at the head where slopes are the steepest Alluvial channels form in unconsolidated previously deposited sediment. They change shape with erosion, transportation and re-deposition - two common types: meandering channels (sediment in suspension, move in sweeping bends called meanders) and braided channels
Describe the two styles of flow and the factors that affect flow velocity
Laminar flow - water moving in a straight line
Turbulent flow - water moves erratically (whirlpools, eddies)
Flow velocity
Factors that affect flow velocity
1. channel slope/gradient (velocity increases in the deeper parts of the channel)
2. channel shape (cross section shape determines amount of flow in contact with the bed)
3. channel size and roughness (channels are most efficient when they are bankful, but most beds are not smooth)
4. discharge (volume of water per unit of time supplied by the drainage basin)
Describe the different methods of fluvial erosion and explain why erosion rates are higher closer to the head of the stream and on the outside of meanders
Headward erosion - extends the heads of the valleys upslope
-outside erosion is from fast moving water cutting the bank and depositing sediments on the back side where the slower moving water is located
Identify the difference between bedrock and alluvial channels and their different drainage patterns
Bedrock channels - are steep, winding flow. They are incised and typically at the head where slopes are the steepest
Alluvial channels form in unconsolidated previously deposited sediment. They change shape with erosion, transportation and re-deposition - two common types:
meandering channels (sediment in suspension, move in sweeping bends called meanders) and braided channels
NOTES do not specifically say which type of drainage pattern is associated with each. Types of drainage patterns:
1. dendritic drainage
2. rectangular drainage
3. trellis drainage
4. radial drainage
5. deranged drainage
Describe how meandering streams evolve and how stream terraces are created
Stream terraces form when a river downcuts into existing floodplain. It adjusts to new base level, forms second (third, fourth…) floodplain
Meandering streams - outside of the meander is an zone of active erosion called the cut bank. Debris acquired at the cut bank is carried down current and deposited as point bar (inside of bend)
Identify and describe four fluvial landforms shown in this section of the course
Small scale channel deposits
- point bars
Larger-scale depositional landforms
- deltas (form where sediment-laden streams lose velocity entering a lake, inland sea or ocean)
- natural levees (naturally occurring or artificial; used to regulate water levels, Is an elongated ridge, parallel to channel on both banks, Natural levees are buikt by years of successive floods)
- alluvial fans (fan shaped deposits, accumulating along steep mountain fronts.)
Describe four types of floods and the factors involved
- Regional floods - most are seasonal from spring melting and/or heavy rains. Precipitation cannot infiltrate into water-logged terrain
- Flash floods - rapid rise in water level and high flow velocities. Factors: rainfall intensity and duration, surface conditions and topography
- Ice-Jam Floods - frozen rivers are most susceptible = create ice dams across the river channel and the water upstream rises rapidly impeding flow
- Dam- Failure Floods - failure of a dam or artificial levee releases water as a flash flood
Identify and describe four fluvial landforms shown in this section of the course
Small scale channel deposits
- point bars
Larger-scale depositional landforms
- deltas (form where sediment-laden streams lose velocity entering a lake, inland sea or ocean)
- natural levees (naturally occurring or artificial; used to regulate water levels, Is an elongated ridge, parallel to channel on both banks, Natural levees are built by years of successive floods)
- alluvial fans (fan shaped deposits, accumulating along steep mountain fronts.)
Describe how glaciers form
Glaciers are large, persistent bodies of ice that form by compaction, accumulation and recrystallization of snow, that moved under own weight.
Compacting firn (granular, recrystallized snow) by >50m of overlying snow makes glacial ice.
Glaciers are found where snowfall exceeds ablation (melting and sublimation)
Identify and describe the main types of glacier
- Alpine glaciers - relatively small glaciers on mountain slopes, typically confined to valleys
- Ice sheets - larger scale >50,000km2 and are not constrained by topography, currently only found in polar loations
- Other glacial types
a) ice caps - much smaller than continental-scale ice sheets, occur at high elevations, <50,000km2 and not constrained by topography
b) outlet glaciers - are fed by ice sheets and ice caps. Tongues of ice flow down valleys that extend outwards from margins of larger ice masses
c) piedmont glaciers - occupy broad lowlands at the bases of steep mountains. Form when an alpine glacier emerges from confining walls of valley and spreads out
Explain glacier mass balance and how it affects glacier advance or retreat
Glacial budget or glacial ice balance is the balance of lack of balance between accumulation (mass of ice added) and ablation (mass of ice lost by melting, sublimation or calving)
NOTES do not explain how it affects glacier advance or retreat
Describe the two main mechanism of glacial erosion
- pucking - occurs where melt water penetrates fractures/joints of bedrock. Water freezes and expands.
- abrasion - as ice and its load of rock fragments slide over bedrock they act like sandpaper pulverizing, smoothing and polishing the surface below (forming rock flour)
Identify and describe erosional glacial landforms
1 U shaped valleys - .
2. waterfalls - higher rates of erosion in main valley means that during glacial retreat the tributary glaciers are left standing above the main glacial trough, when the ice is gone a waterfall will mark the entry of the tributary glacier into the main glacial valley
meltwater streams at the glacier margin appear milky/turquoise from suspended rock flour)
3. pater noster lakes - bedrock depressions in valley floor formed by pucking and scouring
4. cirques - small bowl shaped basins that sit at the head of a glacial valley
5. tarn - a cirque filled by a small lake
6. Fjords - deep, steep-sided inlets where mountains are adjacent to the ocean
7. Drowned glacial troughs - submerged sea level rise glacier
8. Aretes - produced by enlargement of cirques by plucking and frost wedging, have knife shaped ridges
9. horns - produced by enlargement of cirques by plucking and frost wedging, have shapr pyramid shaped peaks
10. Col - formed when two glacial troughs merge to create a pass
11. Roche Moutonnees - outcrop scale asymmetrical knob of bedrock formed when abrasion smooths the slope facing the ice sheet and plucking steepens the opposite side
Explain the difference between till and stratified drift
Both are glacial drift (a glacial deposit)
Till - material deposited directly by glacier, deposits as ice melts and drops its load of rock fragments
Stratified drift - material deposited by glacial meltwater such as sand and gravel and is deposited beyond the glacier margin often bedded and stratified commonly called outwash
Identify and describe depositional glacial landforms formed by till
Landforms made by Till
- Glacial erractic - large boulders that differ from the underlying bedrock
- Moraine
a) lateral - along valley walls
b) medial - formed where two alpine glaciers meet
c) end moraine - is a ridge of till that forms at the terminus of a stable glacier (an end moraine that marks the maximun advance of a glacier is called a terminal moraine)
d) ground - if ablation>accumulation glacier retreats leaving a gently rolling layer of till - drumlins - streamlined, smooth, elongated parallel hills of till, usually found as fields
Identify and describe depositional glacial landforms formed by stratified drift
- kettle - outwash plains sometimes pock-marked with basins and depressions
- Ice contact deposits (formed when ice melts the stratified drift originally deposited upon, within and under the ice and form hills, terraces and ridges
a) kames - steep-sided hill
b) eskers - ridges
Describe the evidence for the occurrence of ice ages
- ice extent marked by end/terminal moraines
- direction marked by drumlins, striations, roches moutonnee
- undisrupted record of climate cycles preserved in seafloor sediments
4, tillites - sedimentary rock formed when till becomes lithified - sediment cores
Describe the ‘snowball earth’ theory
hypothesis proposed that Earth’s surface became entirely or nearly entirely frozen (see ice and ice sheets), the mean global termperature -50C (albedo effects)
Describe what type of information that can be gathered from ice cores
Demonstrate the within ice ages there are colder periods (glacials) and warmer periods (interglacials)
Explain glacial isostay
Crustal subsidence and rebound
Describe several causes of glaciation
- atmospheric composition - concentration of CO2 and CH4 (greenhouse gases)
- motion of tectonic plates - since glaciers only form on land relative position of continents strongly affect affects extent of ice sheets - continents need to be in poleward position,motion of plates also impacts ocean circulation and climate
- changes in earth’s orbit around the sun (Milankovitch cycles) - this impacts incoming solar radiation: there are varations in the shape of the earth’s orbit around the sun, changes in angle of earth’s axis (obliquity) and the wobbling of earth’s axis (precession)
- Meteorite impact - causes ash in stratosphere reflecting solar radiation
- volcanism -volcanos emit large quantities of gases which reflect sunlight as does ash in the stratosphere
Describe and differentiate between stress and strain
Stress is the applied force that acts to deform a body and strain is the deformation (elastic, brittle or ductile) that results from stress
List the three types of strain deformations
Elastic deformation - recoverable changes
Brittle deformation - rock breaks
Ductile deformation - solid-state flow (change in shape without fracturing)
Explain three main types of faults (brittle deformation)
- faults - fractures in earth’s crust where displacement has taken place
a) dip-slip fault - movement primarily parallel to the dip (inclination of the fault surface)
b) normal dip-slip fault - occurs when the hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall block
c) reverse or thrust fault - occur when the hanging wall moves up relative to the footwall block (thrust fault - special case of reserve fault where the fault has an angle of <45degrees)
d) strike-slip fault - the dominant displacement is parallel to the trend or strike of the fault surface - Displacement - vertical (normal and reverse faults) and horizontal (transform faults)
- Joints - fractures in which there is no appreciable displacement
Explain the three types of strain deformations
Elastic deformation - recoverable changes
Brittle deformation - rock breaks
Ductile deformation - solid-state flow forming folds (change in shape without fracturing)
At shallow depths rocks exhibit brittle fraction and at deeper crustal depths rocks deform ductile flow
Explain how elastic rebound is responsible for earthquakes
Earthquakes are produced by rapid release of energy stored in rock that has been deformed by differential stress
- there is stress on the rocks
- build up of strain along a fault
- slippage occurs at fault resulting in an earthquake
- strain is released
Describe P-waves
Is a seismic body wave that travels in the rocks just below the earth’s surface -
Primary (push/pull) wave is the first surface wave - speed is 6km/s through granite, moves in a rolling fashion
Describe S-waves
Is a seismic body wave that travels in the rocks just below the earth’s surface - Shear/secondary and follows the primary wave, speed is ~3km/s through granite, moves in a side to side fashion
Describe surface waves
Body waves travel through the earth’s interior and are the last wave in an earthquake
Explain the difference between intensity scales and magnitude scales
intensity measures the degree of earthquake shaking based on observed damage
magnitude measures total energy released, quantitative measurement using seismograph
Identify some of the factors that contribute to earthquake damage
- magnitude of earthquake (intensity and duration of vibrations)
- proximity to a populated area
- nature of ground
- nature of building materials and construction practices of the region
What are the earthquake risk to populated areas
- liquifaction - intense shaking causes loosely packed water-saturated material to behave like a fluid
- landslides and ground subsidence - triggered by earthquake vibrations which cause weaker units to fail
- fire - from severed gas and electrical lines and disconnection of water lines makes it difficult to control fires
Explain how tsunamis are generated
Large ocean waves caused by displacement along megathrust faults creating an earthquake on the ocean floor.
how does a tsunami travel
radiating out from site of earthquake, tsunamis travel at 800km/hr in water depths of 5000meters, 340 km/hr at water depth of 900meters and 50km/hr near shore
Explain what happens when a tsunami reaches shallow ocean depths
It slows down
Notes do note explain why
What are the scales used to measure an earthquake
- intensity scale - using the mercalli intensity scale
- richter scale - calculated by measuring the amplitude of the large seismic wave (usually the S wave or a surface wave), accounts for decrease in wave amplitude with distance from the epicenter
- moment magnitude - measures the total energy released during an earthquake, calculated by determining average slip on fault and strength of faulted rock
What are the types of earthquakes
Megathrust - the plate boundary between a subducting slab of oceanic lithosphere and overlying plate form a fault - earthquakes occuring here are megathrust earthquakes
Strike Slip earthquakes - occurs at the boundary of two plates like the Pacific and North American plate are not straight but branching network of faults, wth some setions moving slowly while others remain locked and store elastic energy