Final Exam Flashcards
Clinical Description
Multiple white plaques that are mildly corrugated on the anterior floor of the mouth. The plaques have well-demarcated margins that are separated by deep fissures with focal areas of erythema
Differential Diagnosis
Squamous cell carcinoma
Proliferative verrucous Leukoplakia
Candidiasis (hyperplastic)
Confirmatory Test
Excisional Biopsy
Histopathological examination of every part of tissue
Tobacco cessation
Low grade dysplasia: Frequent follow-up
High grade dysplasia: assess margins and wider excision if margins transected with frequent follow-up
Clinical Description
Multiple areas of curd-like white plaques on the anterior labial mucosa with coalesced areas.
Differential Diagnosis
Pseudomembranous Candidiasis (Thrush)
Verrucous Carcinoma
Confirmatory Test
Clinical findings (oral mucosa in susceptible individual for thrush)
Cytosmear stained with KOH to identify hyphae and spores
Swabs on sabourauds agar medium to grow white, curd-like colonies
Manage drug-induced xerostomia
Better control of diabetes
Nystatin oral rinse
Clotrimazole oral troches
Clinical Description
White plaque on lower buccal mucosa/vestibule that has well-demarcated borders. The plaque is adjacent to a tooth with a cavity. There are areas that appear lifted or peeling (pseudomembrane)
Differential Diagnosis
Chemical burn
Tobacco pouch keratosis
Confirmatory test
Diagnosed clinically (acute onset, pseudomembrane, pain) and history of aspirin in that location
No biopsy required
Do not remove pseudomembrane
Treat tooth
Viscous xylocaine mouth rinse to alleviate pain/burning of chemical burn
Lesions heal spontaneously over 7-10 days with reepithelization
Clinical Description
White lesion enclosing mild erythema on the lower left posterior buccal mucosa adjacent to a metal crown. Lesion exhibits fine radiating white striae
Differential Diagnosis
Lichenoid contact metal reaction
Lichen planus
Lupus erythematosus
Drug-induced lichenoid mucositis
Confirmatory test
Clinical presentation (localized nature of lesion, adjacent to metal restoration)
Skin sensitivity patch test by rheumatologist/dermatologist if patient desires
Asymptomatic do not need treatment
Mild soreness due to superimposed candidiasis (antifungal medications) or excessive inflammatory response (topical steroid)
Replace crown if desired
Clinical Description
White plaque on the right lateral tongue with multiple coalescing areas varying in size. Granular corrugated surface with indistinct margins
Differential Diagnosis
Hairy Leukoplakia
Tongue chewing (morsicatio)
Cinnamon reaction
Confirmatory Test
RT-PCR for HIV RNA (viral load)
CD4 T-lymphocyte counts (less than 200 cells/ul of blood)
Lesion biopsy (koilocytes in spinous layer, demonstration of Epstein Barr virus in koilocytes)
Benign condition requires no treatment
Clinical indicator of low CD4 T-lymphocyte count (less than 200 cells/ul of blood) - transition point of HIV to AIDS
Indicator to initiate highly active antiretroviral therapy
Clinical Description
Irregular red patch with intermittent white areas on the left posterior soft palate
Differential Diagnosis
Erythroplakia (speckled leukoplakia)
Thermal Burn
Autoimmune mucositis
Confirmatory Test
Excisional Biopsy
Histopathological examination of tissue
Tobacco cessation
90% high-grade dysplasia or invasive carcinoma
Wide excision with assessment of margins for high-grade dysplasia or carcinoma (wider excision is margins are involved)
Clinical Description
Generalized erythema of denture bearing area on the maxilla. Focal areas on alveolar ridge show light frictional keratosis
Differential Diagnosis
Chronic Atrophic Candidiasis (denture sore mouth)
Confirmatory Test
Clinical findings (most cases with poor denture hygiene)
Cytosmear stained with KOH to identify hyphae and spores
Swabs on Sabourauds agar medium to grow white, curd-like colonies
Teach patient hygiene
Brush/rinse denture
Soak denture in Nystatin rinse solution overnight (for 7-10 nights)
Nystatin oral suspension (100,000 units/ml, DISP 240 ml: use 10 ml to rinse 5 times daily)
Clinical Description
Large erythematous mass extending from the alveolar ridge to the lingual area with involvement in the vestibule and left posterior floor of the mouth
Differential Diagnosis
Squamous cell carcinoma
Confirmatory test
Incisional biopsy
Histopathological examination of tissue
Depends on stage
Determine the stage
Wide surgical excision and/or radiation therapy
Neck node dissection
Clinical Description
Multiple areas of depapillation on the dorsal tongue extending to the lateral surface. Red areas partially surrounded by a yellow-white line
Differential Diagnosis
Migratory Glossitis (Geographic tongue)
Migratory stomatitis
(iron deficiency, megaloblastic vitamin B12 deficiency)
Confirmatory Test
Clinical presentation for migratory glossitis (lesions heal spontaneously and reappear in another area, Sometimes associated with fissured tongue)
Migratory - other areas affected
No treatment necessary
Rarely symptomatic cases have superimposed candida infection
Clotrimazole oral torches 10 mg, DISP 50, dissolve one in mouth 5X/day for 10 days
Clinical Description
Palatal soft tissue nodule that appears pushed against the palate. Areas of red and white that likely arise from the palatal gingiva around the maxillary right premolar/molar area
Differential Diagnosis
Pyogenic Granuloma
Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma
Confirmatory Test
Evaluate to determine origin
Fairly rapid growth, current history of pregnancy all favor a working clinical diagnosis of pyogenic granuloma
Biopsy: Surgical removal scheduled 2 weeks after delivery
Biopsy: Surgical removal scheduled 2 weeks after baby delivery
Through removal of local factors
15% recurrence
Clinical Description
Solitary dome-shaped, exophytic, popular sessile nodule on the right dorsum of the tongue. It is presented in the submucosa and non-ulcerated with no change in color
Differential Diagnosis
Granular Cell Tumor
Confirmatory Test
Biopsy (size <1 cm in size excisional biopsy can be done)
Deeper extent of lesion harder to predict
Histopathological exam of biopsied tissue
Even incisional biopsy is curative
No Recurrence has been reported
Clinical Description
Exophytic sessile nodule on the right commissure that is less than 5 mm. It has a smooth dome-shaped surface that is pink to pale pink in color
Differential Diagnosis
Confirmatory Test
Excisional Biopsy
Histopathological examination
Excisional Biopsy
No recurrence