Final Exam Flashcards
The classical assumptions must be
met in order for OLS estimators to be the best available
Classical Assumption #1
The regression model is linear, is correctly specified, and has an additive error term
Classical Assumption #2
The error term has a zero population mean
Classical Assumption #3
All explanatory variables are uncorrelated with the error term
Classical Assumption #4
Observations of the error term are uncorrelated with each other (no serial correlation)
Classical Assumption #5
The error term has a constant variance (no heteroskedasticity)
Classical Assumption #6
No explanatory variable is a perfect linear function of any other explanatory variable(s) (no perfect multicollinearity)
Classical Assumption #7
The error term is normally distributed
Omitted Variable Bias (Conditions)
relevant (Ξ²2 β 0) β X1 and X2 are correlated
Expected bias
Expected bias in α π½1 has two components: the sign of Ξ²2 and the sign of Corr(X1, X2)
Limited Dependent Variables
We have discussed dummy variables (indicator variables, binary variables) as a tool for measuring qualitative/categorical independent variables (gender, race, etc.)
linear probability model
simply running OLS for a regression, where the dependent variable is a dummy (i.e. binary) variable:
where Di is a dummy variable, and the Xs, Ξ²s, and Ξ΅ are typical independent variables, regression coefficients, and an error term, respectively
the term, linear probability model
comes from the fact that the right side of the equation is linear while the expected value of the left side measures the probability that Di = 1
Some issues with LPM
ΰ· π π β€ 0 or ΰ· π π β₯ 1 a more fundamental problem with the linear probability model: nothing in the model requires ΰ· π to be between 0 and 1! ο€ If ΰ· π is not between 0 and 1, how do we interpret it as a probability? ο€ A related limitation is that the marginal effect of a 1-unit increase in any X is forced to be constant, which cannot possibly be true for all values of X ο€ E.g., if increasing X by 1 always increases Y by a particular amount, ΰ· π must exceed 1 when X is sufficiently large
The Binomial Logit Model
The binomial logit is an estimation technique for equations with dummy dependent variables that avoids the unboundedness problem of the linear probability model
Logits cannot be estimated using OLS
but are instead estimated by maximum likelihood (ML), an iterative estimation technique that is especially useful for equations that are nonlinear in the coefficients ο€ Again, for the logit model is bounded by 1 and 0
Basic Procedure for Random Assignment Experiments
ο€ Recruit sample of subjects ο€ Randomly assign some to treatment group and some to control group βΌ Random assignment makes treatment uncorrelated with individual characteristics ο€ Measure average difference in outcomes between treatment and control groups
natural experiments (or quasi-experiments
attempt to utilize the βtreatment-controlβ framework in the absence of actual random assignment to treatment and control groups
Difference-in-difference estimator:
Policy impact = (Tpost β Tpre) β (Cpostβ Cpre) ο€ T: treatment group outcome, C: control group outcome ο€ The DD estimate is the amount by which the change for the treatment group exceeded the change for the control grou
Panel data:
repeated observations of multiple units over time (combination of cross-sectional and time-series)
Main advantages of panel data
ο€ Increased sample size ο€ Ability to answer types of questions that cross-sectional and time-series data cannot accommodate ο€ Enables use of additional methods to eliminate omitted variables bias
Panel Data Notation
ο€ π subscript indexes the cross-sectional unit (individual, county, state, etc.) ο€ t subscript indexes the time period in which the unit is observe
First-differenced estimator
βπ π = πΌ0 + π½1βππ + βππ
Advantages of random effects estimator (if assumption about ππ is correct):
ο€ Allows time-invariant regressors to be included ο€ More degrees of freedom (only estimates parameters of distribution from which ππ is assumed to be drawn; fixed effects estimator uses one degree of freedom per fixed effect)
Disadvantages of random effects estimator:
ο€ Biased if assumption that ππ is uncorrelated with regressors is incorrect (while FE estimator allows arbitrary correlation between ππ and regressors)
β Fixed effects estimator widely preferred when regressors of interest are time-varying
ο€ It rarely seems likely that ππ is uncorrelated with any regressors; fixed effects model is generally far more convincing
Hausman test
β Fixed and random effect estimators can be compared with a Hausman test (previously seen in instrumental variables context as test for endogeneity)
Fixed vs. random effects - General Advice
ο€ Under random effects hypothesis, both RE and FE estimators are consistent (should give similar results); under alternative hypothesis, FE consistent but RE is not ο€ Therefore, if estimates are significantly different, can reject null hypothesis of random effects
Fixed vs. random effects - Concept
β General advice: use fixed effects estimator if itβs feasible
Divide the coefficient by the standard error to get the t-value
Omitted Variables β Bias Assessment
Sign (Ξ²2) * Sign (Corr (X1, X2)) = Sign of Bias (Ξ²1)
Irrelevant Variables - Inclusion Criteria
Theory: is there sound justification for including the variable?
Bias: do the coefficients for other variables change noticeably when the variable is included?
T-Test: is the variableβs estimated coefficient statistically significant?
R-square: has the R-square (adjusted R-square) improved?