Final Exam Flashcards
What are the cardinal signs of infection?
- Redness
- Erythema
- Increase in pain
- Odor
- Increase in warmth
- Purulence of staph
Purulence of staph
- Consistency is whitish-yellow and chalky
- Classic of staph aureus
- Greenish discoloration
- Another common bacteria that affects the foot, especially in diabetic patients
- Much longer incubation period (usually 7 days or more for a good response)
- Bacteria begins to effect bone
- Diagnosed with an x-ray
Classic infection signs of bone (osteomyelitis)
- Erosion
- Osteolucent/osteolytic types of irregularities in the bone
How do diagnose osteomyelitis on x-ray
- Subjective findings
- Typically includes osteolytic appearance or erosion of bone
- Takes about 2-3 weeks for you to be able to see osteolytic erosions on an x-ray
- Infection of soft tissue surrounding ingrown toenail
Treatment of perinicea
- Put patients on Keflex or BSI and pain does not get better
- If toenail is not removed, it will not resolve
- If infection gets worse, it can seed the bone underneath the toe (phalanx)
Ingrown toenails often have _____
- Associated infection with it
Ingrown toenail infection usually results from _____
- Chronic irritation of impinged nail plate that causes localized redness, pain, etc.
- Not necessarily true infection
For ingrown toenail infection to resolve itself _____
- Ingrown toenail must be removed
What is the most common puncture wound?
- Staph aureus
- Staph organism enters the body, then enough to cause infection can spread
Staph aureus typically requires an incubation period of _____
- 3 days/72 hours
If a patient is going to develop an infection from a staph organism _____
- It will typically begin to show cardinal signs of infection
One of the immediate things to do for staph infection that allows bacteria to escape is _____
- Incision and drainage
- Flush it out, then decrease bacteria count to a number in which body can fight effectively
- Augment fighting with oral antibiotics
Drug of choice/oral antibiotic for staph
- 1st generation cephalosporin like Keflex
Diabetic patients (immune compromised) cannot _____
- Fight infection without antibiotic
Culturing bacteria determines _____
- How antibiotic inhibits future growth
Strong bacterial killing agent may effect culture, so you must _____
- Rinse with saline to get rid of surface contamination
Nail puncture wounds _____
- May lead to septic arthritis (3 days)
- Superficial, visible entry site
If an infection is in the joint, it can be devastating to _____
- Cartilage of the joint
Catrilage is avascular, so it _____
- Does not respond well to oral or IV antibiotics
Infections in joints are considered _____
- Surgical emergencies
- Requires aggressive incision and drainage to ensure joint is not damaged to the point of non-functional
Gout tophi may result from _____
- Patients that have long-term untreated gout
Gout tophi characteristics
- Crystals that deposit themselves not just in joint, but soft tissue around joint
- Fill these masses called tophi
- X-ray may even look like a bone tumor
- Can be surgically resected
A non resolving scrape on the skin may be a result of _____
- High BSL
Unresolved wounds may create _____
- Infections
- May lead to non-healing wound and continued spread of infection
- May lead to amputation later (especially if patient has poor circulation)
Important notes for patients with wounds
- Make sure they are metabolically optimized to heal from that wound
- Requires normal blood sugar and good circulation
- Patient requires treatment with primary care, endocrinologist, vascular surgeon, etc.
Many studies show presence/development of bunions are a result of these aggravating factors
- Shoes
- High heels/shoes putting pressure on forefoot area will more commonly come in complaining of a bunion deformity