Final Exam. Flashcards
Range of Motion
- Amount of possible movement.
- Type of joint and ligament structure.
- More Permanent
Joint Mobility
ABILITY.. How far can I go today
Intraarticular and Periarticular Factors that limit ROM
Intra - pain, propriaception and cartilage damage
Peri - pain, propriaception and muscular weakness
Goniometer Proper Alignment
- Alignment goniometer of pivot to the joint axis and
- Moveable arm on distal and still arm on proximal.
Recording Systems: 2 of them…
- 0-180
- anatomical is 0 and move away from anatomical the # increases.
- Vs… opo recoring where 180 is anatomical
Resistance: know the line of resistance and how to apply pressure.
- Give you resistance directly oposite of the way I want you to pull.
- I give a little les at the beginning and more in the middle and less at the end of movement because of the strength of the muscles at the beginning and end of the motion.
Manual muscle testing:
5 Grading Steps: Names and Definition:
Normal if full range of motion with max resistance
1. Good grade if full ROM moderate resistance 2. Fair grade FULL ROM no resistance 3. Poor is decreased ROM and Grvity only 4. TRACE initiate muscle contraction only 5. Zero no muscle contraction
Assessment: 2 purposes
- Trying to form a baseline.
2. Assess patients current condition to assess correct modality
Information on Patients physical status: four sources:
- Medical record before patient shows up. 2. Ask and talk to patient.
- Do my own eval and come up with my own.
- perception.
Patients Physical status: Know 9 Factors
I have ten…
- Injury status
- surgical results
- Muscular
- mobility
- atrophy
- neurological
- posture
- emotional state
- psychological
- fitness
Four Phase Rehab Program:
each phase has these 3 things and tells us if the patient completed the phase and move on.
Four Phase Rehab Program 3 steps:
- Tells you if the person is in the phase or not, like where they fit.
- Objectives and what we r trying to accomplish.
- Tells us when we can move on and progress for the criteria.
Passive Exercise: Def
Def. Move a joint and there is no muscle contraction.. Someone moves it for you
Passive Exercise Types and purposes
- relaxed; maintain ROM
- maintaining for range of motion - FORCED: move joint past point of tension
- purpose to break up scar tissue.
Active Exercise: DEF.
Do it with muscle contraction
Active Exercise: 3 Types
- Assisted where they try hard and we assist in the ROM.
- FREE: exercise with their own body weight and gravity.
- RESISTED: exercise with body weight and more than gravity.
Active Exercise: Therapeutic Exercises
- -isometric (joint angle and muscle length do not change during contraction) EX:Plank
- -isotonic (is a form of muscle training where the muscle contracts and shortens) EX:BENCH
- -accommodating (variable level of resistance)
- -isokinetic (a form of muscle training performed at a constant speed and performed against a variabe resistance)
Open vs. Closed Kinetic Chain exercises:
- OPEN: Distal segment is mobile and not fixed… ex leg extension machineVS…
- CLOSED: distal segment is fixed. ex standing squat..
Hydrodynamic Exercises: DEF and Therapeutic indications
- Exercise in the pool..
2. Resistance I get while moving in water. THERAPEUTIC Indications know 3 (TAY)
Hyrdrostatic Forces: Definition
Pressures in the water that is stationary in the water
Hydrostatic Forces: Archenemies Principle:
When u hop in water your body displaces the water, so you fit in it. And water pushes back at you with forces to get you back up.
Hydrostatic Forces: Specific Gravity
- know those last 2 Ration of weight of an object.
2. Like what sinks and what floats.
Hydrostatic Forces:Effects on Patients weight:
muscle dense and tends to sink while fat floats
Hydrodynamic Forces: Definition
Forces that work on a body in motion in water
Hydrodynamic Forces: Viscosity
speed of movement effects thats faster you go the more force
hydrodynamic Forces: Factors that effect movement
- size and form of the body surface;
2. in the form on the travel thru the water makes a difference.
Neuromuscular Re-Education: Definition
Voluntary control of muscles
Neuromuscular Re-Education: Prerequisites
- joint mobility
- absence of pain,
- availability of motor pathways,
- psychological factors
Neuromuscular Re-Education: Necessary and Safe Movements
- NECESSARY: movements I need in life that mimic the specific, and
- SAFE is it safe to do at that point or should I wait.
Ultrasound: DEFINTION
It is a fancy vibrator.
Ultrasound: Application techniques
Time, Size, Pulsed, Indirect, and if felt pain…
5 (Long)
- I can do utrasound direct or indirect on you and treatment area shouldnt exceed a size of 6 inches square and time in 5-7 min.
- Indirect not touching you about an inch from u under water. Idea is that ultrasound doesnt travel thru a vacuum, put gel or goo on ur body. And indirect where both are under water.
- PULSED: means it is on and off for part of the time try to minimize the heat buildup. 5.PROBLEMS WITH PAIN: could turn it off or add more gel, or doing it on the same place need to move around faster.
Wavelength and Frequency: Definition and relationships.
- Wavelength: distance before the next peak comes.
- FREquency : number of waves per second…..
- Frequency goes up then the wavelength is quicker its an inverse relationship.
Electromagnetic Energy Striking an Object:
3 Responses
- Reflection: Strike it doesnt penetrate and bounce back
- refraction; does go thru but changes the angle,
- absorbed; dissipates or penetrates thru the tissue.
Cosine Law
Less energy reflected if I have source of energy at a 90 degree angle.
Inverse Square Law
Idea that intensity decreases as the distance to the source to the tissue
Weins Principle:
shorter wavelength and higher frequency= deeper penetration.
measurement of current flow
force that creates the flow
unit of power. WATT=AMP x VOLT
Drawing the wavelengths…
- wave is wavy,
- square in squares,
- faradic wave direct has a dead spot 4.alternating goes up and down and 5.interupting means there is a gap or an off time.
- Surging modulation, is the one that ramps up and gets bigger and bigger at one point.
Action Potential: DEF, normal resting state and Change:
- reverse the polarity of the nerve.
- Positive charge outside, negative charge on the inside.
- Action potential outside and reverse polarities.
Cell switches and charges switch. Reverse polarity of nerve
Know Effects on nerve depolarization:
Frequency, intensity, Duration of current.
- If I had higher frequency gets deeper so you will depolarize the nerve.
- If I turn intensity up more likely I will make the nerve fire.
- Duration of the current more likely to fire if at the peak.
Machine that stimulates a motor nueron
EMS: Therapeutic indications
- Relaxation of spasm.
- Muscle strengthening
- ROM improvement
EMS: Contradiction
- Pregnancy
- Heart disease
- Sensory impairment
Stim a sensory neuron
TENS: Therapeutic Indications
pain control or increase blood flow
TENS: Contraindications
- cardiac problems,
- pregnancy,
- same as up top.
- Any time contraind… its always those
No difference just 2 generator
INTERFERENTIAL CURRENTS: Effect of duel generators.
if in sync together we get constructive interference, and destructive interference.
INTERFERENTIAL CURRENTS: Physics electrode pattern
need to criss cross each other
Scanning is for a known site and or diffused site dont know where it is
Low Voltage Uninterupted Direct Current: DEF and Other name AND how to draw Therapeutic implications.
- DEF. Galvanic still
- timeless single squarewave… goes up and keeps on going.
- Therapu: increases of blood flow and tissue healing.
IONTOPHORESIS, Ions and Electrodes: DEF, Indications, and Contraindications
- Drive medicine thru surface of the skin.
- Indications is that it is less painful.
- Contra always the same 3 as up top.
Russian Current: Def, and Physics of Pattern burst in Stimulation Nerves.
- DEF. Muscle stim at 2-10 thousand Hz cycles per second.
- Deeper penetration and will blow the muscles apart.
- Idea burst pattern goes in bursts of 50 so that the body can handle it. 50 off 50 off 50 off 50 is the burst pattern. Creates a refractory period.
MENS: DEF, Therapeutic Indications
- DEF. Really low frequency modality.
- INDICATION: trying to change the elecrical field at the cellular level for wound healing, fracture healing, pain relieveing.
Intermittent Compression: Def
Sleeve that u put on the body part like a cast.. Applyance puts pressure then relaxes pressure
Intermittent Compression: Whole Limb System
comes on the whole cast area.
Intermittent Compression:
Then Linear is where it compressed the one single area, not the whole.
Intermittent Compression: Lymphatic System
Just know the lymphatic system… as in put in the blank… on the test.
Massage: DEF
Squishing and pulling apart, or pressure and stretching.
Massage: MEchanical Effects
Relaxation, scar tissue adhesion break up.
- Effleurage; light touch glide motion to relax
- Petrissage: grap and squish workout muscle spasms.
- Friction: concentrate on a spot and dig in. Relax a trigger point.
- Vibration: Shaking, stimulation.
- Percussion: Hacking or beating, stim fluid movement get crap out of lungs
Traction: DEF
Drawing tension… pull 2 parts apart.
Traction: Therapeutic indications
Nerve root impingement. Draw joints apart, muscle spasm.
Traction: RAMPING vs. On - off
where it is on for 30 seconds then off for 30 seconds.
TRACTION: treatments: Lumbar 4 types
- Manual (human)
- Mechanical (machine)
- Positional
- Inversion traction.