Final Exam Flashcards
What does the Bible signify for theology?
That your epistemology stool should stand upon the word of God, and should be based off of the Bible, not this world
Describe leg 1 both when good, and when not. Use examples
Spiritual Good example (Gifts of the Spirit) Bad Example (Demonic Worship)
Describe leg 2 both when good, and when not. Use examples
Rationale Good Example (David not killing King Saul because he learned to respect authority) Bad Example (The Israelites worshiping an Idol at Mount Sinai because they took what they learned from Egypt instead of God.)
Describe leg 3 both when good, and when not. Use examples
Traditional Good example (Marriage between a man and a woman, the family structure that God intended) Bad Example (When the Biblical form of marriage is thrown out the window leaving single mothers, homosexual marriages, and broken homes.)
What dos the seat part of the stool represent for our understanding of systematic theology?
Epistemology- The study of how we acquire knowledge
What are some of the categories represented in the compass?
God, Man, Truth, Social Order, Church, Science, Arts Media, Law, Ethics, Relationship, Philosophy, Community, Labor, State, History, Family.
How is both our methodology and understanding in all areas correctly informed by the stool? List examples showing the good when we get it right, and bad when we get it wrong.
- Our methodology and understanding in these areas are informed by the stool because our worldview is based off of Spiritual, Rationale, and Traditional experiences that are based off of the Bible.
What is the first view of inspiration?
Natural Inspiration: This is when humans are inspired by natural things, kind of like how a painter can be inspired by a mountain, a writer can be inspired be things that are natural as well. The example in the slide is poetry, and that is based on natural things like nature itself, love, loss, joy, and pain.
What is the second view of inspiration?
Spiritual Illumination: This is when the writer is inspired from the spiritual, or God. These can include the writers of the Bible or prophets both in the Bible and not in the bible, but true prophecies. Spiritual illumination requires God for it to be right, because if it is spiritual and not based on God it is demonic. Spiritual Illumination is one of the ways with Verbal inspiration that we got our Bible.
What is the third view of inspiration?
Partial Illumination: This view believes that part of the bible is inspired by God but other parts that are “non-spiritual” aren’t. This basically would make part of the Bible a history book and not the word of God, which can cause you to not believe in every aspect of the word of God, especially the aspects that are not “spiritual” like the law.
What is the fourth view of inspiration?
Conceptual Inspiration: These people believe that God gave people concepts that were inspired but not words and details, that the author was in charge of writing that. This is simply wrong. The Bible states that we should not live on bread alone but by every word of God. If you believe in conceptual inspiration, this verse would bring a flaw to the text. You would also have the temptation to say “oh this is mans words so he must have made a mistake here” there should not be that temptation whatsoever, and that is why God preserved his word, not mans word, and that everything written is inspired by Him.
What is the fifth view of inspiration?
Verbal Inspiration: Verbal inspiration is how the Bible was written. It is where God inspired the writers of the Bible to actually write the Bible word for word, including details. This view leaves no questions for errors, because if you have a god with errors, you don’t know what to believe and can not know anything for sure. God was very intentional in every detail of His word and made it so we can fully trust in him. Proverbs 3:5 says to trust in the lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. If the Bible was not inspired by God then you can’t even trust this verse.
What is the sixth view of inspiration?
Divine Dictation: This belief would be writers writing down word for word what God audibly spoke as he was speaking. There are passages in scripture that are word for word what God said, also you have the words that Jesus spoke, but the entire bible was not written this way, the word does not have to be audibly spoken to be inspired, that belief would destroy any belief of the supernatural aspects of God.
Which view of inspiration does scripture endorse?
Verbal Inspiration
What is the first view of inerrancy?
Absolute Inerrancy: This view is where all matters in the Bible are true. Every word, every piece of history and spiritual experience, and every scientific statement in the Bible is true. This is what we believe, and have to believe if we wholly want to trust in God and believe his word without confusion. “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints” 1 Corinthians 14:33.