Final Exam Flashcards
CT scan
computerized axial tomography, x-ray energy, older technology
magnetic resonance imaging, no nuclear radiation, better image quality, but patient restrictions
good temporal resolution
positron emission tomography, uses radioactive compound, measures blood flow to brain regions, showing which region is most active, expensive older tech
functional magnetic resonance imaging, relies on magnetic properties of blood, shows activity of brain
mental action/process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses. Involves perception, attention, memory, representation, language, problem-solving and decision making
People: John Watson, Pavlov, Skinner
Views: classical conditioning, operant conditioning, pointed out flaws in introspection, contributions and insights into learning, language development and moral & gender development
Problems: only discusses nurture, no analysis of mental processes
dendrites receive input from other neurons, cell body integrates info, axon transmits output of processing to other neurons, myelin insulates and speeds up AP, synaptic gap “connects” neurons
Independent variable
manipulated by experimenter, what you see the effect of
Dependent variable
measure of performance/behavior, indirect indicator of mental activity
Visual system components
cornea, aqueous humor, pupil, lens, vitreous humor, retina, optic nerve
Frontal lobe
motor cortex, PFC (planning, decision making, WM)
Parietal lobe
somatosensory cortex
Occipital lobe
visual information
Temporal lobe
auditory info and object recognition
process of sensing out environment through touch, taste, sight, sound and smell
the way we interpret these sensation and therefore make sense of everything around us
scotopic vision
high sensitivity, night time, no color, low-acuity/high-convergence (many rods to one ganglion), sensitive to shorter wavelengths
photopic vision
low sensitivity, daytime, color vision, high-acuity/low-convergence (1 cone to 1 ganglion), sensitive to longer wavelengths
Selective attention
focusing of conscious awareness on a particular stimulus; attention as a filter or spotlight theories
Divided attention
some cog resources are specialized; verbal & spatial tasks can be performed simultaneously because each use diff. parts
Dichotic listening task
one ear receives a recording, the other receives a different recording. Subject is asked to repeat back or pay closer attention to one side. People are accurate at shadowing, listeners are able to detect physical info of unattended sounds but not meaning
Capgras syndrome
recognize loved ones, but think they are impostors; PFC damage impairs reasoning so illogical thoughts are not filtered out, factual & emotional knowledge are dissociated (amygdala linked to emotional processing in general)
sequence of two adjacent elements from a string of tokens (letters, syllables or words)
Subjective experience
Gestalt psych studied this; how people use or impose structure and order on their experiences