Final Exam Flashcards
Pass the class
Give the ABCD + type for :
Hitting, kicking, slapping, biting
Agressive Direct Physical
Give the ABCD + type for :
Destroying things, throwing things, stealing, hiding others’ possessions
Agressive Indirect physical
Give the ABCD + type for :
Put-downs, swearing at, calling names/teasing, insulting dress or possessions
Agressive Direct Verbal
Give the ABCD + type for :
Disrespectful hands/finger displays, making faces, body language of disdains, rolling eyes
Agressive Signs and Gestures
Give the ABCD + type for :
Insulting friends/family, tattling on, insinuating poor taste, ignoring
Agressive Indirect
Give the ABCD + type for :
Absences, being on time, turning assignment on time, returning permission slips
Breaking the rules Timeliness
Give the ABCD + type for :
Not covering books, not bringing material to class, writing in textbook, purchasing materials
Breaking the rules Material
Give the ABCD + type for :
Length of clothes, drugs and alcohol logos, make-up/hairstyles, gang-related colors/insignias
Breaking the rules Dress
Give the ABCD + type for :
Chewing gum, passing notes, leaning back on a chair, sharpening pencils
Breaking the rules behaviour
Give the ABCD + type for :
Hitting, profanity, arguing with teachers, putting down teacher
Confrontation Aggression towards teacher
Give the ABCD + type for :
Talking back, flirting with teacher/sexual innuendo, contradicting/interrupting, disdainful facial expression
Confrontation disrespect
Give the ABCD + type for :
Refusing to do assignment, refusing to sit/move/obey, doing the opposite, refusing to participate
Confrontation refusing
Give the ABCD + type for :
Repeated complaining, taking charge/telling others what to do, modeling disobedience, initiating rebellion, putting down the task
Confrontation instigating
Give the ABCD + type for :
Writing notes, wandering, performing wrong task, grooming
Disengagement Off-task behaviour
Give the ABCD + type for :
Asking off-subject questions, blurting out, playing dumb, socializing
Disengagement Off-task verbal
Give the ABCD + type for :
Sleeping, daydreaming, head on desk, doodling
Disengagement Tuning out
Give the ABCD + type for :
Horseplay, carelessly rushing through work, laughing/giggling, fidgeting with materials
Disengagement Hyperactivity
Give an example of direct physical aggressive behaviours
Hitting, kicking, slapping, biting
Give an example of indirect physical agressive behaviour
Destroying things, throwing things, stealing, hiding others’ possessions
Give an example of direct verbal aggressive behaviour
Put-downs, swearing at, calling names/teasing, insulting dress or possessions
Give an example of signs and gestures agressive behaviour
Disrespectful hands/finger displays, making faces, body language of disdains, rolling eyes
Give an example of Indirect agressive behaviour
Insulting friends/family, tattling on, insinuating poor taste, ignoring
Give an example of breaking the rules timeliness
Absences, being on time, turning assignment on time, returning permission slips
Give an example of breaking the rules materials
Not covering books, not bringing material to class, writing in textbook, purchasing materials
Give an example of breaking the rules dress
Length of clothes, drugs and alcohol logos, make-up/hairstyles, gang-related colors/insignias
Give an example of breaking the rules behaviour
Chewing gum, passing notes, leaning back on a chair, sharpening pencils
Give an example of confrontation Aggression towards teacher
Hitting, profanity, arguing with teachers, putting down teacher
Give an example of confrontation disrespect
Talking back, flirting with teacher/sexual innuendo, contradicting/interrupting, disdainful facial expression
Give an example of confrontation instigating
Repeated complaining, taking charge/telling others what to do, modeling disobedience, initiating rebellion, putting down the task
Give an example of confrontation refusing
Refusing to do assignment, refusing to sit/move/obey, doing the opposite, refusing to participate
Give an example of disengagement hyperactivity
Horseplay, carelessly rushing through work, laughing/giggling, fidgeting with materials
Give an example of disengagement tuning out
Sleeping, daydreaming, head on desk, doodling
Give an example of disengagement off-task behaviour
Writing notes, wandering, performing wrong task, grooming
Give an example of disengagement off-task verbal
Asking off-subject questions, blurting out, playing dumb, socializing
Name the seven position
- Attention seeking
- Avoiding failure
- Control seeking
- Energetic
- Angry
- Uninformed
- Bored
What needs are attention seeking students trying to fulfill?
To feel cared about by others
What needs are avoiding failure students trying to fulfill?
To feel successful
What needs are control seeking students trying to fulfill?
To be able to influence people or events
What needs are energetic students trying to fulfill?
To move, touch, be expressive
What needs are angry students trying to fulfill?
To express displeasure
What needs are uninformed students trying to fulfill?
To know how to interact responsibly
What needs are bored students trying to fulfill?
To be motivated, to have interesting stimuli
Who feels the need to feel cared about by others?
Attention seeking students
Who feels the need to feel successful ?
Avoiding failure students
Who feels the need to be able to influence people or events?
Control Seeking students
Who feels the need to express displeasure?
Angry students
Who feels the need to move, touch, be expressive?
Energetic students
Who feels the need to be motivated, to have interesting stimuli ?
Bored students
Who feels the need to know how to interact responsibly?
Uninformed students
What is the teacher’s gut reaction to Attention seeking students?
Drained, irritated, annoyed
What is the teacher’s gut reaction to avoiding failure students?
Sympathetic, protective, challenged, helpless
What is the teacher’s gut reaction to control seeking students?
Challenged, angry, threatened, frustrated
What is the teacher’s gut reaction to energetic students?
Overwhelmed, exhausted, drained
What is the teacher’s gut reaction to angry students?
Threatened, fearful, protective, Indignant, Outraged
What is the teacher’s gut reaction to bored students?
What is the teacher’s gut reaction to uninformed students?
Pity, helpful, exasperated, impatient
What is the teacher’s impulse reaction to Attention seeking students?
Nag, scold
What is the teacher’s impulse reaction to avoiding failure students?
Tutor; give up, write off
What is the teacher’s impulse reaction to control seeking students?
Force compliance, put down, overpower, fight
What is the teacher’s impulse reaction to energetic students?
What is the teacher’s impulse reaction to angry students?
Remove, punish retaliate
What is the teacher’s impulse reaction to bored students?
Discount, engage
What is the teacher’s impulse reaction to uninformed students?
Help, inform, ignore
What is the attention seeking’s reaction to the teacher’s intervention?
Temporary compliance