final exam Flashcards
General rule of acupuncture techniques
Harmonize Yin and Yang
Essence (nature, constitution) of acupuncture techniques
Open and regulate the meridians & collaterals
Natural law of acupuncuture techniques
Support the vital (even) Qi and to expel the evils
Core of acupuncture techniques is to
Manipulate needles in different levels/layers
Premise of applying hand techniques
According to the differentation
Basic requirement and the spirit/soul of acupuncture techniques is to
De qi and manage the Shen
Bian stone comes from ?
the East of China
toxic herbs come from?
the West of China
Warm moxibustion comes from?
the North
Nine Needles comes from?
the South
Dao yin and Massage comes from?
the Center
What is the basis of how to apply acupuncture
apply various teqhniques according to the differentiation
basic requirements for applying (2)
de qi and shen managment
Shen principle should be applied when?
from the beginning to the end of the treatment
To what does the acupuncturist connect for shen managment
The quality of de qi depends upon these 5 things:
1) constitution of the patient 2) character of the disease 3) the part of receiving the
4) the season and weather 5) the needling techniques
What 3 things indicate to the physician that the qi is arriving?
becomes either more tense or loose, the jumping or squirm of the muscles
3) patient starts to smile or relax
needle, it becomes tension and sinking or floating instead of loose feeling at beginning - fish takes the bait
2) muscle around the point
1) underneath the tip of the
what does patient feel when qi arrives?
all sorts of stuff
what 4 things does needle retention do?
1) waiting for the qi to arrive 2) regulating the qi
3) supporting even qi and
expelling evil qi
4) assist in tonification and
3 cautions for joined needling
carefully use for children, senility, pregnant women, schizophrenia and other type of people who are out of self control 2) pay attention to avoid the injury of internal organs, tendons, bones and blood vessels 3) depends upon the differentiation rather than hunting for joined needling techniques
what do you use joined needling/through needling techniques for?
1) extending the coverage of
points indications
2) strengthening needling
interaction by
a) link up external-internal related meridians
b) facilitating qi arriving at affected part
The pathways of _____ and _______ of the body are called______.
qi, blood, jing luo
The system of Jing Luo helps the body _______ to the ______ environment.
adapt; external
First most important therapeutic treatment principle
select points according to the jing luo
This kind of illness is when the meridian is suffering
shi dong
This kind of illness iw when the the disease is caused by a disorder of the meridian
suo sheng
What are the five functions of jing luo
1) connection - connects the internal/external or tissue/ organs in order to maintain the whole body 2) transport qi and blood; balance the yin and yang 3) resist pathogens and induce diseases (phenomena not function) 4) reflect the symptoms and syndromes as well as the order of changes in the disease and treatment 5) conduct and receive the stimulation/treatment in order to regulate xu/shi
The earliest available jing luo literature is:
Mai shu (meridian books part of silk book)
the abdominal area is
from medial to lateral the order of the 12 regular meridians at
hand-foot, yin yang and zang fu is applicable to:
a. 12 regular meridians
b. 15 collaterals
c. 12 divergent vessels
d. 8 extraordinary vessels
e. all of them
12 regular meridians
which dynasty holds most of the literature on jing luo theory
the naming of the 12 regular meridians includes
shouzu, yin-yang, zang fu NOT WuXing
In 12 regular meridians, yin channel connect yin channel at
same name Yang meridians connect at which locations?
head and face
According to the mai shu the moving character of channel qi is:
A) start from the four extremities
B) hand and foot meridians connect to each other
C) both are true
D) both are wrong
According to the nei jing the moving character of channel qi is:
A) start from the four extremities
B) hand and foot meridians connect to each other
C) both are true
D) both are wrong
Heart Liver Spleen Kidney, Stomach and Intestines can cause
bleeding. Sp/Kd use < ______ cun
2 cun
Stomach and intestines use what cun needle
1- 1.5 cun
Lungs/KD points in intercostals — how to treat?
very shallow, use moxa or cup (possibly 1/2 cun needle)
Do not needle these points deeply on the upper back
Lungs extend from ____ in front, _____ on side, ___ on back.
T6, T8, T10
Does patient feel pain when penetrating an organ? What is the exception?
No does not feel pain except for the brain.
Be careful around the occiput — what points in particular?
GV15/16 — 1 cun needle GB 20 - 1.5 cun needle
Du mai points — how to treat?
Use 1-1.5 cun. Spinous processes are over 1.5 cun.
GV 16 can damage what? how to treat?
Can damage spinal cord. Needle toward mouth.
JaJi points - can damage spinal cord if needle ______________; so needle __________.
obliquely, perpendicular, If angle toward spinal cord only angle 85 degrees.
Nerve cautions:
a) median nerve
b) radial nerve
c) ulnar nerve,
d) sciatic nerve
a) PC-6
b) LI/lU
c) SI8
d) GB30 and behind thigh
What does the patient feel if you needle an artery?
sharp pain
what does it fee like if you needle a nerve
sharp pain
Do not needle in cases of severe deficiency of QI, Blood, and physique;
give examples of such states
After severe sweating after sever diarrhea after childbirth in which the yuan qi and blood are severely damaged
what is First exhaustion
heat syndrome with quiet pulse to du excessive evil qi and weak even qi
what is Second exhaustion
diarrhea with grand surging pulse
what is Third exhaustion
damp cold caused by bi syndrome (ex. rheumatoid arthritis) with exhaustion of muscles but heat body and exhausted weak pulse. external and internal ind cold damp
what is Fourth exhaustion
exhaustion of kidney essence due to overall sexual lust but with heat body and urinary bleeding
what is Fifth exhaustion
Alternately shivering and fever, physique deform lost muscle but with excessive hard pulse.
what are the three irregular pulses
jie, dai, cu
jie pulse
slow uneven
dai pulse
regular interrupted
cu pulse
fast irregular
What can you use to cover the point
After treating edema, when fluid comes out when can you use to seal the point
salt sesame oil
Post needling food taboos:
drinking alcohol overall full stomach avoid raw and cold food avoid too much vinegar avoid greasy food avoid pasta, meat fish avoid garlic (too pungent)
So what do you eat after acupuncture?
rice and veggies
What 3 things can you do for difficulty in withdrawing the needle?
1) massage the area along meridians or use moxa heat to relax 2) insert needle along the meridian or somewhere close 3) moxa the jing well pt of related meridians
What point can you press if a patient faints?
DU 26, or LI 4
What points can you moxa after they regain consciousness from fainting? OR a helper can do while they are unconscious?
Bai Hui, KD 1, CV 8, PC 6, ST 36
Before pressing on revival pts, what is the first thing you do when patient faints?
remove needle
Signs of Pneumothorax?
Chest pain, stuffy chest, SOB, sweating, cyanosis, hyper- resonance if percuss over lungs, decreased sounds if using stethoscope, in an x-ray you see AIR
what do you do if there is pneumothorax?
calm patient, have the recline but not lay down, send them to ER
For pneumothorax, do you have patient lay down?
NO, recline.
Needling contraindications due to temporary harmful situation
drunk people angry people exhausted people overfull people starving people (use moxa) severe thirst (not general thirst)
Should you needle hungry people?
No give them a snack first or else they might faint
If you can’t needle what do you do?
FORBIDDEN points for pregnant women
LI-4 SP-6 BL-67 GB-21 ST-12 LV-3 (can help w/ delivery) CV 1-8 BL 31-34
for pregnant women don’t needle the abdomen _____.
For pregnant women, don’t do heavy _______ in points in the
________________ and ___________area
reducing/simulation; lumbar region; back
Point selection for Heat syndromes
upper>yang side > ending
Point selection for cold syndromes
lower > yin> trunk
Point selection for external XS heat syndromes
yang > ending > upper
Point selection for internal deficient cold
yin side > trunk > lower
Point selection excessive syndromes
extremities > yang > upper
Point selection for deficient syndromes
trunk > yin side > lower
Yuan source effects
Affects the Zang and fu organs
Lower He Sea Point
Affects individual Fu organ
Dual function points
ST-35, PC-6, GB-39, LI-4, LV 3 and *
Bai Hui and Da Zhui for cold wind invading use?
Bai Hui and Da Zhui for heat invading use?
needle or bleeding
Which is more potent, acupuncture or herbs?
If needling is not enough, we can use _________
Most points have a __________ nature;
What does having a neutral nature mean with regard ot acu points?
They can be either warmed up or cooled down
What point separates the upper and lower part of the body
CV 8/ Ren 8
What points treat XS
extremeties/distal points
What point tx deficiency
points on the trunk/proximal points
for HOT disease use points on?
upper body
for Cold disease use points on?
lower body
Where are the points of cooling heat
Yang/back side of the body
Where are the point for warming up
Yin/front side of the body
Sparrow pecking is heating or cooling?
Cooling, moves yang
takes loner to get qi : tube or free hand?
tube - disadvantage
more accurate needle location tube or free hand?
free hand Advantage
better for multiple needles tube or free hand?
free hand
not as clean : tube or free hand?
free hand
fast: tube or free hand?
takes longer to develop techniques, no help : tube or free hand?
better energetic connection
tube or free hand?
free hand
easy to use : tube or free hand?
easier to angle (esp Yin Tang and scalp) : tube or free hand?
free hand
can start technique immediately : tube or free hand?
free hand
easy to keep clean: tube or free hand?
less painful, easier to grab Qi, natural feeling tube or free hand?
free hand
takes practice to avoid pain
: tube or free hand?
free hand
can squeeze the point too deeply : tube or free hand?
From principle of yin/yang, diseases can be classified into what four groups.
excess of yang excess of yin deficiency of yang deficiency of yin