Final Exam Flashcards
4 force multipliers
- transnational support
- Media
- Religious Fanaticism
- Technology
2 forms of biological weapons
- Bacterial Weapons
2. Viral Weapons
4 forms of chemical weapons
- Nerve Agents
- Blood Agents
- Choking Agents
- Blistering Agents
6 phases of terrorist attack cycle
- Identify target
- Pre-operational surveillance
- Secondary surveillance
- Planning
- Deployment
- Attack
When is terrorist attack most vulnerable?
Pre-operational surveillance
When are most terrorist attacks
Leaving the home in the morning
Osama Bin Laden’s Tutor
Mohammed Qutb
The leader of the PLO
Yassar Arafat
What group was formed in 1959 against Israel?
Palestinian group formed in Gaza in 1979
Palestinian Islamic Jihad
Best counter to ethnic terrorism
Political negotiations
6 domains in Left of Bang
- Kinesics (people’s conscious and body language)
- Biometric cues (automatic biological respones to stress)
- Proxemics (helps to understand group dinamics)
- Geographics (relationship between people and their environment)
- Iconography (understand symbols people use to express beliefs)
- Atmospherics (collective attitudes, moods, and behaviors in a situation)
Four color codes in Left of Bang
- Condition White (unprepared)
- Condition Yellow (prepared)
- Condition Orange (focused on specific threat)
- Condition Red (Lethal mode)
Beslan attack
- South Ossetia
- Chechen terrorists storm a kindergarten
- 1200 hostages
- 300 people died, half were children
Why is Genesis 16 important for the Middle East today?
Muhammad believed he was a direct descendant of Ishmael
Where was Muhammad Born
Why was US revolution not terrorism?
It didn’t attack soft targets.
Civil Rights obligated to all?
Living Systems Theory (1978)
Study of Life/ a break down of a subsystem in Terrorism. Living Systems provides a detailed look at a number of systems in order of increasing size and identifies.
Muslim means
One who submits
a gap in the security of an area. An open window area vulnerable and weak due to complications making a good area to strike
Domestic terrorism triangle
- Federal law violation
- use of violence or threats
- social or political agenda
Philosophy of the Bomb
used by anarchists in 1848; means that social order can be changed only through violent upheaval
tactics of modern terrorism
- Bombing
- Hijacking
- Arson
- Assault
- Kidnapping
- Hostage taking
- Media
What is a force multiplier?
a method of increasing striking power without increasing the number of combat troops in a military unit
how do terror groups use women?
- support
- spies
- sympathizers
Leaders of Al-Qaeda
- Osama Bin Laden
- Ayman Al Zawahiri
- Azzam (Spiritual leader)
Coordinator of 9/11
Khalid Sheik Mohammed
How many critical subsystems must exist?
Who did Osama kill with a remote bomb?
6 pathway behaviors
- Grievance
- Ideation
- Planning
- Preparation
- Breach
- Attack
Why did Osama disagree with the Saudi Government?
He believed that infidels shouldn’t be near the holy cities of Mecca and Medina.
Where did Osama live?
Modern tool to demonize the enemy?
The Media
At the age of 40, Mohammed claimed
he saw Ishmael
Islam means?
To submit
Father of Terrorism
Sayyid Qutb