final exam Flashcards
Who divided career development into stages and tasks?
Donald Super
DOT is what
Dictionary of Occupational Titles (defines every occupation in America) (over 10,000 jobs)
What is the OOH
Occupational Outlook Handbook (overview of job projections)
Godfather of career counseling
Frank Parsons
His theory classifies people and work environments into six types
Who established the Vocational Bureau of Boston in 1908
Frank Parsons
When did Parsons start talking about Trait Factor Theory
- Estbd Vocational Bureau of Boston 1908 (mostly about manufacturing “how much can you lift?” STATIC APPROACH
Which theorist focused on psychological NEEDS (intensity and level) that developed between the interaction of parent and child?
Ann Roe
Who described 6 levels of occupation
Ann Roe: Level 1 professional–Level 6 unskilled
Whose theory compared needs/impact and how/where we enter the world of work?
Ann Roe
What are the two types of concentration on the child, according to Ann Roe?
Over protective or Over demanding
What are the two types of avoidance of child, according to Ann Roe?
Rejecting and Neglecting
What are the two types of acceptance of child, according to Ann Roe?
Casual and Loving
John Holland assigned people and work environments into what 6 types (RIASEC)
Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conservative
What term do we use for Holland instead of theories?
What term do we use for Super instead of theory?
Who was instrumental in the development of the DOT and the OOH?
Robert Hoppock
Who was first professor of Counselor Education (Composite Theory; 1976)?
Robert Hoppock
Who theorized the degree of job satisfaction is determined by the ratio between what we have and what we want (hoped vs lived experience)?
Robert Hoppock
Who turned to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for her theory?
Ann Roe (1956 Columbia University) Psychodynamic Needs Theory
Who believed that occupations in modern society can provide satisfaction at all levels of need?
Ann Roe (1956 Columbia University) Psychodynamic Needs Theory
How many life stages according to Super?
5: crystallization, specification, implementation, stabilization, consolidation
Who had a Rainbow of five life stages (growth, exploration, estb., maintenance, decline) in his theory based on Super?
Albert Bandura: Lifespan Development Theory
What is Bandura’s theory from the 90s called?
Lifespan Development Theory
John Krumboltz Learning Theory and Happenstance, 1976 says what?
Need not plan so specifically; instead engage in a wide variety of activities, stay alert to new opportunities, and learn new skills in order to succeed
Trait Factor is also known as what kind of approach?
Actuarial Approach
John Krumboltz Learning Theory involves what six categories?
genetic endowments, special abilities, environmental conditions and events, learning experiences, and task approach skills
Who developed the first developmental theory in response to trait factor? Posited that careers were dynamic, not static; developmental
Ginzberg, Ginsburg, Axelrad, Herma at COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY
Who has tasks and stages?
Super (5 of each)
What are Super’s 5 stages of development?
Growth, Exploration, Establishment, Maintenance, Decline
What are Super’s 5 developmental tasks?
Crystallization, specification, implementation, stabilization, consolidation
Whose model is all about self efficacy?
Albert Bandura (Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory)
Who developed the 10 paradoxical principles (of career counseling, I guess)
H.B. Gelatt, 2001
Parson’s weird vocational bureau became what
The APGA, which became the AACD
Who developed Lifespan Development Theory (based on Social Cognitive Theory)?
Albert Bandura
Who developed Learning Theory and Happenstance?
John Krumboltz
Who developed Psychodynamic Needs Theory?
Ann Roe
Who developed Composite Theory?
Robert Hoppock
Who developed Trait Factor Theory?
Frank Parsons