FINAL EXAM Flashcards
the formation of the great desert regions on the Earth is/are a result of :
Hadley cell circulation
Plants need nitrogen atoms to manufacture proteins. Plants can get nitrogen:
~ From the decomposition of protein molecules in dead organic matter.
~From chemically-manufactured fertilizer
~From the conversion of N2 to NH4 and NO3 by certain bacteria (peanuts. example.. only certain kind of organisms can convert nitrogen.)
A species’ fundamental niche includes…
~It’s position in a food chain or web.
~Only the habitat in which it is found
~The place it hides from predators
A species’ realized niche is :
~The geographical area in which it can be found
What are the units of gross primary productivity?
mass (grams), time (per year), space (meters squared)
What is Gross Primary Productivity?
Density of carbon production annually.
The inefficiency of energy transfer between trophic levels…
~is generally about 2% for endotherms, irrespective of trophic level. ( b/c warm blooded organisms waste a lot of their energy as heat)
~ultimately limits the number of trophic levels in ecosystems.
What is true about non-native species?
~non-native species can out-compete native species and cause extinctions.
~non-native species can alter fire regimes and nutrient cycles
(ex. nothing wants to eat english ivy, sucks up nutrients from soil, expensive to remove.)
Limiting factors within marine biomes:
temperature is not a limiting factor because there are no highs or lows, there are no fluctuations, it stays constant.
Ecology is
~the study of interactions that influence the distribution and abundance of organisms
~the study of the relationships between living things and their environment
What is generally true about tropical environments?
They’re warmer because more direct sunlight on equator. They’re wetter because of the ITCZ
To what does “Life History Theory” refer?
~a model that examines the timing and intensity of reproduction over an individual’s lifetime.
~Food/Sex/Death” the tradeoffs of living and reproducing.
Natural selection drives patterns of biological evolution by acting directly upon…
1) variation in heritable traits
2) differential reproduction
3) some traits better represented in subsequent generations
4) Traits are called adaptions, changes in traits over time=evolution.
selection acts on individuals not groups.
Energy vs. Matter
Energy gets used up, must get replenished.
Matter gets recycled via decomposition
Which of the following biomes has the highest level of precipitation?
1) Temperate grassland
2) Tropical rain forest
3) Savanna
4) Desert
Tropical rainforest.
When deciding whether to test an ecological hypothesis using a lab or a field experiment:
a) It is safer to generalize from the results of a lab study than those of a field study.
b) it is safer to generalize from the results of a field study than those of a lab study.
c) whether a study is conducted in the lab or the field does not influence our ability to
generalize from its results.
It is safer to generalize from the results of a field study than of a lab study.
The Scientific Method, why do we need science?
*Science is there to help us better understand the natural world.
1) Make observations, look for patterns.
2) Ask questions about those patterns (“what, why, how?”
3) Generate Hypothesis (a testable explanation)
4) Make Predictions based on hypothesis
5) Gather more information: tests, data
TRUE OR FALSE: Scientists follow the scientific method to prove that a particular theory is correct.
FALSE. Scientists don’t prove anything, they can only disprove the hypotheses.
an organism breeds several times during its lifetime.
examples: steelhead, humans
an organism breeds once and then dies
examples: salmon, yucca