Final Exam Flashcards
What is the Ecological environmental viewpoint?
Ecological viewpoint: The environment should be approached in a sustainable manner because it provides functions necessary for human life.
What is the ecological worldview (i.e. it’s three core beliefs)?
The ecological worldview believes that:
- nature has intrinsic value (inherent worth)
- human life and nature are a single entity, not separated.
- the natural environment should be protected
What are the two types of conservation?
In-situ Conservation and Ex-situ Conservation
What is culmination age, in relation to forestry?
Culmination age is the point to which trees are grown in managed forests. It is the age where average volume of timber is the greatest.
Trees are considered mature.
Define Preservation.
Preservation is the attempt to maintain areas of the earth untouched by humans. ensures protection from any kind of damage or destruction
What is the Gaia Hypothesis and who came up with it?
James Lovelock: The earth and it’s living organisms are part of a single, self-regulating process.
This is part of the ecological worldview.
What is Over-fishing?
Over-fishing is a circumstance in which the catch is too high and is unsustainable; more fish are being caught then were fish reaching maturity to reproduce.
What is the biological value of biodiversity?
Biological Value: It supports vital ecological processes such as oxygen production, water purification and climate moderation.
All species are interdependent and removing any element can change the function of the ecosystem. Ex. Surgeon fish feed on algae growth on a turtle’s shell.
How is the world’s increasing population related to the depletion of fish species?
Rising populations have increased the scale of fisheries leading to intensification and increased depletion.
Storm water run off is an example of ____________ pollution.
Non- point source pollution.
What were the three cultural and environmental repercussions of the James Bay Hydro Electric Project?
Affected territories of northern Cree and Inuit people.
Disrupted hunting grounds and traditional ways of life.
Cause mercury contamination of fish stocks.
List an example of ex-situ conservation for plants and animals.
Plants: Svalbard Global Seed Vault (Norway); Botanical Gardens
Animals: Zoos
What characterizes the Pacific Ocean?
- shortest coastline (27,000 km)
- narrowest continental shelf (16 -32 km)
- warmest marine environment (starting to cause problems for fishing)
- very diverse fish populations
- important to marine mammals for habitat/ migration route
- important economically for commercial fishing and aquaculture.
Why does Canada have so many accessible freashwater reserves (i.e. lakes)? List 2 reasons.
- Climate: high precipitation
2. Groundwater/ Aquifers of impermeable rock that stores water.
What is ecological maturity, in relation to forestry?
The age at which wood has developed maximum fibre length.
Define species evenness.
Evenness: the relative abundance of those species counted (i.e. are some more common than others).
What is the value of sustainable development?
Sustainable development could mediate the tension between ecological values (conservation of nature) and expansionist values (using nature to make a profit).
What percent of the world’s water is fresh?
2.5% of the worlds water is fresh.
Most of that is housed in glaciers.
What characterized the first environmental movement of the 1960s and 1970s?
The environmental movement of the 60s and 70s focused mostly on pollution and litter.
How can we reduce the impacts of fragmentation?
Build wildlife crossing structures. ex. Banff
What was the historical significance of forests? List four.
- Basic means of survival for the First Nations people.
- Cleared for agriculture between the 17th and 19th centuries
- Used for ship building in the 19th century
- Used for pulp and paper in the 20th century.
What were the three major causes of the environmental movement of the 1960s and 1970s?
- “Pollution” a piece of art by Norman Rockwell which displayed trash drifting into a river.
- Silent Spring by Rachel Carson which displayed scientific evidence about how pollution was damaging the planet.
- When the Cuyahoga River in Ohio was so polluted that it started on fire.
List three sources of agricultural related water contamination.
- Crop production
- Livestock production
- Irrigation effects.
What group of organisms makes up the majority of life on earth?
Insects (72%)
What is a challenge of solar and wind power?
intermittent sources reduce the ability to produce energy consistently, making ‘back up’ sources necessary
What is the “green economy”?
The “green economy” represents activities that are needed to ensure a low-carbon, sustainable future.
- aims at reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcity through sustainable practices, which improve people’s lives. - a path toward economic growth.
What is the economic value of biodiversity?
Economic Value: Biodiversity is a resource. It is important to recreation, medicine, lumber, fishing. The estimated value of the world’s ecosystems is worth 33 trillion dollars.
How many people live without access to safe drinking water?
1 in 6
What are the four core beliefs of the expansionist worldview?
The expansionist worldview believes that:
- science and technology can be used to control nature
- nature must be exploited to meet human ends
- nature is a resource to be used (especially for profit), not protected
- Nature is necessary for the accumulation of wealth (profit) and meeting economic goals.
What is Hydropower?
Hydropower is an ‘instream’ water use that generates clean and renewable energy.
What are the social and cultural costs of the Alberta oil sands?
- Arsenic in the water downstream causing cancer.
- the destruction of First Nation fishing practices due to fear of toxic, deformed fish.
What is Deforestation?
Deforestation is the removal of trees and clearing of land for other purposes.
In Canada, what are the three guidelines for what good quality drinking water?
- Tastes good
- Is aesthetically appealing
- Is free from objectionable odor or colour
How much of Canada’s electricity is hydropowered?
Where in Canada are uranium mines concentrated?
What percentage of Canada’s agricultural land
would be needed to produce enough biofuel to replace 10% of the fuel Canadians use for transportation?
What was Hibernia?
A deep ocean drilling rig off the coast of Newfoundland. It employed over 2500 people.
Resulted in a crude oil spill in 2014.
What is Ecosystem Diversity?
Ecosystem Diversity: The range of variation in the physical characteristics of the habitat. The greater the diversity of habitats, the greater the species diversity.
What are two major ecological functions of forests?
- Carbon Storage
2. Oxygen Production
What is fracking?
Hydraulic fracturing (i.e. fracking) is a well stimulation technique in which rock is fractured by a pressurized liquid being injected into it, to create cracks in the deep-rock formations through which natural gas and petroleum will flow more freely.
How has population growth impacted the environment?
: As the human population grows, there is an increased demand for resources, not only for human survival but also for industrial development and transportation.
List five things that put pressure on water resources.
- Pollution (point source and non-point source)
- contamination from crop production- contamination from livestock production
- irrigation effects
- Mining (tailings, recovering oil from tar sands degrades water)
- Power Generation/ Heat Pollution
- Commercial Navigation/ Invasive Species
- High Demand
What is self-realization (in terms of deep ecology)?
An awareness of the inseparability of human with the non-human world.
What are hydrocarbons?
Hydrocarbons: organic compounds consisting entirely of hydrogen and carbon. ex. oil
What are the impacts of urbanization?
Urbanization: reduces resources for wildlife; alters waterways; destroys migration routes; alters climactic situation.
What is the Western Sedimentary Basin?
A oil basin located in the prairies, mostly in Alberta. One of the worlds largest natural gas deposits.
What is the Sustainable Fisheries Act? What did it stipulate?
A piece of legislation that requires fishery managers to reduce over-fished stocks and reduce bi-catch.
General opinion is that this has not been implemented very well.
Definition: Ecological Footprint
: a measurement of land area required to sustain a population; how much land/resources does the average person of a particular area need to support their consumption habits.
What are four ways that we can quantify the impact humans have had on the environment?
- Economic Growth
- Human Demand and Consumption
- Population Growth
- Ecological Footprint
What are the advantages of nuclear energy?
High Energy Density! One tonne of natural uranium produces the electricity equivalent to 15000 tonnes of coal while emitting 1/6 the CO2.
What is water stress?
Water stress occurs when the demand for water exceeds the available amount or when poor quality restricts its use.
Stressed regions face water scarcity.
What are four emerging developments of forest products?
- Bio-fuels
- Bio-chemicals
- Bio- based pharmaceuticals
- Bio-degradable plastics
What is the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement, 1975
The first modern land claim agreement in Canada
Gov. gave treaty benefits (land, cash and power of social service) to First Nations people in exchange for land.
Define In-situ conservation
In-situ Conservation: Conserving animals and plants in their natural environment is in-situ conservation. Ex. protected areas; national parks; biosphere reserves.
List seven examples of instream water uses.
- Hydroelectric power generation ; is renewable.
- Transportation; ex. moving logs and timber
- Waste disposal
- Fishing; commercial and otherwise
- Wildlife habitat
- Heritage conservation
- Recreation
List six adverse effects of deforestation.
- Contributes to a rise in global temperature.
- Increased rates of soil erosion
- Loss of soil productivity
- Loss of biodiveristy
- Species decrease
- Ecosystem imbalance
How does commercial navigation effect water resources?
Commercial navigation contributes to the spread of invasive species. ex. zebra muscles.
What problem do the people of rural India experience?
Bone disease caused by water too high in Natural fluoride. This is due to drawing water from very deep in the ground due to falling ground water levels.
How do the majority of poor people access water in India?
Poor quality, black market drinking water.
What percentage of Canada’s GDP does the forest industry make up?
What is the major problem with bio-fuels as a source of energy?
A lot of agricultural land would be needed to grow bio-fuels, taking land away from growing food, raising questions about if this is feasible with the coming food crisis.
What characterizes the Atlantic Ocean?
- second longest Canadian coastline (40,000km)
- very large submerged continental shelf (dominant feature)
- historically and presently associated with fishing (commercial fishing brings in 2.8 billion – more than twice that of the Pacific Coast).
- Fishes lobster, crab and salmon
What is the ecological, cultural and economic importance of Boreal forests? List four.
- Contains wetlands (bogs, marshes and lakes)
- habitat and breeding ground for wildlife
- way of life for many First Nations communities
- Tourism and recreation
What percent of the world’s forested area is in Canada?
What percent of the world’s energy consumption is powered through renewable energy?
What were our top ten global fish and seafood exports in 2016?
- Lobster
- Atlantic Salmon
- Snow/Queen Crab
- Prawn/ Shrimp
- Crab (other)
- Scallop
- Herring
- Clam
- Greenland Halibut
- Hake
What ecosystem is key to Canada’s biodiversity?
Boreal Forest
What characterizes the Arctic Ocean?
- coldest ocean
- longest coastline (173,000 km)
- majority of this coastline is covered seasonally by ice abut 1-2 meters thick
- very important to the Inuit as it is as source of subsistence hunting and fishing
- very small commercial fishing industry for arctic char.
What is Ex-Situ Conservation?
Ex-Situ Conservation: The conservation of a species under artificial (captive) conditions, away from the ecosystem in which they belong. Ex. Breeding programs, zoos, etc.
How do high and low income countries compare on water use?
High income countries tend to use more water for industry, while low income countries tend to use more water on agriculture.
What is clear cutting?
Clear cutting is when all trees in an area are cut at the same time, leaving behind only stumps.
This is the dominant method of harvest in Canada.
What was the Walkerton water crisis?
The Walkerton water crises occured in May 2000 due to improper water treatment resulting in contamination of E.Coli.
It resulted in 2300 cases of illness and 6 deaths.
Between 1990 and 2015, how many hectares of forest were lost around the world?
129 million hectares of forest (an area the size of South Africa).
What is meant by tipping point, in regard to the oil sands?
This is the point where the social, environmental costs are outweighing the economic gain.
What was the fishing moratorium in Atlantic Canada, and why did it occur?
The Canadian government declared a fishing moratorium (i.e. an end to fishing) in 1991, which represented an economic and cultural blow to the region.
This was necessary as Cod populations had dropped to only 1% of their original size.
What does the International Standards Organization do?
ISO develops systems standards so that quality products are known to have a similar manufacturing process
- In forestry, it identifies if a logging company has adequate forest
management planning.
What is biomass?
fuel from organic materials (e.g. wood, organic matter, crops). Nearly 730 million people depend on traditional biomass for cooking.
What is high grading in relation to forestry? What are it’s repercussions?
This is the philosophy of “cut the best, leave the rest”, where high quality forests are cut, leaving behind only lower quality forests.
This causes the value of the remaining forest to decline.
What are environmental ethics?
a field that studies the non-monetary value of the physical environment. Considers the rights of future generations to an untarnished earth.
What is the moral environmental viewpoint?
Moral viewpoint: The environment should be approached in a sustainable manner as it is our moral obligation.
What characterizes the Temperate Forest?
- mid latitude (between the equator and the poles)
- winter season and summer growing season
Why is attention to bio-fuels growing? List five.
- growing public interest of environmental issues
- rising oil prices
- political efforts to achieve reliable energy sources
- technological breakthroughs
- government incentive programs
Where do Canada’s great lakes get their water? Are they renewable or non-renewable?
Only 1% of the great lakes water is renewed through precipitation. The rest is from glacier melt and is thus non-renewable.
What is the Northern Gateway Pipeline Project?
This is a proposed pipeline project on the west coast that would require tankers to pass through waters affected by the moratorium in order to reach the tanker terminal at Kitimat.
What was Exxon Valdez? What effect did it have?
An oil spill that occurred in Alaska and was one of the worst oil spills in U.S waters (prior to deep- water horizon). This spill reaffirmed a moratorium on offshore oil development and tankers in Canada.
List four to nine negative repercussions of hydroelectricity.
- Displaces people during construction
- Loss of agricultural land due to damming
- Diverts water
- Alters flow and quality of rivers.
- Reduces productivity of wetlands
- Causes a loss of biodiversity
- destroys waterfowl nests
- Reduces or eliminates habitat for fish and wildlife
- Heat pollution.
What is irrigation?
Irrigation: the controlled and
artificial application of water, at needed intervals, to crops via various technological
What is a biological desert?
Most of the ocean is considered a biological desert– life is there but is very sparse. It is concentrated only around the continents.
What are some efforts being made to restore the fish population?
- the Sustainable fisheries act
- the establishment of marine reserves off limit to fishing of any kind – these allow fish to grow larger, producing more eggs and more fish. This serves to increase quantities of fish in the protected region allowing these fish to spread out into fishing regions.
- fishing with pre-industrial tactics (hook caught fish are highly valued).
What is an example of pesticide contamination in Canada?
Abbotsford Aquifer in BC.
12 difference pesticides have been detected.
What is happening to the Ganges River in India?
It is one of the most polluted rivers in the world: sewage and garbage rot in the water.
Water level is falling rapidly in places up to a meter a year.
Wells are exhausted.
Where does Canada stand in terms of global water use per Capita?
Canada is among the largest consumer of waters.
It is typical of developed nations to consume more water.
What is species diversity?
Species diversity involves richness and evenness of species.
What is genetic diversity?
Genetic Diversity: genetic variation within a species. - Accounts for distinct populations within a single species. Ex. thousands of dog breeds.
What are Old Growth forests? What is an example of one?
Old growth forests are forests that contain trees 200 to 1000 years old or more that have not been seriously changed by human action.
ex. Clayoquot Sound (home to the spirit bear) and made a UNESCO biosphere reserve in 2000.
What were the effects of the first environmental movement (list three)?
- The first Earth Day occurred on April 20th, 1970.
- Canada: The department of environment was founded in 1971
- United States: The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 1969 and the Clean Water Act, 1972 (the clean water act was largely influenced by the burning of the Cuyahoga river.
What accounts for the majority of Residential Energy consumption?
Space heating (52%)
Followed by appliances (18%) and water heating (16%)
How is sustainable forest management in Canada supported? List four.
- Laws, regulations and policies
- A rigorous forest management planning process
- Science-based approach to decision making/planning
- Requirement of independent third party certification of sustainable forest practices in Canada’s forests.
What is the expansionist worldview?
Closely related to capitalism. Nature is necessary for the accumulation of wealth (profit) and meeting economic goals.
What was Deep Water Horizon?
A deep-water oil rig. The disaster at Deep Water Horizon off the coast of Mexico in 2010 reminded us of the dangers of drilling for oil in the water.
What is the importance of the Ganges River to the people of India?
It is considered the holy waters for Hinduism. Hindu’s bathe and cremate the dead in the river.
What is bio-centric equality (in terms of deep ecology)?
The idea that all organisms have intrinsic worth and are interrelated.
What are some examples of industry that consume energy? List at least 4.
- food and beverage manufacturing
- textile mills, textile mill products
- apparel and leather products
- wood product manufacturing
- paper manufacturing
- printing and related activities
- petroleum and coal products manufacturing
What is environmentalism?
a philosophy, ideology and social movement regarding concerns for environmental protection.
Where are the major oil basins in Canada?
The prairies, the Maritimes and the far north.
What characterized the second environmental movement after 1985?
The issues of a second environmental movement were global, particularly focusing on global warming and ozone depletion.
What is the Falldown effect in relation to forestry?
The falldown effect is the reduction in volume and quality of trees caused by a shift from exploiting old growth forests to producing managed forests.
How can economic and social structures impact the environment?
Economic and social structures can impact the environment by degrading and depleting natural resources, which effects ecological functions.
What was the Lorax video depicting?
the competing economic and ecological worldviews
Which province has the most forest exports?
B.C at 7.5 Billion dollars in exports.
The next highest are obvious, Quebec and Ontario. The barren prairies and the small maritime provinces are last.
List two of Canada’s major rivers.
The Mackenzie River which empties into the arctic.
The St. Lawrence River (accounts for 4% of Canada’s shorline; major trade history)
What has been done to protect shorelines following these disastrous oil spills? List three.
1972, moratorium on crude oil tanker traffic on the West Coast
1988, tanker exclusion zone: an agreement between Canada and the US to protect the shoreline and coastal waters from pollution.
2017, Bill C-48 (formal legislation introduced in the house of Commons). This is a law imposed to formalize the moratorium on the west coast.
What is the average global ecological footprint?
What are the global trends?
On average globally, it takes 2.2. hectares to sustain each person. These vary from country to country.
Countries from the developed world have bigger ecological footprints (due to their higher rates of consumption).
What is Instream Water Use?
In stream water use is when water remains in it’s natural setting (i.e. is not removed from it’s source)
ex. hydropower
What are the top two countries experiencing deforestation since the 1990s?
Followed mostly by African countries.
What is an aquifer?
Aquifer = a sub-surface geological formation of impermeable rock that naturally stores water that has infiltrated through more porus/permeable soil
What does the Canadian government argue in regards to the oil sands?
The world needs energy and Canada needs the oil sands as they are key to our economy.
What is bottom trawling? Why is it so damaging?
Bottom Trawling: is the dragging of a fishing net along the sea floor. It is very damaging to the sea floor, destroying ecosystems for juvenile fish.
What is non-point source pollution?
Nonpoint sources discharge pollution in an unconfined manner. ex. run off of fertilizer; trash
What are green technologies?
The development of environmentally friendly renewable energy sources that are minimally invasive on the environment and are a ‘clean’ alternative to fossil fuels.
Why is irrigation inefficient?
Irrigation is inefficient due to high evaporation and runoff rates.
Describe the global trends in biodiversity.
Generally, global biodiversity decreases from the equator towards the poles.
What is fragmentation?
Fragmentation: ex. divided highways. These cut off access to portions of habitats and restrict movement. It also increases the incidence of animals being hit by cars.
What percent of Canada is wooded?
What is Aquaculture?
Aquaculture involves cultivating fish populations under controlled conditions. These are used to replenish fish stocks and to produce sea food
What management attempts were made prior to the moratorium to protect the Cod stocks in Atlantic Canada (list 3)?
Attempts to protect the stocks included:
- minimum mesh size for trawl nets (allowing smaller fish to escape, reducing the bycatch).
- reduction in total allowable catch (i.e. quota system)
- 200 mile fishing limit (Canada and US)
What is water scarcity?
Water scarcity is the lack of sufficient available water resources to meet the demands of water usage within a region.
What are land ethics? Who coined the term?
A type of environmental ethics. A philosophy or theoretical frame work about how humans should regard the land.
Coined by Aldo Leopold in his “A Sand County Almanac”
Argues that humans are ethically responsible for the larger environment of which we are apart. Humans are citizens and protectors of the environment and our responsibility towards the environment means limits to capital/ individual freedoms (i.e. industry must pay for the safe disposal of their waste).
What is the intrinsic value of biodiversity?
Intrinsic Value: Nature has intrinsic value or inherent worth and should be conserved for its own sake, regardless of economic values.
What is renewable energy?
Renewable Energy are energy sources that are replaced by environmental processes, as long as they are not used more quickly than they are replaced.
What are the seven levels of at risk wildlife in Canada?
- Special concern
- Threatened –> likely to become endangered
- Endangered –> species facing imminent extinction
- Extirpated
- Extinct
- Not at risk
- Insufficient Data
What are biofuels?
Biofuels: crop-based forms of fuel, such as ethanol and biodiesel
List three examples of in-situ conservation.
- Protected areas: Ecological reserves; wildlife management areas; parks; conservation areas
- Canada’s National and Provincial Parks
- Biosphere reserves: Internationally protected regions. Established under UNESCO.
Describe the trends in Global Energy consumption per Capita.
Access to energy is not equal and seems to be centered around the north. This may be because southern regions are more likely to characterized as developing nations.
What is the Grand Banks?
- a part of the continental shelf in the Atlantic which was formerly well known for being rich fishing grounds.
- 250,000 km2 and is the largest bank in the northwest Atlantic.
- Once contained the largest single concentration of cod.
____% of the planet’s land surface is home to 50% of the world’s plant species and 42% of it’s vertebrae animal species
What is sustainable forest management?
Sustainable forest management is a way of using and caring for forests so as to maintain their environmental, social and economic values and benefits over time.
What is the deep ecology viewpoint on conservation?
Deep Ecology viewpoint: biodiversity should be preserved regardless of its usefulness to humans.
Describe Environmental Change
Processes of environmental change (ex. glaciation) occur over a very long period of time. Some people argue that human impact on the environment has accelerated these changes..
ex. Muir Glacier in Alaska has receded since 1882
What are the two major reasons for the depletion of the cod stocks in Atlantic Canada?
- Mismanagement of the resource: uncontrolled foreign fishing in international waters.
- Modernization of the fishing industry: more efficient fishing systems with larger trawlers, nets and gear (ex. Dragger nets) leading to the intensification of fishing beyond the boundaries of sustainability
List seven causes of deforestation.
- Logging
- Roads (including the BR163 road into the heart of the Amazon)
- Export market
- Debt repayment
- Livestock ranching
- Agriculture (cash cropping)
- Lack of regulation and law enforcement
What three rivers are harnessed by the James Bay Hydro Electric Project?
- La Grande
- Great Whale
- Nonaway-Broadback-Eastmain-Rupert basins
What are the three types of biodiversity?
There are three types of diversity:
- Genetic Diversity
- Species Diversity
- Ecosystem Diversity
List three types of habitat alteration.
- Fragmentation
- Urbanization
- Invasive Species
What characterizes Tropical forests?
- near the equator
- rainforests
- wet, tropical climate
- year round growing conditions
- diverse flora and fauna
How many known species exist?
1.7 million
What two activities does the forest industry consist of?
- lumber and wood products
2. saw mills and logging
What are the key components of sustainable development? There are seven.
- Maintain ecological integrity and diversity
- Meet basic human needs
- Keep options open for future generations
- Reduce injustice
- Support the empowerment of decision making processes in local communities
- Maintain the quality of life
- Sustain culture
Define species richness.
Richness: The number of species in a habitat
What percentage of the earth’s temperate forests can be found in BC?
between 18 and 25 %
What is withdrawal water use?
This is water use where the water is removed from it’s natural setting. It may or may not be returned to it’s natural source.
Why is there debate surrounding Bill C-48?
There is debate about Bill C-48 and the moratorium due to the Northern Gateway Pipeline Project.
What is Deep Ecology?
Deep ecology is the idea that nature and non-human species are valuable in their own right; based on the principles of self-realization and bio-centric equality.
What is an example of how recreational development can impact community water supply?
Banff: high number of visitors compared to small populations. Visitors require water.
What are some ways that humans might accelerate environmental change (list 6)?
- oil spills
- clear cutting
- land-use change (from forest to agricultural land)
- pollution and emissions
- nuclear power melt downs (i.e. radioactive contamination)
- overfishing,
List five examples of water use.
- Municipal uses
- Manufacturing
- Mineral extraction
- Irrigation
- Thermal Power
What is Silviculture?
Silviculture is the practice of controlling the establishment, growth, composition, health, and quality of forests. i.e managing forests for clear cutting.
What type of transport accounts for the majority of our transport energy consumption?
Road transport, including cars (64%), freight trucks (33%), motorcycles (1%) and buses (2%).
What type of forest makes up Canada’s largest forest region?
Boreal Forest
What are five drawbacks of aquaculture?
- increased incidence of disease among farmed fish due to dense concentrations, representing a cost to the farmers.
- The spread of diseases to native stocks when farmed fish escape.
- Farmed species can outcompete native species for food and habitat.
- Aquaculture can be a significant producer of waste.
- Alters shorelines and leaves them less protected and much more vulnerable to the elements.
What is geothermal energy?
Geothermal heat pumps circulate water through a sealed underground piping loop where it is naturally warmed (or cooled) by the Earth.
Homes can be heated this way.
Common in regions with underground heat sources (i.e. volcanoes)
What are Canad’s three major marine environments?
The Atlantic, the Pacific and the Arctic coastlines
How much (%) of earth’s 4 billion hectares of land is occupied by forest?
Who is David Schindler?
A researcher of freshwater fish who was interested in the Oil Sands. Became a member of the first independent research team investigating the effects of the oil sands by independently testing for toxins in the Athabasca river.
How has economic growth impacted the environment?
The environment provides resources for the economy. It is a matter of finding a balance between economic development and sustaining the environment.
What is the Tragedy of the Commons?
Within a shared and unregulated resource system, where individual users act independently according to their own self-interest, they will behave contrary to the common good of all users by depleting or spoiling the resource through their collective action
What were the cultural and economic repercussions of the moratorium?
- The moratorium was an economic and cultural blow.
- Coastal communities that depended upon the fishery for their livelihood suffered widespread unemployment.
- The collapse of the cod fishery in Newfoundland alone resulted in 35,000 people being put out of work.
- During this time there was political pressure to retain the fishing overcapacity in the name of preserving jobs.
What factors have contributed to over-fishing and the overall decline of fish stocks?
- industrial fishing
- the use of cyanide and dynamite for fishing by poor people in the eastern pacific.
- increase in technology (engines, freezers, fish finding scanners)
- pollution and climate change resulting in changes in the availability of plankton.
- fishing selectively kills larger (reproductively mature) fish as they are more likely to get caught in nets.
What is the Aesthetic environmental viewpoint?
Aesthetic viewpoint: concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty. The environment should be approached in a sustainable manner because its profound beauty has psychological benefits.
What are ethanol and biodiesel and example of?
What is biodiversity?
The variability among living organisms from all sources (i.e. terrestrial, marine, etc). Includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems.
What characterizes the Boreal forest?
- closest to the poles (i.e. highest latitude)
- cold, dry climate
- short growing season
- conifer trees
What is bi-catch?
Bi-catch: a fish or other marine species that is caught unintentionally while catching certain target species, target sexes and target sizes of fish, crabs etc. This is then discarded as waste.
Where does most domestic water go in Canada?
34% of domestic water use in Canada goes to showering/bathing.
What is economic maturity, in relation to forestry?
The youngest age at which trees can be cut and sold for profit.
What is the economic value of the forest industry?
Employs 234000 Canadians and accounted for $24 Billion in 2011
What was the Parks Act?
Park’s Act (2000): makes ecological integrity the first priority in Provincial and National Parks. Prohibits extractive industries (like mining).
What is eco-certification?
Eco-certification is where an independent agency verifies that a certain sustainable practice are being followed in the production of a good or service.
In Canada, what are the three guidelines for what makes good quality drinking water safe?
Free from:
- disease causing organisms
- harmful substances
- radioactive material
What was the monetary value of Canada’s fish and seafood exports in 2016?
6.6 Billion Dollars
What are the three general categories of water use?
- Domestic
- Industrial
- Agricultural
What are the trends in numbers of species at risk over time?
There has been a substantial increase in terms of species at risk, extinct, extirpated and endangered since 1997.
What are invasive species?
Invasive Species: The introduction of non-native species to new environments. This can be wither intentional or unintentional. Ex. zebra muscles, purple loostrife.
What is point source pollution?
Point sources discharge pollution from a clearly identifiable single discrete pathway. ex. a drainpipe.
Who owns most of the forests in Canada?
Provincial governments (71%)
What does ISO stand for, in relation to forestry?
ISO= International Standards Organization.
What are the four environmental values that mediate the way one sees the environment?
- Utilitarian
- Ecological
- Aesthetic
- Moral
What is the Three Gorges Dam?
The Three Gorges Dam is in China and is the largest hydro electric dam ever built.
Between 1.2 and 1.9 million people displaced.
What are Tailings and how to they impact water resources?
Tailings are waste products from mining, removed after the recoverable materials have been extracted.
Can cause severe damage if they leak.
What are feedlots and how can they affect groundwater?
Feedlots/ Intensive Livestock Operation: dominant method of producing beef, hogs and poultry. Large numbers of animals are tightly packed.
Large amount of manure are produced and are associated with groundwater contamination.
This is an industrial scale waste problem .
What are the three subsectors of forest products?
- Solid wood and secondary manufacturing (soft and hard wood)
- Pulp and paper
- Forestry and logging
In the US, what sector accounts for the most energy consumption?
Industrial (31%)
What is precision irrigation?
Precision irrigation is when water is directed right to the root.
It is important for sustainable agriculture as it minimizes the use of water and fertilizer.
What are pesticides and how can they affect groundwater?
Pesticides are important to modern agriculture as they sustain yields by replacing nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium).
However, the excess can leach into groundwater.
What type of fuel accounts for most of the world’s energy consumption?
Oil (30%)
Followed by coal (28%)
What is sustainable development?
Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future to meet their own needs.
This idea also emerged in this second environmental movement and was proposed by a report from the United Nations
Describe the trends in aquaculture between the Pacific and Atlantic coasts.
There are more aquaculture establishments in the Atlantic, however the Pacific is more productive (potentially as the establishments there are larger).
BC represents 56.2% of all aquaculture production. Atlantic Canada makes up the second largest.
What is meant by “a false choice” in terms of the Green Economy?
We do not have to choose between economy and environment. A strong economy can be based on a clean environment.
How has tourism affected the environment? What are some examples (list 5)?
Tourism is also associated with the depletion and abuse of resources.
1. Travel pollutes the air (cruise ships; planes)
2. Snorkeling in coral reefs damages them
3. Mount Everest is known as the highest junkyard in the world
4. Safaris make wildlife used to people affecting behavior
5. Tourists tourists put major demands on local water supplies in hot places, resulting in water crises for the local population
What is the Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement and what did it do?
This agreement, which came into effect in 2010 suspended 29 million hectares of Boreal forest from logging to preserve habitat for woodland caribou.
How many major freshwater lakes does Canada have? How does this compare to other countries?
Canada has 7 of the largest freshwater lakes on the planet, making up 9% of the country.
Canada has more lakes and inland waters than any other country.
What are the cons of Nuclear energy?
The capacity for major disasters. ex. Chernobyl, - Fukushima Nuclear Power Explosion, Japan, 2011, which continues to leak radio-active waste into the Pacific Ocean
Define Rank Abundance.
Rank Abundance: how many or what proportion of the total number of species is represented by each species.
Definition: Society
a group of humans that co-exist and relate to one another through politics, culture and institutions that govern good behavior.
What is the function of controlled forest fires? List three.
- Destroys diseased trees and pests
- Stimulates reproductive cycles for some trees (i.e. pine cones that only open after fire).
- Leaves behind nutrient rich ash.
What are the six forest layers from top to bottom?
- Canopy
- Sub-Canopy
- Understory
- Shrub layer
- Forest Floor
- Soil
What is non-renewable energy?
Non-renewable Energy resources are resources that are finite or are replaced at very slow rates.
What is the Utilitarian environmental viewpoint?
Utilitarian viewpoint: The environment should be approached in a sustainable manner because it is the source of livelihoods, income and economic activity.
What is wind power?
The capture and conversion of the wind’s kinetic energy into mechanical energy or electrical power/ electricity using Turbines
What is the James Bay Hydro Electric Project?
Canada’s largest hydroelectric power development. Harnessed the power from all the rivers the flow into James Bay from Quebec.
What is crown land?
Land owned by the federal or provincial governments.
Define Conservation.
Conservation is the sustainable use and management of natural resources.
- ensures that renewable resources like trees are not consumed faster than they can be replaced.
- accepts that development is necessary, but in a sustainable manner
How does power generation affect water resources?
Water is used as a coolant in most thermoelectric plants (fossil fuels) and is
returned to the source in the same quantity, but at higher temperatures. which can be harmful to aquatic life that requires cool water.