Final Exam Flashcards
Erik Erikson Theory
Psychosocial Development
Theory of Psychosocial Development
- Infancy: trust vs mistrust
- Toddlers: autonomy vs shame and doubt
- Preschool: initiative vs guilt
- School Age: industry vs inferiority
- Adolescents: identity vs role confusion
- Young Adults: intimacy vs isolation
- Middle Adult: generativity vs stagnation
- Older Adult: ego integrity vs despair
PD, Infancy
Trust vs. mistrust
Developmental goal: secure attachment
PD, Toddlers
Autonomy vs self-doubt
Developmental goal: self confidence
PD, School Age
Industry vs inferiority
Developmental goal: feeling of competence and belief in their skills
PD, Adolescents
Identity vs role confusion
Developmental Goal: Who am I? Integrate previous stages to form identity
PD, Young adults
Intimacy vs isolation
Developmental Goal: affiliation and love
Middle Adults
Generativity vs stagnation
Developmental Goal: creating a legacy
Older adult
Ego integrity vs despair
Developmental Goal: life fulfillment
Theory of cognitive development; development precedes learning
assimilation - accomodation - equilibration
Theory of Cognitive Development
Sensorimotor 0-2, object permanence
Preoperational 2-7, symbolic play
Concrete Operational 7-11, conservation, can consider other points of view
Formal Operational 11-15, logical thought and abstract reasoning
Vygotsky Framework
Children must learn in order to develop: 4 principles
Children construct their own knowledge
Development cannot be separated from it’s social context
Learning can “lead” development
Language plays a central role in mental development
Kohlberg (theory)
development of justice and moral reasoning
Gilligan (theory)
studied girls and showed that they process moral dilemmas differently than boys —- girls have more care-based morality, males justice-based
Models of Maternity Care:
separation of the mind and body: ○ Pt viewed as an object ○ "curing disease" ○ High value on science and technology ○ "mother nature" fails us - aggressive intervention ○ Death = defeat, viewed as "failure" ○ Profit driven systems
Models of Maternity Care:
○ Mind-body connectional, there is a relational piece to the giving of care
○ Healing happens inside and out
○ Info and decisions are shared
○ Focus on disease prevention
○ Death is part of the cycle
○ Balance and connection - body seen as an organism.
Models of Maternity Care:
○ Openness of mind-body-spirit ○ Healing the whole person ○ Unity of client and provider ○ Healing from inside out ○ Individualized care ○ Technology at service to ppl ○ Long-term health and well-being ○ Death is a step in the process of the cycle ○ Birth is NORMAL ○ Healing is the focus ○ Embrace multiple healing modalities
doctor for complicated, high risk moms
Birth Settings
Level I: birth centers
2: alamance regional
3: hospitals w a neonatal intensive care unit
How do you know if baby is getting enough calories?
Look at poop! # poops