FInal Exam Flashcards
What is the scientific name and order for guinea pigs?
Scientific name: Cavia porcellus Order: Rodentia
What diseases are guinea pigs susceptible to?
A. Scurvy because of their dietary for need vitamin C
B. Tuberculosis
C. Pneumonia
D. Salmonellosis
E. All the above
E. All the above
What is the dental formula for the guinea pig?
2x (I 1/1, C 0/0, P 1/1, M 3/3)
A sow is bred prior to a.)_____________ of age after this time the b.)_____________ will fuse permanently, this can cause c.)_________________.
a.) 7 months b.) pelvic symphysis c.) dystocia problems
Guinea pigs are very sensitive to antibiotics that target a.)____________ organisms and should never be given b.) ___________.
a.) gram-positive b.) streptomycin
Where do you TB test monkeys and primates? What is the testing procedure for TB?
On the upper eyelid. You need three negative TB tests each given 2 weeks apart.
TB can be treated caused by several strains of a.)____________, and is a significant b.)_____________ problem.
A.) Mycobacteria
Basic differences between apes and monkeys, include: A. Apes are old world B. Apes have a narrow chest C. Apes have no tail D. Apes rely on vision instead of scent
A, C, D
Like guinea pigs, non human primates can suffer from what disease?
What NHP are only used in learning or behavioral research?
True or False? The most important point in any discussion of NHP zoonotic disease is treatment
False correct answer is prevention
What type of testing is part of any physical examination of a NHP?
Tuberculin testing
How many hepatitis viruses are capable of infecting human beings and NHP species? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5
E. 5
What is the mist common hepatitis virus in NHP?
Hepatitis A
Vitamin _____ and ______ are important in NHP diets.
Vitamin D and C
What is the Genus and species of rabbits?
Oryctolagus cuniculus
What is the most common anesthetic used in rabbits?
Which statements are True about Listeriosis?
A. It’s caused by Clostridium pilaforme
B. Characterized by sudden death or abortion in late pregnancy
C. It is a zoonotic disease
D. Treatment is rarely attempted
E. Clinical signs include weight loss and depression.
B, C, D, E
This disease is commonly called “bumblefoot” and is classified by round lesions on plantar surface of feet, predisposing factors include abrasive bedding or fecal contamination on cage bottom, what is this disease?
True or false? Ringworm is the only significant mycotic disease of domestic rabbits.
Low humidity predisposes non-human primates to Branharmella catarrhalis infection, also known as ________________.
bloody nose syndrome
Primates require vitamin D to prevent ________ and __________.
ricketts and osteomalacia
_________ is caused by a human paramyxovirus known as rubeola.
List the 4 distinct viral groups that Ebola virus is subtypes into.
Zaire, Sudan, Ivory Coast and ralston
The only acceptable method of euthanasia for non-human primates is _______________.
injectable barbiturate overdose
Why are mice often used for research?
A. Short life span
B. Easy to maintain
C. Inexpensive
D. Short gestation period with large litters
E. Are need with genetic alterations that mimic human diseases
A, B, C, D, E
Tyzzers disease is cause by _______ _______.
Clostridium Piliforme
The AWA regulates all procedures performed and protects animals other than: A. Mice, rats, guinea pigs B. Mice, rats, birds, man C. Mice, rats, guinea pigs, birds D. Mice, rats, guinea pigs, birds, man
B. Mice, rats, birds, man
What is the dental formula for Mus musculus?
I 1/1, C 0/0, P 0/0, M 3/3
_________ is the disparate treatment of individuals, based on their species, frequently compared to ________or _________.
Speciesism, racism, sexism
The ferret has ________deciduous teeth and ________permanent teeth. The dental formula is_________.
30 deciduous, 34 permanent, dental formula 2X (I 3/3, C 1/1, PM 3/3, M 1/2)
The skeletal formula of a ferret is: A. C6, T15, L4, S3, Cd18 B. C7, T15, L5, S3, Cd18 C. C7, T14, L5, S2, Cd12 D. C6, T16, L6, S4, Cd19
True or false? Ferrets are prone to heat stroke when kept above 75°F and require lower temperatures than most animals. If false explain.
False, above 80°F
Why is it not okay to vaccinate a ferret with any other vaccine than those specifically formulated for ferrets?
You will infect them with the disease you are trying to vaccine them against.
Name the virus that ferrets can pass to humans and vise versa.
Influenza A and B
Adrenal Gland Disease in ferrets is due to the ________ and not due to Cortisol.
Hypersecretion of sex hormones
True or False? Degloving does not occur in gerbils.
What age should a gerbil have their mate by?
8 weeks
What should be taken into consideration when preparing to neuter a gerbil?
They have open inguinal rings
_______ _______ are not good for gerbils due to their high fat/low calcium content.
Sunflower seeds
How long is the red blood cell life span in a gerbil? A. 14-28 days B. 9-10 days C. 20-35 days D. 6-12 days
B. 9-10 days
Retrieve blood from the _________ vein on a chelonian because it yields a sample least likely to be ___________ diluted.
Jugular, lymph
What are 3 locations of venipuncture on chelonians?
Jugular vein, Dorsal venous sinus, Dorsal coccygeal, Subcarapacial, Dorsal tail , Femoral, Brachial heart
Stress leading to immunosuppression in chelonians can cause ___________ virus leading to fibropapellomatosis in sea turtles.
What causes ulcerative shell disease?
Fungus gets under the scutes penetrating the carapace or plastron producing large gaping holes.
__________ are the most common ectoparasites of chelonians and __________ are the most common endoparasites.
Leeches, liver flukes
What is the most common disease of hampsters?
Wet Tail
True or False? All oral penecillins are harmful to the chinchilla.
Chinchilla bedding should never be sawdust or cedar, as the oils produced can cause___________.
liver damage
The hampster needs a minimum of 16% protein in the diet to prevent ________.
Disturbing the mother hampster and her litter within the first 10 days of birth can cause: A. Food hoarding B. Infanticide C. Amyloidosis D. Seizures
B. Infanticide
True or false? Entameoba histolytica is a common enteric protozoan that effects Old world primates.
What shouldn’t you do to orally administer a drug to a primate A. Place within fruit B. Crushed and mixed with food C. Pill them D. Use treats or peanut butter
C. Pill them
Lemuridae is the family name for what species of non-human primate?
True of False? You should almost always have someone else with you when going into a primate cage.
Great apes are included in what family?
Strongyloides and Trichostrongylus is a common parasite of new world primates. Initial passage through the skin causes ___________ while passage through the lungs causes ___________.
pruritus and erythema ; pulmonary lesions, pneumonia, and possibly death from pericarditis
True or False? Goiter can develop in non human primates if the have a diet high in iodine and low in raw cabbage, kale or turnips.
The grooming habits of healthy primates usually prevent severe infestation of _____________.
Ectoparasites (fleas, ticks, lice)
Name 3 poxviruses capable of infecting human beings and NHP species
monkeypox, smallpox, benign epidermal monkeypox (tanapox), molluscum contagiosum, and yaba poxvirus
How is shell rot treated?
Shell rot is treated by debridement of loose or soft tissue and thorough cleansing twice daily with chlorhexidine solution.
______________ are given in the muscle mass of the front legs of chelonians.
IM injection
What causes swollen eyes in chelonians? (Choose all that apply) A. dehydration B. vitamin A deficiency C. parasites D. foreign bodies E. none of the above
B, D
What causes nutritional disease in tortoises?
caused by a diet too high in fat and protein
What are the signs and causes of difficulty laying eggs?
S: unsuccessful digging and unproductive straining while laying eggs
C: mineral and hormone deficiencies, other causes include malformed eggs, a kinked or twisted oviduct, or an injury to the cloaca
True or False. Rats can vomit.
How long is the gestation period for rats?
21 to 23 days
What is the Genus and species of rats?
Rattus norvegious
Clostridium piliforme bacteria causes what disease?
Ringtail in rats is caused by what?
Low environmental humidity less than <45%
Mammary fibroadenoma is the most common tumor in what lab animal?
What are the Interagency Primate Steering Committee (ISPC) components for the national primate plan for using and supplying primates for Biomedical Research?
- Could best be done with non-human primates
- No other system or animal could produce comparable results
- The species of primate proposed was the most appropriate and a more plentiful species would not be adequate
- The number of primate proposed would be the minimum number to achieve acceptable scientific results
- That primates will not be sacrificed during or at the end of the experiment except in those cases where sacrifice is required as part of the investigation
- That if sacrifice is deemed necessary positive action will be taken to ensure that all available body material will be shared when feasible