Final exam Flashcards
Closed fontanels when born, perspiration of occiput while sleeping. Sensation of a cold cloth around brain. Asthmatic attacks preceded by odor of fish brine.
Sanicula aqua
Abscesses and ulcers with severe burning. Carbuncles that burn. Abscesses are purple and have a stabbing or stitching pain.
Tarentula cubensis
Cough remedy; triad of cough, nausea, and hemorrhage. Nausea with any type of hemorrhage. Horrible hanging down sensation in the stomach.
GI and skin remedy; herpes zoster ophthalmicus, drawing pain about nipple as if with a string while the child is nursing. Vesicular eruptions on the scrotum with red areola around the vesicle. Diarrhea comes on immediately after eating or drinking.
Croton tiglium
Vertigo and disequilibrium, vertigo during pregnancy, loss of vision and nosebleeds during pregnancy. Convulsions from loss of sleep. Cutting pain in the uterus with every breath. Involuntary urination from cough during pregnancy. Indian berry or fish berry.
Cocculus indicus
Chloasma, spasmodic contraction of os uteri during labor. Pain and inflammation of the small joints/finger joints. Delusion they are pregnant. Blue cohosh or papoose root.
There is crawling or itching in the fossa navicularis (area of urethra just proximal to opening). Urethritis, cystitis, agglutination of the meatus of urethra. Biting pains in fossa after urination.
Petroselinum sativum
Skin; eruptions-eczema of the chest and leg, rectal fissures that are burning, perspiration on the sternum in the morning, cancer of old cicatrices (scar tissue) of the breast, eczema itching of the scalp, eyelids and behind the ears.
Convulsions with ….breathing. When they are seizing there is a painful shock that stops the convulsions. Slamming of a door will cause convulsions. Crawling of the extremities after convulsions. Loganaceae family.
Warts that are very sensitive, condylomata or excrescences (wart like growths). Morbidly sensitive. Warts on tongue, gums, and iris.
Seizures; fingers cramp during delivery, bellowing before seizures, laughing/weeping/vomiting during seizures. Blueness in face.
Cuprum metallicum
Ulcers and abscesses with lots of burning. Boils in the septum of the noise, in legs, boils in small crops. Diabetic patients that have recurrent boils. Violent, malignant burning.
Salivation with coryza, child likes to bore the finger in the ear, lots of itching in the nose.
Discharge from the ear that causes vesicular eruptions on lobe of the ear and side of the neck. Herpetic eruptions are circular and intersecting (intersecting rings).
Tellurium metallicum
Painful cracks in the skin. Patient kept awake by sound of heart. Sensation that pharynx has disappeared. Smell of sulfur vapors in nose esp. with sneezing. Desires to kill before and during their menses.
Deathly nausea with pale or greenish hue to the face. Solanacea family. Better in open air, better when close their eyes and especially if they uncover the abdomen.
Lots of concussive sneezing esp. during fever. Odor of roses aggravates coryza (watery discharge). Delusion that part of the body is deformed.
Skin and resp.; nosode from scabies eruption. Anguish and restlessness with skin eruptions. With asthmatic breathing lying out like Jesus on cross. Feel like they are losers. Bundle in thick coats in summer. Wet sulfur.
Hair falls out and faintness in pregnancy. Pain in ovaries after delivery. Left sided. Don’t like their throat touched.
Warts on the lids and genitals that bleed easily when touched. Female genitalia- condylomata like cauliflower. Sticking in throat and fissures. Affinity for mucocutaneous borders. Loss of a friend.
Nitric acid