Final exam Flashcards
Closed fontanels when born, perspiration of occiput while sleeping. Sensation of a cold cloth around brain. Asthmatic attacks preceded by odor of fish brine.
Sanicula aqua
Abscesses and ulcers with severe burning. Carbuncles that burn. Abscesses are purple and have a stabbing or stitching pain.
Tarentula cubensis
Cough remedy; triad of cough, nausea, and hemorrhage. Nausea with any type of hemorrhage. Horrible hanging down sensation in the stomach.
GI and skin remedy; herpes zoster ophthalmicus, drawing pain about nipple as if with a string while the child is nursing. Vesicular eruptions on the scrotum with red areola around the vesicle. Diarrhea comes on immediately after eating or drinking.
Croton tiglium
Vertigo and disequilibrium, vertigo during pregnancy, loss of vision and nosebleeds during pregnancy. Convulsions from loss of sleep. Cutting pain in the uterus with every breath. Involuntary urination from cough during pregnancy. Indian berry or fish berry.
Cocculus indicus
Chloasma, spasmodic contraction of os uteri during labor. Pain and inflammation of the small joints/finger joints. Delusion they are pregnant. Blue cohosh or papoose root.
There is crawling or itching in the fossa navicularis (area of urethra just proximal to opening). Urethritis, cystitis, agglutination of the meatus of urethra. Biting pains in fossa after urination.
Petroselinum sativum
Skin; eruptions-eczema of the chest and leg, rectal fissures that are burning, perspiration on the sternum in the morning, cancer of old cicatrices (scar tissue) of the breast, eczema itching of the scalp, eyelids and behind the ears.
Convulsions with ….breathing. When they are seizing there is a painful shock that stops the convulsions. Slamming of a door will cause convulsions. Crawling of the extremities after convulsions. Loganaceae family.
Warts that are very sensitive, condylomata or excrescences (wart like growths). Morbidly sensitive. Warts on tongue, gums, and iris.
Seizures; fingers cramp during delivery, bellowing before seizures, laughing/weeping/vomiting during seizures. Blueness in face.
Cuprum metallicum
Ulcers and abscesses with lots of burning. Boils in the septum of the noise, in legs, boils in small crops. Diabetic patients that have recurrent boils. Violent, malignant burning.
Salivation with coryza, child likes to bore the finger in the ear, lots of itching in the nose.
Discharge from the ear that causes vesicular eruptions on lobe of the ear and side of the neck. Herpetic eruptions are circular and intersecting (intersecting rings).
Tellurium metallicum
Painful cracks in the skin. Patient kept awake by sound of heart. Sensation that pharynx has disappeared. Smell of sulfur vapors in nose esp. with sneezing. Desires to kill before and during their menses.
Deathly nausea with pale or greenish hue to the face. Solanacea family. Better in open air, better when close their eyes and especially if they uncover the abdomen.
Lots of concussive sneezing esp. during fever. Odor of roses aggravates coryza (watery discharge). Delusion that part of the body is deformed.
Skin and resp.; nosode from scabies eruption. Anguish and restlessness with skin eruptions. With asthmatic breathing lying out like Jesus on cross. Feel like they are losers. Bundle in thick coats in summer. Wet sulfur.
Hair falls out and faintness in pregnancy. Pain in ovaries after delivery. Left sided. Don’t like their throat touched.
Warts on the lids and genitals that bleed easily when touched. Female genitalia- condylomata like cauliflower. Sticking in throat and fissures. Affinity for mucocutaneous borders. Loss of a friend.
Nitric acid
Feels as if they’ll lose their sanity during pregnancy or delivery. Spasmodic contractions of os uteri during contractions of labor. Hearing becomes highly acute during each labor pain. Black cohosh.
Acne, empiocele (pus in scrotum), and delusions they talk to dead people.
Calcarea silicata
Strong fear of death during delivery, fear of death with after pains, ailments from excessive joy.
Coffea cruda
Cramping in fingers during delivery, abdominal pain that shifts suddenly to distant parts, worse bending double and better stretching out. Pollutions during the sleep without erection. Wild yam.
Cough and convulsions; sensation of food or foreign substances dropping into larynx, dreams of hemoptysis, child must be raised because they are blue in the face and cannot exhale.
Skin eruptions worse in the winter. Occiput and wings of nose. Eczema amel. in summer time. Only remedy for eczema with herpes accompanied by motion sickness. Itching of ear meatus as if frozen.
Purple discoloration, tonsils, skin. Perspiration of scalp in headache. Blue tinge in margin of eyes. During dentition the child’s pain is better when biting on something hard.
Eruptions on the margins of the hair from ear to ear. Eczema behind ears and on eyes. Hearing loss form suppressed eczema, sore headache after vexation, white crust- when pealed off shows pus. Facial neuralgia
Seizures: agg. from bright light and the sound of water. Convulsions at 21st hour. Convulsions from light, shining objects, on attempt to swallow. Extreme hydrophobia, rabid dog saliva.
Gastric headaches, burning along entire alimentary canal. Ropy saliva. Vomiting of bile during headache and nausea worse from exertion.
Iris versicolor
Itching of palate, nose, hair, fever for itching of ears and palate. Cough and then sneeze. Cough ends in a sneeze. Feel like ear is frozen. Made from mushroom.
Poison Oak. Angioedema. Stiffness, lack of mobility leads to restlessness. Feeling of plug or hoop in the body. Devil on 1 shoulder, angel on the other.
Child has demanding cry, quarrelsome during delivery. Menstrual pain after anger. Compositae family.
Warts on iris and lids, condylomata of rectum, bleed easily when touched. Only remedy for condylomata of penis.
During cough there are sparks in the vision, weakness in stomach during diarrhea, D drives them out of bed in the morning, seminal emissions during sleep/school/urination. Very strong love of animals. The yellow water Lilly.
Nuphar luteum
Made from horsetail. Fullness and dust in bladder. As volume in bladder increases fullness and. Incontinence of stool in elderly.
Male genitalia- condylomata- burning. Cauliflower condylomata of rectum. Butternut shaped hard growth on the dorsum of penis. Juniper.
Cracks and inner canthi. Hands deeps cracks, fingertips, palms. Skin of hands. Icy coldness inside the nose. Cold air agg. Coldness in pharynx agg. by inspiration.
Cistus canadensis
Neuralgias and abdominal pain; constipation after abuse of drugs. Sensitive to vexation. Diarrhea after anger. Involuntary stool agg. by standing. Better from drinking coffee, better bending forward. Indignation and anger. Bitter melon.
Path of liver. Complaints of liver with neuralgias of face. Pain is referred from liver to inferior angle of right scapula. Jaundice in newborns. Pressing or stitching pain in liver. Vomiting during pregnancy. GB symptom in pregnancy.
UTI and headaches; head feels like it’s opening and shutting, urethra is inflamed and painful, cramping in bladder after urination, forked stream, inflammation of camphor’s gland. Symptoms worse from touch or walking with legs too close together.
Cannabis sativa
Skin and sun stroke; don’t like to be looked at, spoken to or touched. Impetigo. Crusts and scabs inside the nose. Small honey yellow points on the skin. Most sentimental remedies.
Antimonium crudum
Chills spread form neck of bladder, bladder pain worse at end of urination, can only pass urine while standing. Dysuria accompanied by lithiasis. Children who cry before urination starts. Delusion that they are friendless. Lily family.
Deep cracks in the heels, lovesick, tooth pain from one tooth to the other, swelling or sore pain of sternoclavicular joint.
Newborn is cyanotic with low Apgar score. Asphyxia with stomach pains. Anxiety in the abdomen extending to the head. Taste of peaches or peach pit in mouth.
Known for hemorrhaging. Menorrhagia after abortion, bright red, gushing, blood expectoration after a fall. Copious bleeding of rectus chord. Striking or banging the head. (Inflammation of brain of meninges). Yarrow.
Cough; carnivorous plant. Cough is suffocating, hold chest with hands, and cough so hard they get nosebleeds. Suffocative cough starts when head touches pillow.
Allergic rhinitis with acrid nasal discharge. Coryza with d/c worse in evening and warm rooms. Watery nasal d/c from smell of peaches or roses. Hay fever in august. Phantom limb pain. Red onion.
Allium cepa
Eruptions on dorsum of nose, red elevated blotches on hands. Separate self from loved ones and families, aversion to his wife, indifferent to loved one, animated with stranger, delusions he must dissolve his marriage, betrothal must be broken, headache follows the skull sutures.
Fluoricum acidum
Herpes zoster ophthalmicus, cornea, chest and back, fingers and palms, post herpetic neuralgias.
Ranunculus bulbosus