Final Exam Flashcards
When you think benzene exposure, which condition do you think of MC?
How are we exposed to VOCs (3)?
What main systems are affected by VOC exposure (3)?
hematologic (thrombocytopenia, leukemia)
- these are oncogenic compounds, usually
Which compound are huffers after?
- also known as methyl benzene
- smell of paint thinner
What compound is present in dry-cleaned clothing?
tetracholorethylene or PERCs
- developmental
- neurological and
- respiratory effects
histology lab uses which compound for tissue processing? what effect does this compound cause and why is it concerning?
- dimethylbenzene
- CNS depressant
- can penetrate most clothing
What compound is found commonly in chloroseptic and carmex?
Which condition is pathognomonic for asbestos?
What is the metabolite of nicotine?
What is the major source of new car smell?
poly vinyl chloride
What does PAH stand for? And where does it come from?
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
- byproduct of burning
What are high and low molecular weight examples of PAH and where are they found?
LMW - naphthalene (found in mothballs)
HMW - benzo-a-pyrine (charred, grilled foods and tobacco smoke)
what compound is used a plasticizer and is easily leached?
What compound can you find in metal cans, plastic or plastic wrap? It increases risk for (3)?
- xenoestrogen
- increases risk for diabetes, heart and liver problems
What are the 6 criteria for air pollutants?
- Carbon monoxide
- nitrogen oxide
- sulfur dioxide
- lead
- ground level ozone
- particulate matter
What is a xenobiotic?
anything that is foreign to the body
what are the primary routes of excreting environmental contaminants? (3)
What is the predominant CYP in the body?
Generally speaking, is fasting a good idea when considering environmental medicine? Why or why not?
No, biotransformation requires energy and it can only be spared at the expense of GLUCONEOGENESIS*
what is the definition of a fossil fuel?
when layers of buried plant and animal matter is exposed to heat and pressure over thousands of years
What heavy metal is common in shellfish and the reason we ask patients to avoid eating this food prior to testing.
Which two pollutants combine to form ground level ozone?
Nitrogen oxide
What is the primary cause of acid rain? What is the pH of acid rain?
nitrogen and sulfur oxides combing with water
pH < 5.6 *
- caused by fossil fuel emissions
what is NOT included, when considering environmental medicine?
otherwise, we consider: air pollution, heavy metal exposure, toxic chemical exposure and mold
What does ecology stand for?
the study of relationships between organisms and their environments
- for us to be healthy, the environment must be healthy
What are the common patient demographics (3) of multiple chemical sensitivity?
upper SES (85%)
middle age female
-often found as co-morbidity to fatigue and mental health conditions
What are the three most common types of occupational cancers?
hair stylists are at high risk of exposure to this chemical marketed as “keratin-based” hair smoothing products?
- some say formaldehyde free or dissolving formaldehyde (methylene glycol) or can be released during heating
At high levels, this compound can cause parkinsonism symptoms and is a higher exposure risk for welders
- parkinsonism sis called MANGANISM when at high levels
These release a small amount of mercury into the environment when broken
Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs (CFL)
What should we be recommending to patients regarding their windows?
keep them open as much as possible
- maintains moderate humidity and temperature
- lets in some fresh air!
What does PTFE stand for and where can you find it?
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
- found in TEFLON cookware
- can cause PTFE toxicosis
when tested in birds with high respiratory efficiency, killed all 7 recently hatched chickens after heat lamp coated with PTFE exposure
How do organophosphates work in the body? What clinical picture do they create?
acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
- induce neurotoxicity
- fatigue, HA, brain fog, slow response time, mm weakness
what can you replace mothballs with that work just as well?
cedar chips
is indoor air quality better or worse than outdoor air quality?
indoor air is 2-5x worse than outdoor
this compound has mostly resp. and mucous membrane health effects to the URT but not LRT because solubility prevents access to LRT - what compound is this?
What are the VOCs to be known? (6)
Benzene Formaldehyde Phenol Toluene Vinyl Chloride/PVC Xylene
this compound is a byproduct of volcanoes, forest fires, carbon combustion as well as glues and paints?
- leukemia (cause cells not to work effectively)
this compound is 25x more reactive than benzene
methyl benzene otherwise known as:
what is the primary target for toxicity in both acute and chronic toluene exposure?
What is the Dx criteria for multiple chemical sensitivity
- Reproducible Sx
- Condition Persisted
- Low exposure leads to sx
- Sx improve when chemical removed
- Sx involve multiple organ systems
Difference between sick-building syndrome and building related illness
Sick building:
sx of ill health seem linked to a building but no specific cause is identified
Building related illness:
recognized diseases caused by being in a building
Main chemical in Brazilian Blow-Outs
What are the health effects of the natural gas exposure see on blood work?
High RBC, Hct, Hgb, and platelets
Low WBC.
(found after increased exposure to hydrogen sulfide in Iranian study)
Respiratory sx in people who use gas appliances
What can you potentially be exposed to if a Compact Fluorescent Bulb Breaks?
What is found in Teflon Cookware?
Polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE)
What is a Maximum Residue Limit (MRL)? What is the MC agent?
the limit that the EPA has set for how much pesticide can remain on food
MC - organophosphates
What three chemicals are found in Fabric Softeners?
- Quaternary Ammonium Compounds
- Phthlates
- Synthetic Musks
What chemical is found in dry cleaned clothes?
- Tetrachloroethylene (PERC)
- a type of VOC
What is the concerning additive found in Child Vaccines?
What does OSHA stand for?
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
What does MSDS Stand for
Material Safety Data Sheet
What is the Fourth National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals?
- CDC report using data from NHANES to assess levels of environmental chemicals in a U.S. subsample
- Utilizes blood and urinary markers
Main System Affected by VOC
- Hematological
- Nervous
- Immune System
What are phenols produced from
- Petroleum
- used in the conversion to precursors of plastics
- used in plywood, construction, automotive and appliance industries
- Precursor to many drugs
- Oral anesthetic in Chloraseptic and Carmex but considered to be quite toxic via oral exposure
Where do you find formaldehyde?
- Adhesives
- Glues and Dyes
- Pressed Wood Products
- Carpet
- Particle board
What is the main health effect of formaldehyde?
attacks respiratory tract and mucous membranes
Where do you find Vinyl Chloride?
- New car smell
- Pipes
- Insulation
- Siding
- Shower curtains
Which VOC causes hepatic angioscarcoma?
Vinyl Chloride
other diseases:
- raynaud’s
- acroosteolysis
- Scleroderma-like skin changes
What are the two types of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)
- LMW/Naphthalene
- HMW/Benzo(a)pyrene
What was the first carcinogen discovered
Heterocyclic Amines are formed by what?
burning at high temperatures
ex: Benzo(a)pyrene