Final Exam Flashcards
DNA-Based molecular markers
Small parts of the genome that are chosen by researcher in hope that they are representative of much larger segments of DNA.
Repetitive sequences of DNA that are relatively short (less than 10 nucleotide long) and are often referred to as simple sequence repeats (SSR)
Are different forms of the same enzyme coded for by different alleles at a particular gene locus. Are spectators by the differences in their net electrical charges and size, which affect their mobility in an electives field across star hot polyacrylamide gel
Wrights -1951- Fixation index
Measure of population differentiation due to genetic structure. Usually calculated from SNP or Microsatellites of genetic polymorphism data, Allele frequencies between populations. Known at Fst and compared to Qst to make genetic drift assumptions
Genetic polymorphism
Is the occurrence of two or more clearly different morphs or forms.
Proportion of genetic diversity(variation) due to differences in allele frequency making populations. Wrights fixation index
Compared to Fst often. Is an analogous measure based in quantitative phenotypic traits measured with and between populations.
Genetic variation
In order for a populations to evolve it must have a variable gene pool. Mixture of neutral and fitness affecting alleles
Genetic variation occurs
- Between individuals within populations 2. Between pollinations within a geographic region 3. Between geographic regions -ecotypes- 4. Between races, varieties, subspecies 5. Between species and higher taxa.
Reviews of life history with the use of DNA markers- life history features pg 102 and 103
Life habitat, breeding system or dispersal mode, have consistent effects on both within and between population genetic diversity of plant species. Have potential to shape evolutional processes and the rate of adaptive evolution.
Self fertilizing plants
Have low levels of genetic diversity and will limit the ability for populations to respond to selection pressures. Annuals are usually self fertilizing.
Uses of molecular markers -molecular approaches ph 105
Because Fst and Qst method is like a black box and can not pin point which loci are creating genetic variation- molecular approaches come knot use. Identify specific regions of the genome under selection and QTLs or candidate genes that underlie ecologically reliant adaptive traits.
Wrights -1951- Fixation index
Measure of population differentiation due to genetic structure. Usually calculated from SNP or Microsatellites of genetic polymorphism data, Allele frequencies between populations. Known at Fst and compared to Qst to make genetic drift assumptions
Genetic polymorphism
Is the occurrence of two or more clearly different morphs or forms.
Proportion of genetic diversity(variation) due to differences in allele frequency making populations. Wrights fixation index
Compared to Fst often. Is an analogous measure based in quantitative phenotypic traits measured with and between populations.
Genetic variation
In order for a populations to evolve it must have a variable gene pool. Mixture of neutral and fitness affecting alleles
Genetic variation occurs
- Between individuals within populations 2. Between pollinations within a geographic region 3. Between geographic regions -ecotypes- 4. Between races, varieties, subspecies 5. Between species and higher taxa.
Reviews of life history with the use of DNA markers- life history features pg 102 and 103
Life habitat, breeding system or dispersal mode, have consistent effects on both within and between population genetic diversity of plant species. Have potential to shape evolutional processes and the rate of adaptive evolution.
Self fertilizing plants
Have low levels of genetic diversity and will limit the ability for populations to respond to selection pressures. Annuals are usually self fertilizing.
Uses of molecular markers -molecular approaches ph 105
Because Fst and Qst method is like a black box and can not pin point which loci are creating genetic variation- molecular approaches come knot use. Identify specific regions of the genome under selection and QTLs or candidate genes that underlie ecologically reliant adaptive traits.
Gene flow
Movement of alleles among populations and it occurs in plants as pollen or seeds or sometimes beets rice fragments are transported.
A pollen grain carries a haploid genome- where as a seed carries diploid genome is an embryo.
Gene dispersal
Gene flow within a pollution. When seeds are dispersed by wind or animal vectors and fall among the maternal plants on which they matured. Tends to reduce genetic structuring within and between populations.
A type of asexual reproduction. Pollen is transferred from one flower to another flower on the same plant. Usually by bees or other visiting pollinators.
Percentage study of bur oak
Four Microsatellites loci were used to determine parent trees of individuals (n=100). Mean distance of mother tree=25m. 6.5% were the seed parents of the majority of the samplings. 69% or saplings were within 15m of maternal source tree.