Final Exam Flashcards
Woman nursing on right with man on left watching
Giorgione The Tempest Oil on canvas Venice - HIR Color and light emphasized Poesie- "painted poems"
“Painted poems”
Two naked women by well on a hill with musicians
The Pastoral Concert or Allegory on the Invention of Pastoral Poetry
Venice - HIR
Mary and child middle right, by huge columns, people approaching/kneeling before them
Pedro Madonna
Oil on canvas
Venice - HIR
Lounging naked woman
Touching herself?
Titian "Venus" of Urbino Oil on canvas Venice - HIR Matrimonial nudeness instead of infidelity? - bridal clothing, servants, etc
Last supper/feast in a great hall with sky/city paintings behind
Veronese Feast in the house of Levi Oil on canvas Venice - HIR Last Supper
Dark, angled last supper scene
Lots of rays of light and contrast
The Last Supper
Oil on canvas
Venice - HIR
White facade, brown, slightly taller domed building behind it
One green-topped spire to the left
Church of San Giorgio Maggiore
Venice - HIR
Nave of a church with a few simple rows of wooden pews, large white/gray arches
Nave, Church of San Giorgio Maggiore
Venice - HIR
Tintorette’s Last Supper just out of view
Plan of a building
Plan of Villa Rotonda, Vicenza
Venice - HIR
Inspired by pantheon
Lots of blue and hot pink veils on women consoling Mary and carrying Jesus
Pontormo - (tormo-mented Mary and women
Florence - Mannerism
Oil and tempera on wood panel
Little kid feeling’s a woman’s breast - nipple shows between fingers
Bronzino (bro, ZO not cool)
Allegory with Venus and Cupid
Oil on panel
Florence - Mannerism
Gold man and woman statue facing each other
He’s a got a trident dick
Benvenuto Cellini - (good view, for the earth goddess figure)
Saltcellar of King Francis 1 of France
Gold and enamel
Florence - Mannerism
Woman with arms out, being lifted up by a man
Another man crawls out from between his legs, covering his eyes
Giambologna - (Gee, I am blown away with their height and his audacity)
The Capture of a Sabine Woman
Florence - Mannerism
Really long-necked Mary
Jesus looks dead in her lap - also way too long for his age
Parmigianino - (from Parmesan city and Jesus looks like he's been aging for a long time - like Parmesan) Madonna of the Long Neck Oil on wood panel Papal States [Rome] - Mannerism Bologna/Parma
Really large sky judgment scene
Last judgement
Papal States [Rome] - Mannerism
Two arches at the top look like they form an “m” for Michelangelo
Jon snow Jesus
Albrecht Durer - (I'll break your neck as John Snow. Also John Snow will en-Durer) Self-portrait Oil on wood panel Holy Roman Empire [Germany] High Northern Renaissance (HNR)
Combined sculpture and painted altar piece
Nikolaus Hagenauer - center panels (sculptors like to hug "hag" their works) Matthias Grunewald - wings (wald-wings) Painted and gilt limewood Oil on wood panel HRE-Germany - HNR
Twisted Jesus on the cross
Black sky
Matthias Grunewald - Grue-some
Isenheim Altarpiece (closed)
Oil on wood panel
HRE-Germany HNR
Altarpiece open 1st time Mary and baby Jesus middle right Predella - Deposition Angel far right Annunciation far left
Matthias Grunewald - same altarpiece that’s gruesome, same predella
Isenheim Altarpiece (First Opening)
Oil on wood panel
HRE-Germany HNR
Four Horsemen of apocalypse
Albrecht Durer - very DURferent horses and men for each representation
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Wood block print
HRE-Germany HNR
Adam and Eve engraving, very different gradient with dark and light
Albrecht Durer - Did the wood cut too, better material of engraving
Adam and Eve
HRE- Germany HNR
Plain clothed 4 apostles
Albrecht Durer - Dur=Dull clothing choices
Four Apostles
Brought back Italian styles with structure instead of detail
Oil on wood panel
HRE-Germany HNR
Large scale landscape with deep real sky and a tree on either side
Albrecht Altdorfer - all-dah-furs (pine trees)
Danube Landscape
Oil on vellum
HRE-Germany HNR