Final Exam Flashcards
Ideology that people in a certain age group are inferior
Acute disease
Diseases with quick and dramatic onset and the person either dies or recovers
Cultural poverty
View of poverty as not only in terms of how many resources they have but also in terms of why they have failed to achieve higher status
Collective violence
Organized violence by a large group of people to promote or resist practices
Chronic disease
Disease that progresses over a long period of time and exist before they are detected
People who live together but aren’t legally married (Gene Simmons)
Drug abuse
Continued use of a psychoactive substance at a level that violates social practices
Drug dependence
Using a drug where it is needed in order to maintain life
Ethnic group
Group of people who share a common historical and cultural heritage and a sense of group identity and belonging
Tentative statements that can be tested regarding relationships between 2 or more factors
Internal colonialism
Exploitation in which a subordinate group provides cheap labor that benefits the dominant group and is further exploited by having to purchase expensive goods and services from the dominant group
Life course
A succession of statuses and roles that people in a particular society experience in a fairly predictable pattern as they grow older
Rules of conduct that guide a persons behavior
Relative poverty
Based on the idea that people are poor relative to some standard and that standard is partially shaped by the lifestyles of other citizens
Split labor
2 workers do the same work for different wages
Social movement
A collective organized effort to promote or resist social change through unconventional means
A set of statements that explains the relationship between phenomena
A group within a culture that shares beliefs values and norms of the larger culture but also some unique to them
Absolute poverty
Poverty based on a fixed economic level below which people are considered poor, does not necessarily change as society becomes more or less affluent