final exam Flashcards
social welfare
nation’s system of programs, benefits, and services that help people meet those social, economic, educational and health needs that are fundamental to the maintenance od society
ask, assess, assert
triple A approach to critical thinking
residual perspective
perspective of social welfare that focuses on problems and gaps
developmental perspective on social welfare programs gained impetus in the united states
involves development that meets the current needs of the present generations without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their needs
philosophy that supports government involvement in the social, political, and economic structure so that all people’s rights and privileges are protected in the name of social justice
forensic social work
includes dealing with the law, educating lawyers and serving as expert witnesses
skilled treatment process whereby a therapist works with an individual, couple, family or group to address a mental disorder or alleviate other problems the client may be having in the social environment
organizations and communities
social justice
idea that in a perfect world all citizens would have identical rights, protection, opportunities, obligations and social benefits
NASW code of ethics is NOT composed of
importance of human relationships
valuing the dynamic reciprocal interactions between social workers and clients including how they communicate think and feel about each other and behave toward each other
social worker’s ethical responsibility to educational programs
NOT an ethical standard of the NASW code of ethics
advising clients as to what option is the best for them
NOT applied to social work, client self determination that practitioners are NOT responsible for
interdisciplinary collaboration
social worker’s ethical responsibility to colleagues
social and political action
social worker’s ethical responsibilities to the broader society
self determination
“he thinks she will fail as a sales clerk and doesn’t want to see that, decides not to inform her about positions, steers her to think about a secretary” violates
condition of being free from unauthorized observation or intrusion
ethical principle that workers should not share info provided by a client or about clients unless that worker has the client’s explicit permission to do so
provides guidance to clients and assists them in a planned change or problem solving process
evidence based practice
practitioners make practice decisions in light of the best research evidence available; involves evaluating the outcomes of their decisions
resolves arguments among micro, mezzo, or macro systems in conflict
planned change
process that involves the development and implementation of a strategy fro improving or altering some specified condition, pattern of behavior or set of circumstances that affects social functioning
being in tune with how clients feel but also conveying to them that workers understand how they feel
mezzo practice
small groups
proprietary social agencies
provide some designated social services often similar to those provided by nonprofit social agencies; primary purpose for the existence of this agency is to earn a profit for its owners
case management role
coordinate services provided by a number of agencies or services on a client’s behalf
workers continue to be themselves while working to accomplish goals in their professional role
social worker might teach an abusive parent effective child management techniques
these social agencies are run by some designated unit of government and are usually regulated by laws impacting policy
these groups involve members sharing common issues of problems and meeting on an ongoing basis to cope with stress, give suggestions, provide encouragement, convey info and furnish emotional support
rural communities social work
involves working with natural helping networks
these groups are aimed at expanding self awareness, increasing potential and maximizing health and well being
relying on natural helping networks
urban social workers must NOT focus on this
council on social work education
provides guidelines to university and college social work program
Elizabethan poor law
considered the first piece of legislation establishing coherent, consistent public support for needy people through local taxes
institutions in England where the impotent poor were placed and provided food and shelter
law of settlement
established the residency requirement in England that required potential aid recipients to have dwelled in a particular location for a designated time
American colonies
colonists did NOT reflect a residual view of social welfare
mammoth growth in manufacturing and technology that occurred in the us between the civil war and early 20th century
settlement houses
neighborhood based centers where students, humanitarians and others lived to help people living in poverty improve their lives and communities
jane Addams
began a settlement house in Chicago called the hull house
new deal
initiated by franklin d Roosevelt, a package of programs
brown vs board of education
ruling in 1954 by supreme court that overturned the separate but equal doctrine and declared that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional
normative orientation
values held by the majority that sway public opinion in that direction
who proposed the policy development
NOT included in broad components to explore in order to understand any policy
personal social service
philosophy that the government should not interfere unless absolutely necessary
system requires a major overhaul to achieve more appropriate goals
individuals who are hired to attempt to influence legislators’ decisions and votes through direct communication
democratic nominating committee
NOT a grassroot organization
social stratification
tendency to divide the population into categories of social position based on the extent to which people have access to the good and services the society values
most poor people have positive roles models
NOT true
public assistance program funded by federal and state governments that pays for medical and hospital services for eligible people who are unable to pay for these services and are determined to be in need
created by the health insurance for the aged act and consists of parts ABCD
child welfare
traditional term for the network of policies and programs designed to empower families, promote healthy environment, protect children and meet children’s needs
sexual intercourse between too closely related to legally marry
child neglect
failure of the child’s parents guardian or caregiver for a child’s basic needs
exploiting/corrupting by modeling such antisocial behavior as prostitution or performing in porn
NOT included as child sexual abuse
psychological maltreatment
repeated pattern of behavior that conveys to a child that he/she is unwanted, worthless or is threatened with physical or psychological attack
NOT psychological maltreatment
family life education
group learning experiences for the purpose of increasing people’s knowledge, developing skills, or enhancing self awareness concerning issues and crises relevant at some point during lifespan
taking an active role on behalf of a client or client group in need of help
foster family home
least restrictive placement
permanency planning
comprehensive care planning process directed toward the goal of a permanent, stable home for a child placed in substitute care
person who suggests guides eases or expedites the way for others during a group experience
community intervention collaborator
person who works with others in the community to initiate change or develop needed programs
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
a syndrome of learning and behavioral problems beginning in childhood that is characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention, excessive physical movement, and impulsivity that appears in at least two settings
global education
build understanding and respect for peoples and nations outside the us
limit the visual parent and teacher interaction to help alleviate the nervousness and insecurities of ethnic minority parents
does NOT enhance the appreciation of multiculturalism and reduce racism in schools
coming out
process of person acknowledging that he/she is lesbian, gay or bisexual
ethnographic study
scientific description of a culture
perceived parental expectations about school performances are high
NOT a early warning sign for school violence potential
the population of people age 65 and over is higher for women than men
involves the harboring of negative images of and attitudes toward people simply because they are older
aging lesbian, gay and bisexual people
dependency ratio
number of workers paying into social security compared to the number of recipients
secondary aging
concerns how the aging process can either be hastened or slowed by lifestyle and behavior
respite care
temp care for an older adult or other person in need thereby giving the primary caregivers some time free of responsibility
muscular dystrophy ALS
any of a group of hereditary dieseases characterized by a progressive wasting of the muscles
blockage or hemorrhage of a blood vessel leading to the brain causing an inadequate oxygen supply and often long term impairment of sensation movement o functioning
rheumatoid arthritis
chromic condition in which a person’s immune system attacks the joints, causing pain inflammation stiffness swelling and deterioration
referred to as cognitive disabilities
intellectual disabilities
bringing people who have some exceptional characteristics into the living working and educational environment to which all others have access
cerebral palsy
disability involving problems in muscular control and coordination resulting from damage to the brain before it has matured
continuity of care
efficient ongoing provision of services by different or the same agencies to meet clients’ needs as their circumstances and needs change
patient protection and affordable care act
title of Obama’s health care reform
conception that events are fixed in advance so that human beings are powerless to change them
HIV can be transmitted by having sexual intercourse with and HIV positive partner
infections that are usually not life threatening but that take advantage of a weakened immune system and invade it
self determination
conflicts with gate keeping role of some managed care organizations
advance directives
written witnessed and signed instructions regarding what individuals wish to have done in the event that they are unable to make decisions
competent health care providers
NOT plaguing the us health care system today
clinical social workers
provide psychotherapy in mental health settings
employee assistance programs
services provided by organizations that focus on worker’s mental health and on adjustment problems that interfere with their work performance
medical doctors with additional training which focuses on mental health treatment; only professionals who can prescribe psychotropic drugs
people develop numerous cognitive problems due to some medical problem; Alzheimer’s disease
people experience episodes characterized by abnormally elevated affect and feelings of euphoria, to periods of depression and extreme irritability
process of giving people info positive or negative about their performance or behavior
severe mental disturbance characterized by delusions and an inability to participate in goal directed activities
disorders involve a disruption in the usually integrated functions of consciousness memory identity or perception
resistance to a drug’s effects developed over time as the body adapts to the repeated administration of a chemical compound
dependence on some substance
NOT an opioid
defense mechanism used by people with alcohol problems by assigning little importance to drinking or its consequences
purpose of targeting denial and rationalization processes
responsible for more than 400000 deaths in the us each year
development of a series of symptoms; related to intake of the substance and its influence on the central nervous system
NOT in current government policy regarding alcohol and drug problems emphasizes and funds
what happens when the client loses self control over his/her drinking/drugging
potential question to ask client
short term treatment designed to oversee the client’s safe withdrawal from the substance to which he/she is addicted
impatient treatment facilities
work with suicidal homicidal or resistant clients; 12 step group orientation
restoring a person to a state of productive noncriminal functioning society
passing legal judgement
aggravated assault
attacking another person with the intent to inflict serious harm or kill that person
act of stealing property in the hands of another person by using force or the threat of force
breaking into a house or other building with the intent to steal
stealing property
illegal acts such as prostitution selling illegal drugs and unlawful gambling
juvenile females are arrested about as much as adult females
racial profiling
described as the practice of targeting suspects on the basis of race
uniform crime report
document listing the official stats of crimes reported to police
prisons protect inmates from other inmates
NOT true
social work is the application of social work to questions and issues relating to the law and legal system
takes place when a person is convicted by the judge determines that confinement is now warranted; allowed to live in society but under the court’s supervision
early release of inmates from prison based on the promise and likelihood of good behavior
average annual cost for supervising a person on probation
estimate for the annual care of an older adult inmate
involves making arrangements for cash reimbursement from offenders to victims to compensate for losses
likes the attention
NOT a reason women stay in abusive relationships
gangs have as their primary goal material gain through criminal activities
gang culture is characterized by mixed racial and ethnic participation with a single gang