Final Exam Flashcards
a PR system in which candidates run against each other in multi member districts, voters rank by preference, allocation by complex formula
PR systems
use MMDs and proportionality
a mixed system, where members are elected in both SMD and PR elections, with the results of the SMD elections adjusted to compensate for the PR vote, ensuring a local and proportional system.
Parallel system
same as MMM but no compensation, some amount of members elected SMD, others PR
candidates run against each other in multi-member districts whose seats are NOT proportionally allocated, resulting in intra-party corruption
organized use of force and counterforce
types of war
great/world, civil (intra-state), regional (>2 countries),
causes of war
legacy of colonialism, ethnic differences,
subfield: political psychology, studies how leaders think and make judgements. False info can lead to war, the role of perceptions and views of other countries’ leaders can be a source of war
political violence
violence outside of state control that is politically motivated
factors leading to political violence
institutional (how state, economic, or social systems contribute to political violence), ideational (how political or religious ideas cause religious violence), and individual (what motivates individuals to engage in political violence, rational and psychological perspectives)
use of violence by non-state actors against civilians to achieve a political goal
CCP structure
NPC –> Central Committee (198 reg)–> Politburo (24, real power) –> Standing Committee (9), leadership of china –> General Secretary
central planning
an economic policy where the state controls the type and amount of goods produced
structural causes (less popular)
anarchy, no central authority punishing aggression by states, so states have to fend for themselves. There is a constant state of uncertainty surrounding other states and their leaders