Final Exam Flashcards
Froms from the roof of the oral cavity, grows upward as Ratheke’s pouch, lumen of pouch becomes the residual cleft between the pars distalis and pars nervosa
Hypophysis - pituitary is divided into an anterior pituitary (mostly pars distalis with along with pars tuberalis and pars intermedia) and posterior pituitary (pars nervosa and infundibular stalk)
Pars distalis of Pituitary
Cords or clusters of cells associated with sinusoids
Cords or clusters of cells seperated by many capillaries or sinusoids
a. Acidophils (produce growth hormone and prolactin)
b. Basophils (produce TSH, LH, FSH, and ACTH
Contains numerus unmyelinated axons
Cell bodies are in the hypothalamus
Secrets oxytoicn and vasopressin
These travel down the hypothalamo-hypophyseal tract to pars nervosa
Swelling called Herring bodies are seen in the pars nervosa
Pituicytes are the cells in the pars nervosa
Cells origin from an outgrowth of buccal cavity
Thyroid follicles are hollow spheres filled with colloid
Colloid - Made up of thyroglobulin
Follicular cells - Cubodial epithelium, have microvili on apical edge, held together by tight junction to prevent leakabe of thyroglobulin
- Have a storage and endocrine phase
- In endocrine phase, stored thyroglobulin is taken up by follicular cels and broken down into T4 and T3 (active hormone)
Parafollicular cells - Isolated clusters of cells within the basal lamina of follicles. Larger paler cells and produce calcitonin
Parathyroid Gland
Located in or around thyroid
Capsule of internal parathyroids is areolar CT of thyroid
Parenchyma: Cords, cluster with numerous capillaries
Chief Cells - Predominant cel type. Light and dark cells. Dark chief cells produce parathyroid hormone (PTH).
Oxyphil Cell - Large cell with acidophilic cytoplasm of unknown fuction
PTH - Raise blood calcium levels, increases the activity of osteoclasts, wich tear down bone to release calcium
Adrenal Gland
Located on cranial pole of kidney
Capsule around adrenal sends trabeculae into the parenchyma. There are also fine reticular fibers within the parenchyma.
Cortex - divided into 3 regions
Zona glomerulosa - Produces mineralocorticoids (mainly aldosterone) which act on the kidney to keep more sodium and water in the blood instead of excreting them. Not influenced by ACTH.
Zona fasciculata - Widest zone. Cells have a foamy cytoplasm. Steroid producing cells: glucocorticoids such as cortisol, secreted when the pituitary secretes ACTH.
Has a large amount of SER and numerous lipid inclusions.
Zona reticularis - Closely packed cels in anastomosing cords; this zone produces some weak androgens and some glucocorticoids
Medulla - Made up of chromaffin cells. Pheochrome cells.
Small bodies containing chromafin cells that are found associated with abdominal aorta
Pineal Gland
Photoreceptor in lower vertebrates
Secretions of melatonin and serotonin.
3 lobes:
Pinealocytes - large cells; open nucleus
Brain sand (corpora arenacea)
Thyroid Follicles
NA/I symporter - NA help iodine move in against the concentration gradient
Oxidation of iodine occurs in the follicle colloid
Iodination can then occur of thyroglobulin to break it down int T4 and T3
Thyroid System
TRH is released from the hypothalamus and stimulates release of TSH to act on the thyroid gland
The thyroid hormone releases T3 and T4
T3 and T4 work to increase metabolism, growth and development, increase catecholamine effect
Parafollicular Cells
Produce calcitonin which lower serum calcum
Cells of the Parathyroid
Chief - smaller and bluer
- Produce PTH
- PTH -> increase serum CA
(osteoclasts/kidney/gut (vitamin D))
- PTH -> slightly lowered serum PO4
(complicated interaction between gut/kidney/bone)
Oxyphil - bigger and redder
- One of the very few endocrine systems not regulated by the pituitary gland
- Calcium concentratioins in blood provide direct feedback to parathyroid, stimulating or restricting PTH production
- Calcium sensitity is through the CaSR (calcium sensing receptor) protein
Adrenal Gland
Zona glomerulosa
- Not much influenced by ACTH
Incluenced more by Angiotensin II
Produces mineralocorticoids: aldosterone
Causes increase Na and water retention by kidney
Zona fasciculata
Is stimulated to produce glucocorticoids by ACTH
- Cortisol
Glucocorticoids suppress inflammation and outside liver are catabolic (increase gluconeogenesis)
Zona reticularis
Is stimulated to produce adrogens by ACTH
- Androstenedione
Chromafin (aka pheochrome) cells produce catecholamines
Stimulated by preganglionic fibers of the sympathetic nerous system
Pineal Gland
Light Sensitive
- Acts as a light sensing organ in lower animals
Produces melatonin
- May regulate/restrict puberty through action on the pituitary
- May afect seasonal breeding cycles
- May affect circadian rythm
Pinealocytes - produce melatonin
Brain sand (corpora arenacea)
- Male gametes
- Spermatozoa
- Testosterone
Dick Ducts
- Ductuli efferents
- Epididymus
- Ductus (vas) deferens
- Ejaculatory duct
Collects, stores spermatozoa from each testis and conducts their maturation
Dick Glands
- Seminal vesicles
- Prostate gland: Secretes seminal fluid
- Semen: Consists of seminal fluid and spermatozoa
- The organ of copulation
- Bulbourethral glands of Cowper: Secrete a fluid which lubricates the urethra for the passage of semen during ejaculation
- Exocrine component: Produces spermatoza
- Endocrine component: Leydig cells produce testoerone and sertoli cells produce estrogen
- Capsule forms tunica albuginea
- Stroma: Mediastinum tesis at the anterior pole surround the “rete testis”
- The tunica albuginea is surrounded by tunica vaginalis
Testis Parenchyma
Seminiferous tubules
- Basal lamina around seminiferous tubules
- Myoid cells, smooth muscle outside basal lamina
- Stratified epithelium cells: The various stages of developing germ cells + Sertoli cells inside the tubules
- Sertoli cells: Supporting or sustentacular cells are nurse cells, tall triangle shaped cells (hard to see cell outlines)
- Sertoli cells function as physical and nutitional support, phagocytosis, secretion of estrogen, androgen-biding protein, activin, and inhibin
Sertoli Cells
Support spermatogenesis nutritonally and hormonally
Sertoli cells create blood-testis barier
Held together by tight junctions
3 phases
Mitosis, meiosis, metamorphosis
Spermatocytogenesis (mitotic state) - Spermatogonia divide and eventually give rise to spermatocytes
Meiosis - Spermatocyte become a haploid spermatid
Spermatogonia Cell Division
- A cells: stem cells that have round nucleus with condense chromatis
Primary spermatocytes: largest cells, begining of meiosis, 4N DNA, chromosoam cross-over occurs
Secondary spermatocytes: Smaller with 2N DNA, undergo 2nd meiotic division
Spermatids: Small round cells, nuclei become flattend and heterochromatic and are haploid (1N DNA)
Mature spermatozoa: Formed during the metamorphosis stage. Development of the acrosome, flagellum, and nuclear condensation. Head is covered by acrosomal cap with cointains hyaluronidase.
Testicular Stroma and Ducts
- Leyding cells: acidophilic foamy cytoplasm and produce testosterone (lightly eosinophilic large cytoplasm). Endocrine cells - produce testosterone (controlled by LH).
- Straight tubules: simple squamous or cuboidal epitheium, connect seminiferous tubules to rete testis
- Rete testis: anastomonic tubules located in mediastinum
- Ductuli efferets - Connect rete testes to epididymis; epithelium is ciliated, simple columnar
Rete Testis & Ductuli Efferents
Move non-motile spermatozoa to epididymis
Lined by a single layer of cuboidal epithelial cels with microvilli and single cilicum at rete tests or cilia at ductuli efferents
Genital Ducts
Ductus Epididymis - Coiled tube that stores sperm while it matures
- Divided into head, body, and base
- Epithelium is pesudostratified columnar with sterocilia
- Connects to ductus deferens
- Takes about 10 - 15 days
Ductus Deferens - Epithelium becomes pseudostratified columnar, gradually loses sterocilia
- Lumen contains spermatozoa in the mature male animal
- Tunica muscularis is very thick
Maturation of spermatozoa
Stay in epididymis for 2 weeks
Pseudostratified columnar epithelial cells with seterocilia lined with a sing smooth muscle laery
Ductus deferens
Three layers of smooth muscle. Peristatic contration is controlled by sympathetic nervous system during ejaculation
Seminal vescile
Associated with ductus deferens and secrete seminal fluid
Seminal fluid is alkaline and helps neutralize the acidity of the vaginal tract
Contains proteins, fructose, mucus, vitamin C, flavins, phosphorylcholine, and prostaglandins
Vesicular glands are absent in carnivores
Simple columnar epithelium have lipofuscin granules in cytoplasm
Accessory Organs
- Ampulla: Terminal part of vas deferns
- Prostate: Body surround urethra. Concentrically laminated concentrations of secretory product
- Have ejaculatory ducts, a sort part of the vas deferns joins with the duct of the seminal vesicles
- Produces half of the seminal fluid which cointains fibrinolysin and ciric acid. Helps liquify coagulated semen. Tall columanr secretory epithelial cells with round nuclei.
Transition epithelium
Pelvic part has colliculus seminalis, an area where deferens ducts, seminal vesicles, and prostatic ducts empty into the urethra
Has a capsule of tunica albuginea
Ereticle tissue: Vascular sinuses in the CT
- Corpus cavernosum penis
- Corpus cavernosum urehra
Glans: Extension of corpus spongiosum and covered with stratified squamous eithelium of prepuce
Has a cortex and a medulla and a tunica albuginea
Has both endocrine (hormones) and exocrine (oocytes) fuction
The hormones are produced by the developing follices
Follicles are transformed after ovulation to corpora lutea
Ovary responds to pituitary hormones, including FSH and LH
Cortex is where follices developed and is peripherally located
Tissue between follices is the stoma (fibroblast-like with lipid droplets)
Tunica Albuginea and Serosa
Tunica albuginea is the CT around the outer edge of the cortex
Tunica serosa covering the ovary has simple cuboidal epithelium (outer most layer)
Ovarian Medulla
Contains the blood vessels for the ovary
Contains a system of channels lined by cuboidal epithelium called the rete ovarii
Oogonia divide mitotically until birth and give rise to primary oocytes which become arrested in meiotic prophase I
When simulated to divide the primary oocyte complete meiosis I dividing to form the secondary oocyte and 1st polar body
The secondary oocyte is formed just prior to ovulation
The secondary oocyte undergoes the 2nd meiotic division right after fertilization
Ovarian Follicles
The oocytes are inside follicles, surrounded by a capsule-like structure called the zona pellucida and a layer of epithelial cells called granulosa cells
The zona pellucida is a thick glycoprotein layer secreted by both the oocyte and the granulosa cells
There is a basement membrane around the follicular epithelial cells and a theca around the follicle outside the basement membrane
Stages of development are described based on their apperance
Primordial Follicle
Oocyte is surrounded by a single layer of squamous cells.
These follicles are quiescent.
Thre is a basement membrane between the follicle and the ovarian stroma.
Primary Follicle
Oocyte is surrounded by cuboidal granulosa cells
Zona pellucida forms around oocyte
Theca may be forming
Secondary Follicle
Small pockets of follicular fluid appear between granulosa cells
The pockets have not yet coalesced into 1 large fluid cavity
The theca become obvious
Tertiary Follicle
Has 1 large fluid-filled cavity with a layer of cranulosa cells around the stratum granulosum
The oocyte is surrounded by granulosa cells called the cumulus oophorus
The corona radiata is the layer of granulosa cells immediately in concat with the zona pellucida
The cumulius oophorus is attached to the wall of the follicle by a mass of granulosa cells called the hilus
Granulosa Cells
Follicles are divided into special areas including:
Cumulus oophorus
Corona radiata
Stratum granulosum
Atretic Follicle
Follicular atresia - follicles degenerate and become atretic
Ovarian Cycle - Luteal Phase
The corpus luteum (CL) is a transiet endocrine gland derived from an ovulated follicle that produces progesterione which helps maintain pregnancy
Eventually regressing and ability to produce progesterone and involutes to become a CT scar
PGF2alpha lyses
Ovarian Cycle - Follicular Phase
The CL is regressing
The follicle is maturing
Estrogen is being produced by granulosa cells in response to FSH
Rising estrogen in the late follicular phase initiate the LH surge which triggers ovulation
Endometrium is proliferating
Theca cells have LH receptors which cause produce androgens that diffuse into the follice
Granulosa cells have FSH recepors and produce estrogen and will later develop LH receptors
Pre-Ovulatory LH Surge
Rising estrogen levels during the follicular phase stimulate the release of LH from the pituitary and the high estrogen at the end of the follicular phase causes an LH surge which:
- Stimulates primary oocyte to complete meiosis I
- Starts process of ovulation
- Indues formation of the CL in the ovulated follicle
Events at Ovulation
The LH surge causes release of collagenase and other enzymes to digest tissues at the ovulation site
The stroma overlying the follice becomes avascular and degenerates
Tecal layers thin
The oocyte and the cumulus oophorus break free from antral wall
The follicle protrudes from wall of ovary at the “stigma”
The oocyte is released from the follicle
After ovulation, a CH forms as blood fills in the follicle lumen. The wall of follicle collapses and creats folds.