Final Exam Flashcards
Cultural Revolution
China, 1966-1976, 10 years.
- Social/Political Movement set in motion by Mao Zedong
- Looked to purge the government of traditionalism and capitalism and preserve the communist ideology.
- Students and young idealists formed the Red Guard which was approved by Mao and used his Red Book as an ideology.
- Movement was an anti-intellectual movement that sough to dismantle the upper echelon of society: burned books and destroyed things
- Immediate result was and economic and political paralysis of China until Mao died,
- Resulting chaos left many disenfranchised and eager for change thus looked to pragmatic leaders such as Deng Xiapoing for leadership.
Kim Young Sam
Korea, 1927 to Present, 92 years old.
Korean Statesmen,
banned from politics for opposing Park Chung Hee
Was the true beginning in the change of a new government and purged the gov’t of corrupt officials and any of those affiliated with the military.
Liu Shaoqi
China 1898-1974. Age 86
1. Chinese statesman and Head of State in the beginning of the cultural revolution.
2. Looked to implement economic reconstruction, though eventually criticizes by Mao and purged.
3. Policy changes that moved away from the Great Leap Forward were changes from collective agriculture to land tiller policy which gave farmers more agency.
Mao is replaced by pragmatic leaders like Liu.
4. Shifts were moderate rather than radical, but occurred during the cultural revolution and were to capitalist for the social movement to bear and he was removed.
5. His removal, simple left more spots for people like Deng Xiaping to move in to turn things private.
Park Chung-Hee
Korea 1917-1979, Age 62
- Successer of Syngham Rhee who started a succession power of coup d’etats where military leaders ousts the predecessor.
- Gain “legitimacy” by staging and rigging an election to put the facade of a civilian leadership.
- Put a lot of effort in to rebuilding the economy to recover from the Korean Civil War. Specifically export related industry.
- Though seems as a repressive dictator can be credit with pursuing trade relations with Japan which we largely prosperous for the economy.
Utopian Maoism
China 1966-1976
- Mao’s brand of communism that was adopted during China’s cultural revolution which used the Little Red Book of Quotations for guidance and ideology.
- Created the Red Guard which were mostly young, students who wanted social and political reformation in China.
- students looked to mao, and mao looked to students for an agent of change but they morphed in to something completely different. Class struggle and anti intellectual
- influenced the Cultural Revolution which paralizyed japan and made way for pragmatists.,
Yoshida Shigeru
Japan, 1878-1967, Age 89
- Japanese Statesman, Liberal leaders that took up leadership after the occupation of the US post WWII. Favoured by the US because he was Pro West.
- Particularily interested in japan shaping its own diplomatic future, which was key after the destruction of japan as a consequence of WWII.
- seen as a good leader and demonstrated cooperation as he supported complete disarmament with the US.
- viewed his career as a bridge of traditions moving from one period to the next, rapid change and improvements to fix a japan which would set up for economic prosperity in the decades to follow and work to repair relationship with US.
- Let Japan to economic recovery
sunshine policy
Korea, late 20th early 21st.
1. Kim Dae Jung attempt to improve relations with North Korea
2. included sending food and aid to the North.
3.Remembered for improving relationship with Kim Jung Il,
was an indication that promoted whole korean nationalism /patriotism to make amends in order to reunite.
4.korean tensions continue to exist, as does the division but the hope is that they can reunite.
The Long March
China. 1934-1935
- Withdrawal of Chinese communist to escape persecution of Chiang Kai-shek. 100k people 6k miles to Yan’an.
- Leadership taken up by Mao Zedong
- Opportunity to indoctrinated dedicated followers and promote his brand of communism.
- Leaders of China, up until recently, all came out of this pool of 6000 surviving members of the March. CCP which is enduring today.
People’s Communes
China 1957-1961
1.Part of the Great Leap forward which was a attempt to advance agriculture and mobilize people to do so.
2.Communes were compounds that had 5000 people or so, and was also intended to care for their well being and and health etc.
the idea was good but it was way too large to manage to make sure that things were working and there was peace and happiness,
3.ended up being a failure and went back to land tiller programs like before which gave farmers more agency,
although smaller ones still did exist.
4.the failure of the project was one of the big factors for the rise of the red guard and the new cultural revolution, its subsequent failure and rise of pragmatism.
38th Parallel
Korea (Civil War)
1. Boundary in between the north and south of korea. marks the division that the americans and the south koreans were able to push the north korean communist back to and remains a division between the two states.
divides the republic of korea and the people’s republic of korea.
3.Important for north korea because it has basically cut nk off from airable land, resources and factories that were in south korea which has led to famine, and has positioned north korea as a more and more hostile place.
4.though south korea has looked to repair relations, most nations are loosing interest in dealiwn with NK because they are seen as though they cannot be trusted.
Deng Xiaoping
China, 1904-1997 Age 93
1. Seen as Mao’s successor (though after Zhou and the Cultural revolution) and a major Pragmatist:
2.It doesn’t matter if a cat’s black or white as long as it catches mice.
3.restructured the CCP to ensure is longevity.
modified Mao’s marixms to move the economy forward, the magnitude of which cannot be overstated because china is an economic giant today.
4.created a highly controlled state. and in the growing demonstrations and protests that culminated in tianamen square the threat to power was too significant, and the demonstration was brutally put down.
no one can speak against the gov’t. highly censored.
Great Leap Forward
China 1957-1961 4 years.
- Agricultural campaign to mobilize peasants and increase agricultural productivity
- Strucutural change that developed People’s Communes to house workers so everyone worked together in a co-operative.
- Was a pretty good idea, but the size and scale were unmanageable, so people were not happy or managed.
- result was poor food supply, bad industrial materials, was a significant disaster which called for disbanding of the communes and serious political changed.
- led to the new cultural reformation.
The Gang of Four
China 1970s
1.Gang of four were a group of people who fought on behalf of class struggle and disparity.
2.By the close of the cultural revolution, Deng captured and inprisoned them, blaming the aftermath of the tumultuous years on them, offering the people a way out and that it was safe to do so now that they were locked away
with the years of chaos pushed to the side, 3.most of china, though there was some levels of push back to move to follow a pragmatist leader who steered them (or some of them) to economic prosperity.
Kim Il Sung
Korea, 1912-1994, 82 years old.
1. First leader of the People Republic of Korea. (North)
2. With support from the soviet initially, under ki ill sung in the fall out of interruption of WWII, 3. kim is able to to move down and presses on south forces almost all of the peninsula but us intervens as a feature of the cold war and helps push it back to the 38th parallel.
3. result is too states separated by a border with massive tensions.
4. kim created a highly policied communist state with severe restrictions of freedoms.
continues to alienate itself with insane policy, soviets loose support and us loosed appetite, 5. but south korea tries to promote unity with the sunshine policy in to contemporary times, but the country remains divided.
Zhou Enlai
China, Prime Minister 1949-1976
- Was Prime Minister even though Mao held the chair position of the CCP, seen as a pragmatist but not as much as others that would come.
- Moderating role in the cultural revolution that tried to bridge the radicalism of forces like the red guard and maoist influence.
- When he died (along with Mao in 1976), opened the door for more pragmatic leaders who moved more in to capitalism.
- Chaos that was a feature of that time allowed looking for leaders like Deng to take up power after and overhaul the system,.
Tiananmen Square “massacre”
China, 1989
- Culmination of protests building form the student movement.
- education freedom changes of the 70s meant more education and knowledge of the wider world.
- wanted to move towards democracy but threat was seen and violently put down on June 4th, 1989.
- led to a crack down on dissent and those who were left had to keep their heads down and focused on happiness through economy although some of the sentiment exist, knowledge of the event is covered to ensure that the threat of dissent i managed even to this day
Syngman Rhee
Korea, 1871-1965
- First leader of South Korea after the split who had the support of the US.
- Was able to lead economic growth with the installation of democracy.
- though at the same time created a police state in order to ensure stability.
- Was not successful and represeeing everything and even though there was an appearance of democracy, korea would experience coup d’etats and rigged elections for decades after trying to find leadership.
- student opposition, leads to enough dissent for Park Chung Hee to take over, and move in to military power until Korea can no longer hand it anymore.
Red Guard
China, during the Cultural Revolution
- Maoist supports morphed in to something of their own using Mao’s Red Book as guiding their ideological struggle.
- Burned books and rejected all things elite and bourgouise. Wanted to equality and to fight against the hierarchy and corruption of the gov’t.
- caused disaster and chaos ensued, and the leadership of some of the activities the “Gang of Four” was eventually imporisoned and used as a scape goat to blame for the instability.
- usured in a need and aaccptence of a pragmatist government that implemented controls and promoted a capitalist government but authorization controls.
Koizumi Junichirō
Japan 2001-2006, 5 years
1. Stand out in a boring succession of prime ministers in Japan.
2. His is part of the Liberal Democratic Party, (though pretty conservative)
3. appoints a woman as a foreign secretary and another woman as his defense minister.
this is a pretty big deal.
4. but still has the same formula of japanese democracy of the 20th century, so debt makes a lot of people run as independents.
and the LDP looses control of the lower house.
Ya’nan Communism