Final Exam Flashcards
What does TADRA stand for?
Teenage Adult Driving Responsibility Act
Drug over douses are the leading deaths among teens?
The presence of pier passengers has no effect on fatal accidents among teens?
Joshua’s Law says, in order to obtain a class D liscense at 16, you are required to have done an approved training course having how many hours? How many behind the wheel?
30 hrs, 6 hrs
Fatal car crashes among teens 16 yrs of age is 14x as much at night.
Provisional liscence, Class D, has a restriction that says immediate family members may ride for how long?
6 months
Persons under 21 are presumed driving under the influence if the chemical test says what?
.02 or higher
Can you refuse to take a chemical test?
What will happen if you refuse to take a chemical test?
You lose your license for 1yr.
What has proven to be the best occupant protection rerstraint?
Seat belts
Georgia law requires all recipients in the car to wear seat belts.
Maintaining a 1 sec space margin provides you with easy line of sight.
Alcohol is used more than tobacco or any other illegal drug.
Minimum drinking age in Georgia is 18.
On a Class D liscense, what are the hours of restriction?
From 12 at midnight to 5 AM.
The use of weed can fight infections?
Using allusagins can make you see, here, and feel things that aren’t really there.
Prescription drugs are safer than non prescription drugs.
What does ADAP stand for?
Alcohol Drug Awareness Program