Final Exam Flashcards
January 30, 1933
Hitler becomes chancellor
Cabinet: only 3 Nazis, the rest were conservatives like Franz von Papen, this was meant to reduce Hitler’s radicalism (the taming strategy in practice)
1st concentration camp: near Munich
Slave labor camp: they were all over Germany, workers brought in to produce for the German war effort
Leaders of certain groups were taken here (like the Catholic Church, rival parties, etc.)
Some of the men who were arrested during the Night of Broken Glass were sent there
Theodore Eicke
originally in control at Dachau. Encouraged force —> if someone didn’t obey, beat them.
He was then put in control of overseeing camps and ghettos along with other SS leaders
death heads. Theodore Eicke was the leader.
Wilhelm Frick
Reich Minister of Interior
architect of the “legal solution”
April Laws
part of Frick’s “legal solution”
supposed to put so much pressure on the Jews that they were forced to emigrate
Law for the Restoration of the Civil Service
one of the April Laws
cleansing of the civil service of anyone who supported the old gov’t (Weimar Repub.)
Not all Jews, those who served in WWI or descendants of those who died in WWI were exempt
civil servants incl. teachers
Alfred Rosenburg
one of those pressuring Hitler to take action after some Jews started returning to Germany because they thought the worst had passed
Nuremberg Laws
Every fall Nazis had a national rally
Hitler wanted to announce new foreign policy – olive branch to Italy
Just as this was happening Italy invaded Ethiopia & got kicked out of the League of Nations
At the last minute Hitler had to find a new announcement, comes up with this
Reich Citizenship Law
Jews were second class Could not participate in the life of the state (volk)
Laws for the Protection of German Blood
Jews and non-Jews could not have sex outside marriage, nor could they marry each other
Any woman under 40 not allowed to work for Jews (seduction, rape)
Couldnt use movie theaters, public bath houses/pools, or parks
Part of the legal solution!
person who had both Jewish and Aryan blood
Hermann Göring
wanted to unify police under himself, lost to Heydrich
Goes after economy instead
Advocates for Aryanization
Wants to use this wealth to fund German rearmament
4 Year Plan
Get Germany ready for self sufficiency in a 4 year span
transfer of Jewish wealth/property/assets to Aryan control
“living space”
the expansion that the Nazis did over land
gaining more space for people to live
“union” between Germany and Austria when Germany annexed Austria
Evian Conference
conference held to discuss German treatment of Jews
quotas were set up for Jews, countries would not take any more
Herschel Gryngszpan
German Jew
assassinated German diplomat in Paris
Act incited intense porgrom
Joseph Goebbels
Reich Propaganda Minister
Didnt serve in WWI
Wanted to be a poet but wasnt successful
Became a bank clerk – realized how financially powerful Jews were
Rejected art for art – thuoght it needed to be for political gain
People should want to attack Jews
Crystal Night
aka Night of Broken Glass
aka November Pogrom
SA descended on Jewish quarters of all the cities
Property was destroyed
People beaten – fire dept. and police told not to respond
Did not have popular uptake like they hoped
November Laws
- insurance companies were not responsible for the things lost in Crystal Night
- fine placed on Jews who were taken into “protective custody” – would not be released until the fine was paid
- increased speed of Aryanization
Reichstag Speech of January 30, 1939
if Jewish financiers plunged the world into another world war, the end result would not be Bolshevism, but the end of the Jewish race in Europe
T-4 Program
kill all the physically and mentally disabled
“unworthy of life”
Christian Wirth
Oversaw the T-4 Program with other SS leaders
Karl Brandt
Hitler’s personal physician
Carried out the “mercy killings” of the T-4 Program
Nazi Soviet Non Aggression Pact
aka Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact 1. nonaggression 2. nonalignment 3. benevolent neutrality secret part: 1/3 of Poland goes to Russia when Ger. attacks
Reinhard Heydrich
very high ranking SS official
Reich Central Security Office (RSHA) leader
Reich Central Security Office
aka RSHA
combined all the police/military forces under Heydrich’s control
Security Service
aka SD
intelligence agency of the SS
Operation Tannenburg
plan to exterminate Polish Jews
Polish territory annexed by Germany in 1939 after invasion
Nisko Project
Plan to set up a reservation in Lublin for Jews being relocated in Poland
Zone 3
Hans Frank
governor of General Government Poland
Opposed population resettlement because he didnt want his portion of Poland to become a dumping ground
General Gov’t Poland
Second Zone in plan for population rearrangement in Poland during occupation
First ghetto
Opened Mach 1940
last to be liquidated
Chiam Rumkowski
Leader of the Jewish Council in the Lodz ghetto
Thought everyone should work hard for the Germans so they were indispensible
“Heim ins Reich”
“back to the Reich”
Foreign policy towards ethnic Germans
Reich Commission for the Strengthening of Germandom
Part of the population resettlement
Heinrich Himmler
high ranking SS official
Wanted to implement the final solution
Those who could work would until they had nothing left to offer
Those who could not work were not important (essentially kill them immediately)
Madagascar Plan
Nazi plan for relocation – send all the Jews to Madagascar
June 22, 1941
Operation Barbarossa
Invasion of the Soviet Union
Originally mean to kill commissars in the Soviet Union
Ended up killing mass numbers of Jews as well, right alongside commissars
Commissar Decree
shoot them on sight
Arthur Nebe
Part of the SS
Part of Einsatzgruppe B
Attempted assassination of Himmler
Directive of July 31, 1941
Issued by Göring (allegedly) to Heydrich to look into what it would take to implement the final solution
Babi Yar
Was the largest massacre to date
People shot and fell into the ravine at Babi Yar (Ukraine)
Wannsee Conference
Present findings of the feasibility study for what supplies would be necessary for the final solution in Europe
1: make transition easy, east people as they are taken into the camp – essentially lie to them and tell them it would all be okay
2: those who worked in the crematorium, all males, chosed for stature – made people get into gas chambers and disrobe, then had to dispose of the bodies
I.G. Farben
chemical company – manufactured artificial rubber for the Nazis because they were lacking in imports of rubber so they needed to make it themselves
Operation Reinhard
all the Jews in Europe – get them
Used until the other 3 death camps were up and running
one of the camps used in Operation Reinhard
one of the camps in Operation Reinhard
one of the camps in Operation Reinhard