Final Exam Flashcards
Process writing
an approach to teaching writing that has been researched in depth with both first language learners, and English Language Learners.
Writing Strategies
1) Prewriting- Talking and oral activities; brainstorming, clustering, questioning, reading, and keeping journals in all content areas
2) Drafting- Fast writing; daily writing; journals of all types; buddy journals, dialogue journals, learning logs.
3) Revising- Show and not tell; shortening sentences; combining sentences; peer response groups; teacher conferences.
4) Editing- Peer editing groups; proof reading; computer programs for spelling, etc; programmed materials; mini-lessons
5) Publishing- Writing may be shared in many formats; papers placed on bulletin boards, papers published with computers, papers shared in school book fairs.
Strategies to help assist beginning level ELL students
Literacy scaffolds
Oral Discussion prior to writing
Partner Stories Using Pictures and Wordless Books
Pattern Poems
Peek-a-boo books for Younger Students and Riddle Books for Older Students
Strategies to help assist Intermediate level ELL students
Show and Not tell Sentence Combining Sentence Shortening Sentence Models Mapping
Developmental stages in student spelling
1) Prephonetic spelling- Letters or letter like forms do not represent speech sounds
2) Phonetic spelling- Letters represent sounds, words are decipherable
3) Transitional spelling- Conventional spellings are mixed with phonetic spellings
4) Conventional Spelling- Most words are spelled conventionally
Ongoing assessments during regular class time
Most classroom based assessments will be informal assessments. Classroom based assessments should be based on
- Should be based on observations
- Tied directly to your curriculum standards
-should be collaborative, providing opportunities for students to evaluate their own work
Portfolio- A folder that contains a variety of samples of student work related to a particular curriculum area.
What are formal assessments?
Standardized tests. It includes group administered tests, and individual standardized tests.
What are informal assessments?
Informal assessments measures include such items as teacher made tests, miscue analysis of oral reading, checklists, anecdotal observations, student work samples.
Miscue analysis
Is a reading assessment tool that focuses on the readers miscues, or variation from print made during oral reading.
Peer response group
Groups that help the writer during revision
While people are learning a new language hey develop interlanguage which is an exhibition their own evolving rules and patterns. As these rules and patterns evolve over time, learner systems gradually resemble more closely those of the targeted language.
CALP refers to formal academic learning. This includes listening, speaking, reading, and writing about subject area content material. This level of language learning is essential for students to succeed in school. Students need time and support to become proficient in
academic areas. This usually takes from five to seven years.
Skills (BICS) are language skills needed in social situations. It is the day-to-day language needed to interact socially with other people. English language learners (ELLs) employBIC skills when they are in the cafeteria, at parties, playing sports and talking on the telephone. Socialinteractions are usually context embedded. That is, they occur in a meaningful social context. They are not very demanding cognitively. The language required is not specialized. These language
skills usually develop within six months to two years after arrival in the
The study of linguistic meaning.
English word order rules.
Example: If the children had said “ weeds the pull” they would not have any sense because they would have violated English word order rules called syntax