Final Exam Flashcards
What provides the government with it’s major source of revenue?
What do taxes go towards?
- Funding operating expenditures
- Paying federal & provincial debt
How much revenue did taxes provide the government with in the 2011-2012 fiscal year?
Most importantly, what do taxes affect?
Everyday decisions for individuals, businesses & government
What is no longer possible?
Simple computation of taxes
When did the formal tax system in Canada begin?
In 1867 when Canada became an independent country
What did the Constitution Act 1867 grant?
It granted the federal government unlimited power to pass tax statutes and raise revenues using any system of tax
What are the objectives of taxation?
- To redistribute wealth equitably
- To strengthen federal-provincial relations
- To be internationally competitive
- To maximize the growth of output of goods & services that are in the public interest
What are the different types of taxes? (10)
- Direct tax
- Indirect tax
- Value Added tax
- Consumption tax
- User tax
- Head tax
- Tariff
- Transfer tax
- Property tax
- Income tax
What is Direct Tax?
Tax demanded by the government from the vary person to whom the tax applies
What is Indirect Tax?
Tax demanded from one person in the expectation that he will reimburse himself at the expense of another
What is Value Added Tax?
Tax levied on the increase in the value of a commodity that has been created by the taxpayer’s stage of the production or distribution cycle
What is Consumption Tax?
Tax levied on the consumption of some product or service
What is User Tax?
Tax levied on the user of some facility
What is Head Tax?
Tax levied on the existence of a classified group of people
What is Tariff?
Tax imposed on the importation or exportation of certain goods or services
What is Transfer Tax?
Tax imposed on the transfer of property from one owner to another
What is Property Tax?
Tax imposed on the ownership of some particular set of goods
What is Income Tax?
Tax imposed on the income of individuals, corporations and trusts
What are other sources of revenue?
- Printing money
- Borrowing money
- Gambling
- Increasing the tax rate
- Customs and duty fees
- Wealth/Death tax
- Capital tax
- Payroll tax
- Provincial tax
What are the 3 taxable entities?
- Individuals (T1)
- Corporations (T2)
- Trusts (T3)
What is a Resident?
- Where a person normally lives
- Everyone is a resident of some country
- Some persons can be deemed to be residents of more than one country
How are residents taxed?
- Taxed on world income for the entire year
What is the criteria of a Non-Resident?
- A person who did not leave a dwelling in Canada available to return to
- Did not leave a spouse or other dependents in Canada
- Did not leave any personal property in Canada
- Did not establish permanent residence somewhere else
What is a Part-time Resident?
A person who leaves or enters Canada once in that tax year
How are Part-time Residents taxed?
- Taxed in Canada on world income for part of the year in which they were resident in Canada
Who is a Deemed Resident in Canada?
- Ambassadors, Ministers, high commissioners, officers of servants of Canada
- Agents general, officers or servants of Province
- A spouse of 1 or 2 above if they were Canadian residents in some year
- Children
How are Deemed Residents taxed?
Taxed on world income for the entire year
Describe the taxation of Employment Income
All salaries and wages (including gratuities) and taxable benefits received from an employer
What is the main taxation principle when dealing with corporate tax?
Tax payable on Profit
What is a sojourners?
A person who is temporarily present in Canada for more than 183 days during any calendar year
When are sojourners deemed to be residents?
- Deemed to be resident for the entire year even if their actual home is outside of Canada
- If present less than 183, not deemed a resident
What do Canada and the United States have with regards to taxation?
A tax treaty that shares tax revenue
How do you determine the residency of a Trust (T3)?
Trusts are deemed resident where the trustee, executor, administrator, beneficiary, heir or other legal representative resides
What is the taxation year end date for individuals?
December 31st
When is the taxation year end for corporations?
Corporations can choose their fiscal year end to suit the needs of their business
- Ex. Clothing stores are busiest at Christmas, may choose March 31st year end date
What class are partnerships taxed as?
Individuals (T1)
What two options do corporations have with regards to annual profit?
- Retain profit - share value increases
2. Distribute profit via dividends - share value decreases
To avoid having double taxation on corporate profits, what two tax breaks does the government provide to shareholders?
- Dividend Tax Credit
2. Capital Gain Tax Rate of 50%
What does CICA stand for?
Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants
Who must abide by the rules of CICA?
- Any publicly traded company (over 50 shareholders)
- Must adhere to mandatory audit provisions
What does IFRS stand for and who does it apply to?
- International Financial Reporting Standards
- small or private companies
- no mandatory auditing
What is ASPE?
Accounting Standards for Private Enterprise
What is CCPC?
Canadian Controlled Private Corporation
What is the Small Business Deduction?
- First $500,000 of annual income pays special reduced tax rate
- any additional money made over that is taxed at the highest rate
What does ‘Revenue Recognition’ mean with regards to the GAAP rules?
Revenue must be recognized when it is earned
What is the concept of Accrual?
Revenue can be claimed when the money is still owing?
What is the concept of Matching?
Must match expenses to revenue recieved
What does GAAP stand for?
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles