Final Exam Flashcards
“It always creates the world in its own image; it cannot do otherwise.” What is Nietzsche speaking of?
“Philosophy” (end of Aphorism 9)
What, according to Nietzsche, did all philosophers want to supply for morality?
“A rational foundation for morality” (Aphorism 186)
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What does Nietzsche mean by “the moral hypocrisy of those commanding”?
“They know no other way to protect themselves against their bad conscience than to pose as the executors of more ancient or higher commands (of ancestor, the constitution, of right, the laws, or even God)”. (Aphorism 199)
What is the imperative of herd timidity, according to Nietzsche?
The embrace of the “sheep” and the desire not to punish; “we want that some day there should be nothing any more to be afraid of” (end of Aphorism 201)
What is the democratic movement the heir of, according to Nietzsche?
“The Christian movement” (Aphorism 202)
“Anyone who has once thought through this possibility to the end knows one kind of nausea that other men don’t know.” What “possibility” is Nietzsche speaking of?
“The overall degeneration and diminution of man into the perfect herd animal” (End of Aphorism 203)
hat are “genuine philosophers,” according to Nietzsche?
“Commanders and legislators … their knowing is creating, their creating is legislation, their will to truth is - will to power” (end of Aphorism 211)
What was ever the enemy of the philosopher, according to Nietzsche?
“The ideal of today” (beginning of Aphorism 212)
What does “the concept of greatness” entail today, according to Nietzsche?
“Being noble, wanting to be by oneself, being able to be different, standing alone and having to live independently” (end of Aphorism 211)
Who, according to Nietzsche, are beyond any doubt the strongest, toughest, and purest race now living in Europe ?
“The Jews” (middle of Aphorism 251)
What was lacking in England, and always has been lacking there, according to Nietzsche ?
“real power of spirituality, real profundity of spiritual perception; in brief, philosophy” (beginning of Aphorism 252)
What type of society has been responsible for “Every enhancement of the type ‘man’ . . . so far,” according to Nietzsche?
“the aristocratic society” (beginning of Aphorism 257)
Why exactly is the “last man” the “most despicable man,” according to Nietzsche?
No longer able to despise himself; his race is ineradicable; last man lives longest
Why does one still love one’s neighbor, according to the last men in Nietzsche’s account?
“One still loves one’s neighbor and rubs against him, for one needs warmth”
What is “the liberal-democratic formula,” according to Rocco? What formula do the Fascists have, according to Rocco?
Liberal-democratic formula: “Society for the individual”
Fascist formula: “Individuals for the society” (CR, 115)