Final Exam Flashcards
What are the four major theories on Baptist origin?
- Baptist Successionism
- Anabaptist kinship theory
- English Puritans / Separatists
- Polygenesis
What is the meaning of the term “Anabaptist”?
Baptize again
What are the basic tenets of Anabaptism?
- Lordship of Jesus
- Statement of faith before membership
- Baptism by immersion
- Religious freedom
- Authority of the Bible (people of the book)
What was the difference between Puritans and Separatists?
Puritans were non-separatists trying to purify the church from the inside.
Separatists gave up the “established” church and took up the “gathered” church
Who was Robert Browne?
A Separatists who wrote a “Treatise of Reformation without Tarrying for Anie”
Who was Henry Barrowe?
Follower of Brown, and a Separatists who wrote “The Four Causes of Separation”
Who was Francis Johnson?
An appreciator of elder rule and established “The Ancient Church”
Who was John Robinson?
A Semi-Separatist who’s followers were on the Mayflower and settled in America
Who was Henry Jacob?
A moderate separatist and founder of the JLJ Church
Who was John Smythe?
First a Puritan. Then became a minister in the Church of England. Left and pastored a Separatist congregation that grew and moved to Amsterdam. Thomas Helwys funded his church’s move. Smythe started a new church, baptizing himself. Later, Helwys excommunicated Smythe and many members. Smythe’s followers eventually joined the Waterlander Mennonites.
What were some differences between General and Particular Baptists?
GENERALS - Arminian, no hymn singing for the first century, foot washing was prevalent, accepted associations more readily
PARTICULARS - Calvinist, encouraged hymn singing, did not readily accept associations
What were some of the benefits of starting associations of churches?
Fellowship Opportunities
Forum for discussion over concerns
A means to spread beliefs / doctrines
What was the JLJ Church’s connection with the Particular Baptists?
Many Particular baptists split from JLJ Churches over baptism.
What was the first confession of faith for Particular Baptists?
The 1st London Confession
Who was Roger Williams?
Came to America and started the first Baptist Church in Providence, Rhode Island.
Who was John Clark?
Started Second Baptist Church in Newport, Rhode Island.
Who was Thomas Gould?
Started First Baptist Church of Boston (the 5th Baptist church in America).
Who was George Whitefield?
A Calvinist field preacher who preached during the English Revival.
Who was Dan Taylor?
Started the New Connection of General Baptists after becoming disillusioned with the General Baptist General Convention.
What was the First Great Awakening?
American revival
Key Figures: Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, Gilbert Tennent
Separate Baptists were also known by what name?
New Lights
Separate Baptists started what association?
Sandy Creek Association
Who pastored the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London?
Charles Spurgeon
What was the Down Grade Controversy?
Spurgeon used this term to describe when the Baptist Union in the UK wanted to adopt the Pentateuch as unhistorical. Spurgeon was one of the view that stood up for a literal reading of the Bible. Spurgeon ended up leaving the Baptist Union over this issue.
Who was William Carey and what were some of his accomplishments?
The father of the modern day missionary movement. Particular Baptist missionary to India. One of the founders of the Baptist Missionary Society. Member of the Serampore Trio (Carey, Marshman, Ward). Started Serampore College. Translated the Bible into many languages. Spoke out against the cast system and helped abolish Sati.
Who was Andrew Fuller?
Proponent of Evangelical Calvinism. Challenged hyper-calvinism. Published “The Gospel Worthy of All Acceptation”
Who was Daniel Parker?
Proponent of the anti-mission movement. (hyper-calvinism)
What divided the Northern and Southern Baptists?
Geography - Meetings were held in the north
Missions - Southern slave owners being able to go
What are the five Baptist distinctives?
Supreme Authority of the Bible
Believers Baptism
Local Church Autonomy
Preaching and Evangelism
Separation of Church and State
What is Guidestone Financial?
Aids Baptists with financial resources.
Health / Life Insurance
Retirement Plans
What are the baptist ordinances?
The Lord’s Supper & Baptism
According to Dr. Melick, what were the two issues corrected by the conservative resurgence?
Inerrancy & Christology
Explain the Cooperative Program.
It is the means by which the Southern Baptist Convention pools its resources together to accomplish more in the Kingdom than anyone could by themselves. Individuals give to church, church gives to CP and there are no reserves.
Who is Melchior Hoffman?
Leader within the Anabaptists. Believed Jesus did not inherit flesh from Mary but came to earth through her like water through a pipe.
Who was Menno Simons?
An Anabaptist leader, Arminian beliefs, and believed true believers could abandon the faith and fall from salvation.
Who was John Wesley?
Founder of the Methodist movement. Field preacher.
Who was Abraham Booth?
A Particular Baptist pastor who disagreed with open communion
Who was Andrew Campbell?
He believed that Baptists should drop confessions of faith and treat the New Testament as an authoritative law book.
Who was Walter Rauschenbusch?
Promoter of the social gospel
Who was Adoniram Judson?
Missionary to Burma. Sent by the Congregationalist church, but when he arrived in Asia, he was a convinced Baptist.
What year was the Southern Baptist Convention founded?
Who was Nat Turner?
Black Baptist who led a slave revolt in Virginia
Who was Booker T. Washington?
Black Baptist who encouraged non-militant racial reform. Believed hard work would gain the esteem of fellow citizens
Who was W. E. B. Du Bois?
Shared Washington’s views, but encouraged civil agitation and insisted that protest must accompany hard work.